WoW: Why did you stop?
because of stupid shit like in your picture. it's like a walking circus when you go on there thanks to the shitty art direction and everyone having the 'omg most epic' gear, whereas before the gear actually looked like it belonged to the world.
the game is shit now.
Grew up
0 content
Every hardcore raiding guild on our server disbanded, even the one that had been #1 consistently since 2007.
If that doesn't prove the game is dead, then I don't know what to tell you.
played one month with free cinema code
got to lvl 100
got ilvl to 715
and realized i would be grinding mythics because no one would pick me up for raids unless i was 740.
it was fun but not enough to resub
I started working and going to college full time.
They gutted leveling by making it streamlined and easy while leaving the endgame stale.
I got to level 23 but nobody was around and I got bored
Cata came out
They switched focus completely to endgame, but the endgame got worse. So there was no fucking point to the game.
Because lack of content. People expect mmos to give them unlimited content which is what not to look for.
I resub for the content that looks interesting to me and play until there is no more content. However blizzard fucked up and I never saw any reason to resub since the first month of the expansion. Worst one yet. I only just resubbed because of the WoW movie and prepatch coming this Tuesday. WoD was complete garbage and shit and anything blizzard does to it is a vast improvement.
Heirlooms means new characters and players have to suffer obnoxious cunts more than usual, this discourages them from playing pvp or dungeon grouping. Stops playerbase from growing, it can only shrink.
Any mmo's that are similar to vanilla WoW?
I grinded 100k in april and also got the waterstrider mount and it burned me out.
Waiting for the prepatch, gonna try to make ez gold off it
Kept getting streamlined more and more and more, eradicating player interaction. By Lich King the game didn't even need an open world any more, it might as well have been like Phantasy Star Online or Guild Wars with a multiplayer hub and instanced world areas.
Then when Cata rolled around and a bunch of my guild quit, I realized they were the only reason I had still been playing for 2 expansions and I bolted too. From what I've read the game has only gone farther in the direction I hate, with Garrisons and LFR.
Blizzard made a neat MMO, and then tried to "fix" all instances of difficulty brought on when the multiplayer isn't as massive as normal to make it smoother. Just little convenience enhancements in case you need someone for something (a group, an enchant, just someone else to help kill these elite mobs,) and it resulted in no one needing anyone else to play the game anymore.
Cool that they are fixing your stupid "heirloom pvp" complaints. Like low level bgs wasn't unbalanced merely because of gear. Some classes are just overpowered as fuck regardless of gear at low levels. Looking at hunters and healers.
casuals and dirty foreigners prevented me from progressing so I got bored
>mfw pvping with my lvl 20 full heirloomd huntard
oh man good times
I stopped mainly because I just had enough
for the last 8 years I had been playing almost nothing but WoW
before WoW I used to play so many different games, so many different genres
but WoW took up so much of my time, I lost interest in playing all other games, or any other activity for that matter
I could've just taken a break to take time for other activities, but every time I did that, and I left the door open to return, I would return rather easily and quickly
it's like at the first moment of missing the game I would be back
that's what happens when the game offers a certain kind of familiarity and comfort
even if I didn't play WoW, I played other MMOs
all of which are basically like WoW
so I guess I didn't just have enough of WoW, I had enough of all MMOs
now I've been not been playing the game since September last year, retail anyway
I played around with Nostalrius a bit, but only brought my druid to 60 and I haven't played since December
I think at this point I just need to stay away from MMOs at all at this point
but aside from that, if I was ever to return to WoW, they would have to get rid of the cashshop and level boosts and paid services and the WoW token
I'm not gonna support that jew shit with a single shekel
I know nobody and I don't want to deal with faggots
>fixing heirloom pvp
They are? Source? I might just re-sub and bring my pre-heirloom twinks back out to wreck house.
Bumping question
I went blindly exploring and saw all the essentially dead areas, dungeons and raids that aren't even looked at any more besides for transmog gear, and saw that they really just removed everything fun until you were level 100.
Man, I bet Ahn'Qiraj was awesome upon release.
Same. Lvl 24 dwarf hunter. Most fun I had was exploring and leveling up with some person but got bored and it took up too much time. Never did any raids or anything.
Was fun while it lasted but I never got into the nitty gritty aspects of it being an MMORPG so I'm better off playing singleplayer RPG's. Or I just play coop dungeon crawlers with friends now.
