Why are there no comfy new vegas threads anymore?

why are there no comfy new vegas threads anymore?

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There are, though. Every day.
>Tfw going to hit 1000 hours soon
Legion playthrough up next, give me tips if you have any.

Why is the Medicine stick so good ?

Try and not go full enemy of the ncr for the train mission, melee survival if it wasn't bloody obvious, after level 15 go absolutely ham. Jacobs town for oh baby is a safe bet for great damage, other than that, rushing water and get some poisons.

Falllout New Vegas is pretty comfy game desu.

what is this sorcery

I haven't come across any the last few days, probably bad luck. started thinking that maybe mods started deleting them

Did anyone else try to collect all the lotto tickets despite knowing they did nothing? I do it every run-through.

theres been at least 2 a day
maybe use the catalog?

I'm on 4chanx so I use the catalog exclusively. probably just looking for them at the wrong hours

Get Chances knife immediately after leaving Goodsprings

Any tips for an explosives build? SPECIAL and perks I should get?


move the d3d9.dll into the exes folder you macaroni


Google was completely unhelpful, never told me to do that. Also, thanks, it works now.

high STR and END probs
take mad bomber perk, demolition expert, splash damage and hit the deck
might want to put some points into energy weapons so that you can use flamer fuel-based weapons

>Actually managed to get Pro's only
Which Chinese gold farming team did you hire to play for you?

What even happens when you get every achievement in any game on steam?



What. Crackerjack Man-Machine and Deathclaw Pro are fairly easy


why don't you faggots just make a general like you're supposed to?

Please explain what you mean by oh baby. Is that a weapon/ item?

It's a very powerful supersledge.

Ah. Thanks

Where can I find some good respawnable armor for a level 27 character?

QUICK Sup Forums

What are best mods? Specifically graphics mods.

>new playthrough
>get achievements for a few quests that I've already done on multiple previous runs
>what the fuck
>look it up
>discover that using the console at all disables achievements

Who the hell thought that was a good idea? The game barely fucking functions without fixing shit with the console every ten minutes.

>dead whores with the runs

[exited beeping]

Long Dick Johnson

Fine by me.

Just don't treat me like a pack brahmin, alright?


I like to keep graphical mods to a minimum, so western sky and maybe fellout if you don't mind pitch black nights
outside of graphical mods, spice of life is neat, adds some nice armors/clothing
just as a warning, my cover bandaging skills are a little rusty
goddamn I love this faggot


there is another new vegas thread that was made 13 minutes before you made this one, so i guess you're just retarded and/or blind.

link it ? didn't find it in the catalog too

It's hard to sleep in this place, I tell ya; this girl was pounding on my door all night, finally I had to let her out.


I really want to make a new character I've already got an idea for but I've got sooo much shit to do on my current playthrough(I'm somewhere around For The Republic, Part 2/The House Always Wins, V in the main game and have only done HH from the DLCs). wat do
that one was mine but it died lol

the one with Rex as the OP. so you're retarded, blind and you can't recognize one of the most iconic characters in the game. chances are you've never even played New Vegas.

so far I've done his quest only once over my 7 playthroughs


2bh it could have been a lot comfier if they had gotten a half decent engine to work with. Everything in Bethesdas Gamebryo just looks so...bland.

Oh that one, I thought it was a general thread


>tfw getting bored of new vegas and there's literally nothing to replace it with

i used a mod to give all achievements and disable the console disabling achievement shit

when I get bored of new vegas, I go back to warband for a while

Take your chances with the wheel of rolls

just because you're a faggot doesn't mean Rex isn't iconic. he's the only dog follower in the game and his quest leads you to one of the most interesting towns in the game. everybody who isn't a faggot does Rex's quest.

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. scratches a lot of similar itches for me.

Alright lad I'll have one more crack at it from the start

>mfw I spent 80 hours on my second playthrough and then just kind of dropped it 3/4 through

Maybe I got burned out by installing shitty quest and location mods.


Already played them to death too

I think I've just got nothing to go on because since 2012 there's been maybe 2 decent games a year

>he's the only dog follower in the game
so? also you've got Roxie in OWB
>his quest leads you to one of the most interesting towns in the game
or you can just explore the map and get there yourself. I didn't get to jacobstown for the first time through Rex's quest

Did you try installing TTW user?


doesn't change the fact that he's one of the most easily recognizable characters in the game, and you are a massive faggot.

Did a while back but don't have it atm

oh yeah, everyobdy thinks about Elvis' dying dog you can even miss when playing when they think 'New Vegas'

yes, because fallout 3 is the answer when you get bored of a good game

Here we go again.

Might as well borrow this thread:
I've never played New Vegas with mods, but I'm tired of all the bugs and glitches. I'd like to start a 100 % playthrough with a new character and J. E. Sawyer's mod. I'd like to know what mods you New Vegas veterans recommend that quarantees me as bug-free and smooth gameplay as possible. Mission Mojave is a must have, I presume? Anything else (I don't want to manipulate anything else in the game, no new content or anything like that)?

idk about mission mojave but for sure you need new vegas anti crash, new vegas stutter remover, fnv4gb, YUP and better game performance mod

>Start game
>Get to coyote cave
I just can't anymore, I want to but I cant

you can miss all of the companions and beat the game in two hours if you so wished. you should instantly recognize all of them, and if you don't you're not a real new vegas player and most likely have less than 500 hours of playtime.

