What went wrong Sup Forumsros?
What went wrong Sup Forumsros?
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Too expensive, support from Sony was dropped too fast.
Basically once they saw low sales from the 1st gen, they stopped commissioning any new 1st party games, the only thing they released afterwards were games they had already started.
It's a massive shame as it's an amazing console.
Here's hoping the NX will have better-than-vita specs and actual support.
It makes a solid PS1/PSP game machine though
With the hardware? Not nearly as much as with the 3DS. Wish the 3DS had the fate the Vita has now. It could have saved the handheld market.
memory cards
3DS was Nintendo backing the wrong gimmick.
Given how cheap SOAC solutions are and the die shrinks since the Vita release, I'm hopeful the NX will be 720p with close to PS3 visual quality.
In every aspect (apart from hardware specs) it was an inferior product.
>Harder to hack so less homebrew features
>Didn't have a big enough 2nd party support during launch
>More expensive than a 3ds
>2ds drops and now there's less of a reason to get it
>Monster Hunter, a staple of the PSP library jumps to the 3ds
>This causes everyone in Japan to buy a 3ds instead
>More expensive than 3ds at launch, presenting you with the choice of getting Vita with some games or a 3ds with more games
Last time I checked they're still getting sold at £130 brand new. If they hadn't let MH jump ship or had something like Bloodborne as an exclusive it would have done well.
PSPs still go for £50, Sony handhelds keep their value well.
Shame there won't be any more.
2016 vita games we got so far and what's coming out later:
MegaTagmension Blanc + Neptune VS Zombies
Neptunia vs Sega Hard Girls
Atelier Escha and Logy Plus
God Eater: Resurrection
God Eater 2: Rage Burst
Shantae: Half-Genie Hero
Mighty No 9
Grand Kingdom
World of Final Fantasy
Digimon Cyber Sleuth
Odin Sphere: Leifthrasir
Gal Gun Double Peace
Attack on Titan
13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim
Toukiden 2
Danganronpa V3
Mobile Suit Gundam: Extreme VS Force
Moero Crystal (asain version has english)
Dead or Alive Xtreme 3 (asain version has english)
One Piece: Burning Blood
Salt and Sanctuary
Trillion: God of Destruction
Stranger of Sword City
Samurai Warriors 4: Empires
Senran Kagura: Estival Versus
Aegis of Earth: Protonovus Assault
Root Letter
Root Double- Before Crime * After Days
Shiren The Wanderer: The Tower of Fortune and the Dice of Fate
Psycho-Pass: Mandatory Happiness
Criminal censored Girls 2
Yomawari: Night Alone
Croixieur Sigma
Gundam Breaker 3 (asain version has english)
Zero Time Dilemma
Sword Art Online: Hollow Realization
Atelier Sophie
SD Gundam G Generation Genesis (asain version has english)
Hatsune Miku: Project Diva X
Skullgirls 2nd Encore
Ray Gigant
Trails of Cold Steel 2
MeiQ: Labyrinth Of Death
Mystery Chronicle: One Way Heroics
Dragon Quest Builders
Super Robot Wars V (asain version has english)
The Asterisk War
Steins;Gate 0
Summon Night 6
Touhou Genso Wanderer
Fault Milestone One
Adventures of Mana
Hakuouki: Sweet School Life
Tokyo Xanadu
Bad Apple Wars
Collar X Malice
Period Cube: Torikago no Amadeus
999: Nine Hours Nine Persons
Tokyo Twilight Ghost Hunters: Daybreak Special Gigs World Tour
World End Economica
Valkyrie Drive: Bhikkhuni
Guaranteed Replies
Oh look, it's this thread again.
I accidently let the screen on mine get scratched and now every time I play it I'm reminded how much of an idiot I am.
Still the best ps1 emulator ever though, just so long as whatever game your playing doesn't rely heavily on the L2 and R2 buttons.
>What went wrong Sup Forumsros?
Sony is so fucking stupid they thought they could challenge Nintendo's dominance in handhelds. Even Microsoft with their infinite money wasn't that stupid...
