Which model of the PS2 is the best one to buy?
PCSX2 + AMD isn't good enough
Which model of the PS2 is the best one to buy?
PCSX2 + AMD isn't good enough
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Not the last slim model that they came out with, that one is a hassle to pirate, any other model is fine except for the original, as the DVD reader likes to crap out if you plan on using pirated dvds.
Anything does the job, really, but in terms of completeness, this is the best you get.
Newer fat models lack that rarely used i Link, and slims don't have hard drives.
If you get a fat, you can use an internal hard drive to pirate. But the lasers are unreliable.
If you get a slim, don't get the super late model that doesn't support FreeMCBoot.
Just bought this last night, was it a good deal?
hmm since it has component cables and 3 memory cards i think it's a solid deal.
Nigga, didn't you make a thread last night asking the same question?
fat because you can put a hard drive in it.
those better be first party memory cards
also should've got at least two pads
Fat for homebrew
>get pic related and IDE Hard drive
>pick either Free MCBoot or Free HDBoot
>Almost endless PS2 gaems
You can get the slim too, but it's not that easy to mod, and the 9000 series needs a hardmod.
Fat PS2:
>FMCB compatible
>Can play burnt games or off a hard drive (need to buy a piece for the expansion bay, it's not expensive like $20-$30)
>Codebreaker works off usb without problems
>Fat's ugly
Slim PS2:
>FMCB compatible
>Can only play burnt games, no HDD
>Codebreaker sort of works but you need to take out the USB after the CB logo appears otherwise you'll be frozen on a screen
>Slim looks better
I got both models but my slim is in storage, the fat's better for pirating and dicking around with. If I didn't have a hard drive though I'd probably prefer the slim.
Isnt the best one the 39000R1 or some shit?
free hd boot?
Do games run smoothly off the hd?
what about slim through etehernet off external or server
>Do games run smoothly off the hd?
Even better than DVDs. In terms of performance it's the best.
>what about slim through etehernet off external or server
Some FMV stuttering.
Free MC Boot isn't the only way to homebrew a Fat PS2
More or less, some games have issues. Which games, I forget.
You could do that too, just know how to set it up.
They run smooth off HDD, faster loading screens. You don't want to use an external, there are people that connect their PS2 to their PC via Ethernet to play ISO's on the PC's HDD somehow. I could never figure it out.
I have 2 slim PS2
A CRT TV with only component input
What can I do with this?
Actually it supports with a modchip (Matrix Infinity etc), just set uLanchElf to autoboot. Config uLaunchElf redirect to freeMCBoot menu.
Put the yellow in the green slot.
Do you possibly mean composite?
Oops, yeah I did.
Well, what more do you want? Plug your console in your TV and play vidya.
How good is the PS2 emulation of PS1 games?
freemcboot with network loading, you set up a partition for you PS2 vidya, put your games up there, share it, connect ps2 to your pc or router over ethernet and load vidya from network
Do you mean the native backwards compatibility or do you mean the emulation?
it just werks
well for most games
Something called an SMB server, at least to some anons in another thread on /hbg/
Good enough that there's no point in having a PS1, if you're not interested in the incompatible games?
Any specific fat ps2 models to avoid? Any fat ps2 problems to try and prevent, like with the fat ps3's over heating like mad, you can put thermal paste and buy a fan mod. Anything for a fat ps2?
I'm a SMB user. Due to a complicated process, somewhere in my daisy chain of mess I have wifi in the process, and it caused some quirks. Instead of investing in a NAS which is a networking hard drive, this $30 thing pretty much turns a socket into LAN port, a USB port for your iso vault (or charging your phone) that has its own router page which will help you set up OPL in the PS2. This device was described as a traveling and portable networking swiss army knife, so I think it's definitely worth checking out.
810 is the new 300mbps version and 710 is the old, discontinued 150mbps version.
Its not really an issue as long as you keep your console clean
Any good guides on how to properly burn PS2 games to discs? Some games use DVD9 and are like 6+ gigs.
Many people burn games but the games have problems due to the burning process.
I just want to play Xenosaga trilogy. Buying is too expensive, for the 3rd game specifically, and emulating those games are shit too. STILL.
nothing I've heard of, most often problem is the laser reader dying and that becomes unessential if you load vidya from HDD or network
It actually depends on the game and if you use OPL or HDL to launch the game, iirc God of War has stuttering cutscenes on one of the programs but doesn't stutter on the other program.
How do I load PS2 iso's off the HDD of a fat ps2?
Any good guides?
There are some games that I know for certain have bugs and issues but are still playable that aren't listed there. Vigilante 8 runs at a lower framerate and has graphical glitches, for instance.
If you can get a cheap PS1 in addition to a PS2 then there's no harm in having both of them, hell they use the same power cords and AV cables so you can just switch to the PS1 when you want to play PS1 games.
flash the FHDB noobie pack to your hard drive and you're good to go
So what are my options for playing ISO's on my slim PS2?
What models do I look for when buying a slim PS2 and what methods are available?
>SMB server
Looks complex
>burning games
Might do it
>external hard drive
Isnt both fat and slim PS2's USB 1.0 or 1.1?
>Looks complex
it's not that hard
don't do the external HDD because it's slow as shit due to the USB 1.0 or whatever speeds.
Burning games is the easiest way but you gotta buy the discs and always have that chance of your reader failing as it's the first thing that dies.
Any ps1 console mods?
external hard drive is completely shit
either burn games or use SMB
You can solder a harddrive dock onto the earlier slim models to get hard drive support
Networking will make you want to pull your hair out unless you've figured it out, or you're good with networking. Investment: a way to boot the Free McBoot installer, like buying a cheat utility disc or borrow a friend's, plus a crossover cable.
Seems easy enough, but you still need to exploit or modchip your PS2, deal with investing in DVDs and headaches of burning, especially for dual layered games.
Fine for playing PS1 games but it's too slow for PS2 games.
>Hard drive
If you have a IDE hard drive laying around, it's worth looking into, but I don't have one and I'd rather look into SMB than to spend extra money on old tech, and old hard drives don't have large capacity anyway.
I thought burnt PS2 games was done by using the slowest write possible and using DVD-R, no? Or am I thinking of the Wii?
look up winhiip to do that. Would post a vid, but the first 5 minutes of most of them don't really get to the point.
slowest write possible is a meme. Modern DVD drives don't require that.
>I thought burnt PS2 games was done by using the slowest write possible and using DVD-R, no? Or am I thinking of the Wii?
Its ps2. Slowest speed possible. Some say 4x some say 8x some say 1x some say even 16x is fine though.