Your twink will be worthless too. Everyone will scale evenly in bgs.
smelled the bullshit of WoD 2 weeks in. GET THEM APEXIS CRYSTALS YO
Loved 2.4, I endured ICC, skipped half of Cata, tired of MoP and SoO, quit 2 weeks in WoD and never been happier
Why do you spread lies? You can get in heroic with 700 and 715 is just enough to kill Archi
Except scaling fails in low level BG. Those white pieces of gear with no stats on them can't scale except for armor rating which is useless.
The 10-19 bracket has scrubs who didn't even quest enough in the starting area to pick up basic greens. And that's where I'll be. Abusing potions and professions, taking whatever weapon enchantments scaled best afterwards to give me whatever tiny edge over everyone else.
I exclusively play private servers now.
WoW isn't worth spending money on.
I've been stopping and starting since CATA. Blizzards design choices for this game have been bizarre, it's like once in awhile they nail it and other times they completely fuck it up.
Legion should be fun for about a month worse case scenario, maybe now that Titan is no longer an MMO and Overwatch is finished some attention can be given to WoW but I doubt it. Game is 12 years old, not even TF2 can bring back the glory days but it's not dead either.
WoW isn't dead, but there's nothing new or interesting happening with it. Unless Legion does something no other expansion has done before.
>mfw Ive had more fun playing return of reckoning than I ever have playing other MMO's.
Pandas. I put up with all the changes from vanilla all the way through Cata... but pandas were the last straw.
Action: Streamline the game
Result: Less depth, less longevity. The time between first install of the game and last uninstall inevitably shorterns.
Action: Destroy the community and social aspects tied to the game.
Result: Vast majority of players now play alone or in guilds that are only there because grouping up is required. Loyalty and interested to the game inevitably decreases.
Action: Continue fucking up each and every expansion and introducing idiotic systems like Garrisons.
Result: Increasingly incensed fanbase, who will look to use the company as an outlet for their frustration.
Recipe for long-term failure.
My private server shut down
After literal 3 blunder expansions I think it's finally time to stop hoping for anything good to come.
Really? Fish people were fine. Bear people were fine. Walrus people were fine. Rat people were fine. Pig people were fine. But panda people? That's crossing the line for you?
Get the fuck out of here, faggot.
I started collecting minipets and I am getting butthurt at bullshit timewasting like having to wait winter to catch the snowy owl.
Boring shit
My guild disbanded and doing dungeons and raids by myself wasn't fun
Played up to wotlk on and off, had my fun. Played cataclysm just because I had already bought the expansion and still regret it to this day. Shit started getting beyond retarded then and has only gotten worse ever since
Cut my losses while I could
I was extremely casul. First as a rogue, but then got tired of how grindan involved slowly sneaking up to each target, backstabbing, doing the rotation, and then repeating for every individual target. Was too slow to me, but I may also have been really undergeared. Then I played a warlock, which felt more fun. I quit for some reason, then came back when WotLK was announced because death knights sounded awesome. I then realized quickly why I stopped playing: most of the time I spent looking for a party so I could do dungeons and level up. I never did reach 60.
I do remember stalking the lands and exploring with an apocalyptica playlist in the background. Felt adventurous.
It became a single player game
started with vanilla and it just feels old now even with the expansions. there's also no reason to talk to anyone outside of your guild now.
I don't really care about pvp scene in wow, I was just assuming. I've seen people kicked from dungeons for lack of heirlooms though.
I stopped being 16 and stopped liking repetitive videogame treadmills with no purpose or goal.
Same shit happened to Runescape.
So many reasons.
>no content
>expected to grind through 4 tiers of the same raid
>retarded "chosen one" story
>number inflation
>garrison garbage
>characters are stuck on dead realms and i'd have to pay blizz's jew tax to be able to play them in reasonable environment
>butchered leveling
>fucked pvp
There is just no reason at all to play WoW.
because it's the classic year-long gap between expansions even though they always say they want to get expansions out faster
also WoD is a hot mess and world pvp is essentially dead unless you walk directly into an enemy city
i'm getting sick of their lies but will probably be back in legion
Kung fu pandas were crossing the line, yes.
Blizzard relying on an April fools joke to carry an entire expansion was crossing the line, yes.
