True or false?
True or false?
I don't understand.
Just because a game can't be played by blind people doesn't make it bad, just like how a game able to be played by a blind person doesn't make it good.
>argument not provided
They're called VIDEO games for a reason
True for rhythm games and punch-out
Everything else? Fuck no
Obiviously false.
How is this even a question?
False. Next question.
You don't really need an argument for an objective statement
If you could beat anything on the first try you will never learn anything.
>blind people should be happy only being able to enjoy this small subset of games
Unless you got gud already.
This is correct. If they want to play video games for blind people then they should make their own.
It's kind of difficult to make video games for blind people outside of those examples
Let's hear your ideas if you think differently, wise guy
Go back to reading those expensive bumpy books
Blind people aren't supposed to enjoy anything, it's why God took their sight.
Objective =/= True, weebfag.
>he doesn't want to play as that cool blind monk who can hear every "whoosh" of the bad guy's swings and adroitly duck and beat the crap out of their stunned asses
Yes, maybe they should try playing AUDIOgames instead of VIDEOgames.
And if they want them so much they should develop them themselves.
Theres a reason why that usually only happens in movies and stuff while real blind people are usually just run over in traffic y'know
Reality sucks
If it means timing then no
Otherwise games like remember me would be considered GOTY every year
OP is a raging faggot, as always.
maybe they should read a book instead
If the game's mechanics are impossible to understand without a tutorial it's bad game design.
shit man now I wish I had a blind friend growing up who I could just make up vidya for and make the noises myself. he could hold a controller, I watch what he does and then I just dm up the rest. shit could have been cash
>be blind
>use screen reader to browse Sup Forums
>OP posts yet another ebin twitter screencap I can't read
>judge from the replies it's something related to being inclusive to blind people
Good job, OP. Way to lead by fucking example.
true because every game in existence is possible to beat on the first try using only audio cues if given enough time
>If a game is impossible to beat on the first try using only audio cues, it is a bad game
>Dude is the objective truth
There are proofs for 1+1=2, dumbass
Where are the proofs
I am not seeing you provide any
The proof starts from the Peano Postulates, which define the natural
numbers N. N is the smallest set satisfying these postulates:
P1. 1 is in N.
P2. If x is in N, then its "successor" x' is in N.
P3. There is no x such that x' = 1.
P4. If x isn't 1, then there is a y in N such that y' = x.
P5. If S is a subset of N, 1 is in S, and the implication
(x in S => x' in S) holds, then S = N.
Then you have to define addition recursively:
Def: Let a and b be in N. If b = 1, then define a + b = a'
(using P1 and P2). If b isn't 1, then let c' = b, with c in N
(using P4), and define a + b = (a + c)'.
Then you have to define 2:
Def: 2 = 1'
2 is in N by P1, P2, and the definition of 2.
Theorem: 1 + 1 = 2
Proof: Use the first part of the definition of + with a = b = 1.
Then 1 + 1 = 1' = 2 Q.E.D.
I should ask Dr. Math why OP is such a faggot
So someone arbitrary set those values?
WeW for proof, I set that that OP is wrong then.
>that usually only happens in movies and video ga- stuff
I've played many video games and not once have I played as a cool blind monk that can hear every "whoosh" of the bad guy's swings and adroitly duck and beat the crap out of their stunned asses
In fact I can't even remember playing a single game as a blind person, let alone a cool blind monk
>In fact I can't even remember playing a single game as a blind person, let alone a cool blind monk
Morrowind, Hand-to-hand only, with the Boots of Blinding Speed
No, I'm saying it would be fitting to play as one regardless of it "only happening in movies and "stuff""
Yes you can arbitrarily select values and it's true, that's the point of a proof you fucking uneducated imbecile
How the fuck would you know which buttons to press in a rhythm game using sound alone?
That's the dumbest shit I've ever heard
Lel this nigga really posted this
And you're a fucking uneducated imbecile for denying that it's a fact that some games are good and some games aren't, regardless of whether or not they can be played blindfolded for the first play-through
Maybe the mutual point is that making games for blindness would only be plausible with 7.1 surround design.
if a game is impossible to beat on the first try with no visual or audio queues and no limbs with which to give player input and the IQ level of a toddler it is a bad game
What the FUCK are you talking about, did you have a stroke?
>it's called the WHITE house for a reason
>Seeing you provide
>waaaah it too haaaawd
Get out of this "industry" if making anything other than cookie cutter by-the-numbers pixelshit is prohibitively challenging
You should only have one or two buttons, depending on visuals in a music-dependent game is basically a series of QTEs
False, but only because of the "only audio cues" part.
Campaiging for games to actually appeal to really marginalized people such as deaf or blind people would make for some interesting as fuck gameplay mechanics, and sjws would have to accept that they have less privilege
>if a BLIND person cant play VIDEO games its a bad game
You heard it here first folks, all games are bad.
Absolutely true.
And this is why Fez and Her Story are broken.
Any person getting upset on behalf of blind people deserves to get their eyes gouged out with a spoon
All games except OOT.
Shit, I didn't read the audio part, I thought OP was talking about games you must "beat" once before even being allowed to truly beat them.
But no, OP is a faggot, sorry for the misunderstanding.
That's pointless, the proof is a double tautology.
>with the help of friends
I think they are underestimating just how much help
>linking Kotaku on Sup Forums
you must be new here
Fuck off.
Heartwarming, I guess, but that shit is weak, they held his hand through most of that
Now THIS is cool:
>What the fuck are you talking about
Can't even keep up with your own argument, kek
There are some really neat proofs out there
On the most basic level you know if you have one rock and another rock you have two rocks.
The same can be applied for all mathematic functions.
The "proof" of these things (apart from the basic knowledge that you already know) is rooted in what number are and how they interact.
Discrete Algebra touches this stuff and it was probably my favorite math class for how abstract it approaches the maths.
The variables are already given.
Its 1+2=3
Not x+y=3
>what is braille
>use screen reader to browse Sup Forums
john madden
John madden