ITT: series that peaked with the first installment
ITT: series that peaked with the first installment
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FEAR 2 was literal garbage and not a single person gave a shit about FEAR 3
Making fun of him was the smart thing to do
DMC1 is the only DMC game that wasnt made for buttonmashing retard kids
the only one that comes close in quality is DMC3- go back to your containment thread
3 is literally the worst one
4 > 1 > 2 > 3
Yeah, he said take your bait elsewhere, everyone knows that guy is a rich blowhard with shitty, self-obsessed opinions.
>the best one is the one with pastel anime artstyle and the easiest buttonmashing combat for kids yet
inb4 its the best because le style switching when DMC has ALWAYS lost to other hack and slash games in pure mechanical depth and always had to rely in presenting a stronger stylistic image
fuck off you actual child
heh, nice try kid
pic unrelated?
Pic unrelated.
Probably this one too but I haven't finished Witcher 2 and haven't played Witcher 3.
You know that DMC 2 had different directors during its development right? kamiya said that it if it wasnt for itsuno coming in at the last minute to fix it the game would have been worse.
This has to be bait, nobody can actually be so retarded
Silent Hill 1 was much scarier than Silent Hill 2. That's objective.
>level design is the most important part of an action game
stopped reading there combat has always been the most important part of any action game
funnily enough "combat" has two sides and this is something DMC3 and especially DMC4 have apparently forgotten
And Silent Hill 3 was much scarier than 1. Which is also objective.
Not him, but it's important to a big chunk of the people that will buy the game to play it casually. Not everyone in interested in mastering 1-man Mahvel relaunch, jump-cancel shit. There's a reason the series is on life-support.
I love 3 too, and the continuity of that sorry.
I get it you cant do any of the combos because you're shit.
Dragon Age: Origins
If were talking about Cultural and commerical peak
What the fuck are you talking about? The enemies? Because Devil May Cry 3 had a whole bunch of well designed enemies.
>There's a reason the series is on life-support.
because everyone wants the asscreed and bamham style of combat.
Are you retarded? I can, hence why I see exactly why there is nothing interesting about those games
raping helpless enemies is only fun when it actually means youre good (DMC1)
In DMC3 and 4 you fucking up helpless enemies is the supposed default state because most of them are lumbering bags of shit ready to just take it, the only differences off the top of my head being the arachnids in DMC3 and Blitzes ( which are just unfun waiting game garbage) on DMC4
go play your fighting game training mode since youre too shit to play games that actually require challenge
That's awesome Chen!
Now stop shitposting ever again!
fighting games aren't that difficult m8
>Enemies attack sparsely and lumber about waiting to be juggled.
Kek. Not him btw.
Name a single devil may cry game where doing any combo is required to beat the game.
Let me know when a mook actually manages to kill you in Itsuno's games.
Why would I care about that? Being able to chain all your attacks together has always been the appeal behind DMC.
2 and 3 were both superior to 1
that face when playing DMC1 and 2/ 3 shadows appear
3 was pretty good desu
No, it's because the game just isn't broad enough for mass appeal. It's a linear slog that's a vehicle for a SP fighting game practice mode as you go from drab room to room fighting enemies until a barrier breaks.
It's a niche title, but clearly that's not good enough for Capcom. I like DMC btw.
DELETE THIS! I Like the mediocre level design, terrible writing, awful characterization, horrid soundtracks, braindead AI, and blatant training mode combo simulators of the later games! I love the memes lol Vergil is so motivated!
fampai if you can't git good just get over it
Dead Space.
>games arent hard
>lol get good :^)
Who are you quoting?
Some definitely are. Eddy and Venom come to mind instantly being characters that people months to get a basic grasp of. Shit like Arakune is much more difficult to master than jump-canceling speed toggle combos. I agree with you for the most part though.
Your response doesn't even make sense. Get good at what? I can practice combos if I want or I can just steamroll through DMC3 and 4. Combat "depth" isn't how many different moves you can do an arbitrary system mechanics to encourage it. Combat depth is having to be strategic. DMC3 and 4 have terrible level design and writing, which is bad because of how much backtracking and cutscenes are in the games. The enemy AI is atrocious and therefore the only appeal to the game is how wild your combos are. It's a gimmick that gets old quickly.
I bet you think Metal Gear Rising wasn't a terrible game.
>arguing about video games over the internet.
Where did it go wrong anons?
>Combat "depth" isn't how many different moves you can do an arbitrary system mechanics to encourage it. Combat depth is having to be strategic.
stop being retarded
why are these the only non-bait posts
Not him but are you ACTUALLY fucking retarded? He genuinely schooled you and 99.9% of the DMC mememaster "fanbase" at the same time, hence why is genuinely correct
go fucking mash buttons for HAHAH SO COOL LOOKING XDD combos while adults play actual games, does your mom also set MKX into the training mode for you so you can jack off your prepubescent willy over how "deep" it is to wail on the defenseless dummy?
OP posted b8 so everyone assumed that this was bait thread.
Now can we talk about how Sonic 06 is underrated and classic Doom is a horrible game?
>Not him
go kill yourself
nice edit.
Could've been a decent thread if OP'S opinions and means of justifying them weren't shit.
The games have sold really well though.
The reason the series is almost dead is because Capcom is terrible at making decisions.
Literally replayed DMC1 and while it's solid, it's got non-existant depth and is vastly inferior to DMC3.
I actually liked the more Resident Evil styled level progression though. I wish DMC3 and 4 were more like it in that regard.
>it's got non-existant depth and is vastly inferior to DMC3.
good clue that someone knows nothing about the game
it has the type of depth that actually matters in an action game and revolves around genuine skill such as decimating phantom by reflecting the meteors back instead of dodging them
DMC1 focuses on providing you with actual challenge and lets the player fight that with tactics and reactionary skills, something like Nightmare perfectly encapsulates how good the game is (the entire boss is about threat management- the "cores" that the boss exposes have permanent damage that persists throughout each time the boss appears, so if youre careless and damage/ outright break a core the wrong way the boss will be harder the next time)
DMC1 is about threat management, dealing damage and staying safe from the enemies- meanwhile the rest of the series is about mashing combos on enemies that barely do anything as if the increased amount of moves somehow justified the reduced enemy difficulty
>it has the type of depth that actually matters in an action game and revolves around genuine skill such as decimating phantom by reflecting the meteors back instead of dodging them
Why the fuck would I even bother doing that when he dies in 4 hits from Air Raid?
DMC1 is meant to be played on the higher difficulties.
also what youre saying is made even more retarded by the fact that in every other DMC game the "le depth" is simply you being able to stunlock enemies by mashing jumpcancel
That's a funny joke, user