>6 friends join during vanilla wow
>I join too
>fucking fun, good memories
>friends leave after BC
>i leave too
thats all. I miss those times more than the game itself.
When blizzard announces Vanilla servers at blizzcon 2016 will you play?
I agree. I remember back in the day when you walked around town and saw Might or Wrath Warriors they stood out like legendary heroes compared to the rest. Today everyone looks like a fucking avatar of the christmas tree god. Glowing eyes, firelit sword, glowing shield, chimney shoulderpads, wings, crazy mount that could be the last boss of any vanilla raid. Things are just out of control design wise.
Have fun getting XP for kills and wins and leveling up out from your twink range.
Or you can turn off XP gain from BG's but then you'll me matched up woth people who done the same. so you'll face other twinks.
Not worth it mate
because there's something much better out there
You think you do, but you don't.
Forced by my parents.
I'd been playing for 4 years, non stop for 2. This was back in 2009, when I was 16. I got 4 hours of sleep at night, skipped school for weeks, and completely disregarded the world around me.
Had to cold turkey for 4 months with zero computer. That worked, though, and I never got back into it again despite trying it a bit here and there. It just wasn't the same.
Wouldn't do it again.
Pic unrelated
Because they started a slingshot to end game. I am the guy that loved doing every quest in an area, reading the flavor text, experiencing the story, and in the end being just high enough a level to move on.
I know that makes me the minority but there you go, when the game became not for me I stopped playing.
Class homogenization
Ability purge
Cross realm play
Lfg finder
Lfr finder
Poor PvP balance since cata
Dead community
Turned into single player mmo
Content difficulty reduced to be extremely brain-dead outside heroic raids
nice meme
because i realized i only played 8 days out of the month i payed for
I burned out during WotLK when I had to run heroic and non-heroic versions of every raid each week to gear up replacements for the people in my guild that kept quitting. I never killed Lich King in 25m
Went back for the beginning of Cataclysm but that only lasted 1 month for me.
I may go back not just because Legion looks neat but because it's still the best mmo out there and I'm at a point in my life where I can't raid anymore. It's the perfect casual game.
game killed itself after wotlk. anyone that played during this era won't argue it either.
Cata started strong.
Blizzard stood by having dungeons resemble vanilla levels of difficulty only to bend over after they lost a considerable amount of subs.
>takes two weeks to get to max level
>takes another two weeks to get best armor set for pvp and pve
>double kek
>sit alone in garrison alt-tabbed
>epics are basically common at this point, theres greens/blues that are rarer
>legendaries are actually rare
>blizzard knows they can make more money off of shitty in-store pets/mounts/othercosmeticgarbage so they spit out those instead of actual content
>left cata after a year cause they clearly ruined the game at that point
>came back for a couple months in mop, ruined the game a little more
>went in with positive thoughts for draenor, was disappointed af but not surprised that they're still not trying
the only thing keeping WoW somewhat alive is the nostalgia train and they're brand name "WoW", same as halo and cod
not falling for it this time
Leveling was so jacked up that I couldn't even run dungeons for fun because I'd outlevel them before I had the items I wanted. Couldn't enjoy questing because, again, I'd outlevel all the content in a zone before I'd finished anything.
Then I got to the endgame and it was all boring shit that I had no interest in.
Played the pet battles and that was pretty fun -until I collected all the shit and beat the tournaments, and then there was nothing else to do.
So I quit.
Jesus christ I hope you never try alcohol or drugs, sounds like you have no self control at all
Was going into college and summer was about to end. All my buddies quit. Plus the expansion was coming and I wasn't forking out more money for it.
I may have missed out on BC and WOTLK, but whatever. I have no regrets. Ended up having a social life and experiencing a lot of great things instead of being locked in my room all day.
Never did. I've played off and on since vanilla. Early expansion 5-mans, challenge modes, and raiding with my guild are still as fun as ever.
>new expansion is 40 euro
>gametime is minimum like 13 euro because fuck you i dont have that kind of gold
>will last all of a fucking week before it gets boring
They ruined there own game, everything that made it popular is no longer in game.
Man, I miss old Heroic Stonecore.
Incidents like that is what gives you self control.
I'm putting myself through university right now working part time and paying my own bills. The military straightened me out discipline-wise. But I enjoy alcohol and weed on a regular basis still.