Just coming to ask why you guys talk about new vegas all the time, in threads ranging 100s of posts while nobody talks about fallout 4?

>have TTW installed
>loads of loverslab sexout mods installed
>a few quality of life mods installed
>gonna do a junkie play through and sell my body for jet and medx

Awwww yeeeaaah Im gonna do some deprived shit

there's no point arguing with you, it is clear you are some wicked robo furry with Rex for his husbando. go jack off to Five Night's at Freddy's, weirdo.

>never played fallout 3 or new vegas with TTW installed
Perhaps i should? My issue really is that there are a lot of mods i usually like to use, and i hear there are problems with TTW? But then again that was long ago.

Is there an actual use for the Star Caps? It's not just some nasty trick by the devs, right?

>never played fallout 3
it'll be ruined by new vegas, same thing happened with me

I have played fallout 3 and completed it several times and have hundreds of hours in it. What i mean is that i have not played it with TTW installed

you can use them at the sunset sasparilla factory

Let's do this!

you go to the sunset sarsparilla bottling place and then talk to festus to turn in your caps faggot

Fallout 1.5 Resurrection came out, if you want to play that.

I got burnt out on NV trying to run all my saves through the dlc, went on to play Jagged Alliance 2 1.13 instead


As much as I enjoy a good crpg, its not a replacement for new vegas. I want shooting/punching etc as part of my gameplay

What's the treasure? I ran into Malcolm guy yesterday and when surveying his inventory I noticed he had six of the star caps. I let him leave, though.

How many of the caps do I need to get to the treasure?

ah, the sweet taste of victory.


Cant decide so roll


TTW had coma a long way and is perfectly usable. For me that is. You need to search for TTW patched versions of the mods you want. Typical rule of thumb is, if it edits something globally (like damage) then search for a TTW version.

But NV native mods work fine, just dont expect then to work in the FO3 portion of the game, because the FO3 only enemies etc would not be called on by the NV mod. There is a converted mod page on the TTW website. If a popular mod is not on there it should be fine as it doesn't need to be applied to anything in the FO3 part.
Now, sorry for the essay, the installation was fairly retard-proof. I can confirm, I'm a retard. I think, but I'm not sure, I've had a few drinks, that you need a custom version of Fallout Mod Manager (FOMM), but I could be confusing that with a Loverslab mod for FO.

Just check the requirements for it, I think you need the GOTY version of both games. I pirated them both so I didn't bother checking that.
For the piratefags among us like myself: they only say that the mod will not work on pirated versions because they are just covering their own asses. I have pirated both games from noSTEAM and it works just fine.

Thanks user for the answer. I want to replay both games, clean. I do own all fallout games digitally as well as physically though (i have that fallout nuke) so perhaps i should check out TTW. If mods work OK like you say

>go to McCarran
>spawn Lanius on top of 1st Recon
>they kick his ass with only two losses

I just played through Dead Money for the first time.
Jesus Christ was it fucking spooky and eerie as fuck. I swear to God, it was like I was trying to speed run through it.
>mfw 1 HP and those fucking ghost chuckle fucks decides to chase my ass

What in the goddamn?

Just set the difficulty on Very Easy man.

Against All Tyrants/Armed For Bear: Fairly easy, choose the faction you hate the most and kill some of their named members, combo it with other challenges if you want to complete the lower level achievements (eg kill Ceasar with a knife)

Man-Machine Interface: Grab a lead pipe, go to nellis at night so you don't aggro the Boomers and beat the shit out of the Mr.Gutsies that roam the place. If they're not enough, there are many sentry bots in Repconn, although these are harder to kill.

Deathclaw Pro Hunter: Quarry junction, wear your best armor, use a better weapon to weaken them and finish them off with a silenced .22. It's easier to sneak since even on Very Easy they still deal significant damage. I found that a good spot is to climb to the top of the crane since they take some time to reach you if you aggro them and you can finish them easily from there.

Hope this helps.

TTW on its own and nothing else works just like you were playing FO3 vanilla IMO. Except for minor things like the starting pistol being a NV 9mm instead of the 10mm. And the NV DLC gear (there are mods to disable the DLC gear if you want a true vanilla experience)

I think new vegas is the only fallout game without german weapons.

>Deathclaw Pro Hunter: Quarry junction, wear your best armor, use a better weapon to weaken them and finish them off with a silenced .22. It's easier to sneak since even on Very Easy they still deal significant damage. I found that a good spot is to climb to the top of the crane since they take some time to reach you if you aggro them and you can finish them easily from there.

I did the Deathclaw Hunter pro with a melee build and the switchblade while stacking slasher, psycho and turbo.