WoD wasn't nearly as engaging as I was hoping for. Played for so long that I got everything I wanted doing and then some done in MOP.
>it's like a walking circus when you go on there thanks to the shitty art direction and everyone having the 'omg most epic' gear, whereas before the gear actually looked like it belonged to the world.
Because Blizzard stopped giving a shit about the leveling experience and made it for endgame or bust
>LFG system negated ANY needed to communicate with other people
>LFG system made open world pvp virtually nonexistant because everyone was just queing in town and waiting
>LFG rewards completely buttfucked any counterpart equipment found in any dungeon.
>BoA equipment being the go-to twink/leveling equipment for the game and made open world a match between the BoA wearer's and their laughably incomparable enemies
>PvP dumbed down to ARENA ONLY.
>In a game themed around WAR, Blizzard gave higher priority to skirmish battles between 4-10 people instead of the 40v40 fights on AV that last hours.
And the current fanbase laughs in your face if you mention leveling being a fun part of WoW.
Yeah cause leveling with your friends, meeting new people, rolling for drops that actually matter, pvp ganking and building a memorable community is worthless. Fuck me, right?
You are a massive faggot. That is handpicked gear to look as ridiculous as possible. Not only that, but as soon as people leveled to max level, dungeons sets normalized appearance.
100% Yes
The game ended up having LESS content over time. Dont know how they made that happen
Everyone who likes the old WoW should try out Monster Hunter Frontier
Its only 8 dollars a month and there is a nice English Guild
Because I got tired of running old instances for mounts and toys
Yeah cool, now I can look like a clown with a set.
Lack of content and updates.
>hating on tier 2
what a complete pleb
You are so full of shit.
WoW armor always looked goofy and impractical as fuck.
This. The raiding scene is completely dead with WoD. A shame, raiding was the only thing that got more complex and improved with time. I wish they would show sub numbers for legions launch, I want to see the huge drop off (in the millions) 2 months after launch.
>waaah why aren't they spending more resources on something people only have to experience once per character???
is this what it's like to be braindead?
>Realistic practical armor before
>Garbage over-designed tripe after
Thanks Blizz.
I went through the dark portal for the first time yesterday.
what private server?
I got burnt out on raiding after heroic Deathwing. Well, really during our heroic DS progression in general, but I stuck it out. So I decided I didn't want to raid anymore, at least nothing more than raid finder. After that, everything else felt kinda meaningless. Tried picking it back up during MoP, and while I enjoyed leveling, the entire time I had a nagging "you could be doing literally anything else" feeling in the back of my head. Got to 90? Whatever the cap was, did a couple days worth of dailies and then stopped and haven't played since.
warmane lordaeron
How was it?
This entire thread should be sent to Blizzard. For real
Tighter restrictions on talent builds in Cataclysm already rubbed me the wrong way, but luckily I got out before that current abomination of a system hit live.
Every expansion since TBC I hoped they would remodel the mage talents to a playstyle rather than a role, but instead we got shoved into Frost for PvP, with Fire and Arcane for PvE. In Vanilla, both Fire and Frost were viable for both PvP and PvE. Even a combination was possible, with 00/24/27 being an amazing PvP build.
Hell, Fire wasn't even that bad in TBC PvP, and could even be on par with Frost at times. Relatively higher health bars and resilience punished Fire more than it did Frost, but it was the Water Elemental that completely shoved the odds in Frost's favour. That thing was absolutely ridiculous. The extra ranged freeze was just too much.
All I really want is PvP as a fire or elemental (frost/fire) mage. I played up to and including Cataclysm and from what I've seen, only Vanilla was able to offer that option. Blizzard's neutering of the talent trees was supposedly done because players tend to go for cookie cutter builds anyway, and they didn't want to leave out the one idiot that made terrible talent choices. They created this problem themselves though, by continuously tightening restrictions and pushing for builds until the element of choice became redundant. They fucked up their talent system by making it redundant, recognising it's redundant and deciding that's why it has to go.
they asked me to pay a monthly fee after the trial
>Tighter restrictions on talent builds in Cataclysm
stopped reading right there
a memer who thinks the new talents offer less choice than the one-or-two-per-spec cookie cutter builds of +1% betterness talents has zero opinions worth reading