Moore pointed out the dominant position achieved by Nintendo in handheld gaming devices and said Sony's decision to enter the space would be "like developing your own little operating system and saying, 'Well, I'm going to challenge Windows.' "
What a bunch of dumbfucks. Thank god Sony is going to end up bankrupt.
How far is the hacking community with the vita?
Does the Hacking Community even care about the Vita?
Assuming someday you could play backups, would it even be viable since Siny uses special storage cards?
It's pretty dead.
A little.
Yeah, you would be able to still. We can edit stuff on the Vita memory cards.
Your constant threads, several times a week because you feel insecure over a console existence and seek to feel good about yourself for down talking people who enjoy it to get some stimulation in your pathetic life.
Otherwise nothing that hasn't already been discussed, every week, every hour, etc.
You do realize the 3DS is being eaten alive by smartphones, and is now selling worst than the PSP? That Pokemon GO means the next Nintendo handheld will be even more irrelevant?
Right, but before that people would always have a reason to buy Nintendo handhelds cause of Pokemon.
Get any new games anons? I was thinking of starting steins gate after I wrap up Digimon. Have trails 2 coming in soon, as well as god eater 2.
>relying on a shitty children's game to move consoles
>not realizing this is why the 3DS has so many garbage games aimed at children with censorship and simple design
I guess you get what you pay for, once Atlus moves SMT back to consoles, Nintendo handhelds will be pointless since they hardly make good games anymore.
I phished for PSN accounts so I've got a bunch more games now
I love my vita!
What a cool guy, can't even afford his own hobby.
You should start steins;gate on a friday. I basically beat the whole fucking game in 3 days and it's like a 25-30 hours read.
Did they stop making Digimon Vita copies? They are so hard ti find in Europe,
No triple A exclusives
PSP had MGS, God of war, kingdom hearts, etc
Vita has obscure masturbatory material, nothing else
>posts le weebshit games
every time
I hate your vita
I would post my newest games but they're digital only :^\
Those aren't triple A games.
The Vita has plenty of things that aren't fap bait.
"games are weeb if i dont like them'
Proceeds to play Pokemon.
The price of the system and it's memory cards.
Doesn't help that if you live outside of Japan or te US the thing is pretty much digital only and most shops only sell 4 and 8GB memory cards.
What has she ever done to you?
Too expensive, no games, bullshit expensive proprietary memory, no games, no homebrew, no games.
God of War is definitely AAA
GTA was also on PSP and is AAA
It's Sony's Wii U, it has no games based on who you ask, and it sells like shit, but it has a rabid fan base who buy almost all games coming out for it
Nothing, I just hate it.
>Too expensive
Vita is a very affordable platform.
No and no, AAA refers to budget, not IP popularity. IPs don't signify budget, nor a good game will be made.
>$200 for a system with no games
>Memory cards are still retardedly overpriced due to Sony's bullshit
>not too expensive
Why would homebrew be a problem if it has 'no games'?
homebrew =/= piracy dumbass
Because with homebrew, the Vita could at least be used as a portable emulation machine like the PSP was, only since it's more powerful than the PSP you could emulate systems more accurately.
I know these threads come up pretty often, but why does no one ever discuss the 3DS? Like at all?
Legit, most people I know don't even touch theirs past the first year, and it hasn't been getting any good games at all or games in general. Shit, we should discuss that too, the 3DS is legit garbage.
why on earth would buy a PS-literally-anything if not for the weeb games
SNES and GBA emulation on the PSP leaves a lot to be desired. And PS1 games benefit a lot from dual analog.
I'm pretty certain we have a GBA emulator for Vita and Rebirth bubbles for PS1 exist though.
Why when they have a million smartphones that could do the same?
Controls. The Vita's d-pad is sex.
Okay, what would you mod in that the console doesnt already have?
>PSPs still go for £50
Really? Shit, might look at selling my 1000.
A save file manager.
Expensive memory cards
No piracy
Sony locking the device down even more than a Apple device
No emulators
They have that, its called game backups.
? There are non-stop threads when a new exploit for piracy is available and it's mostly a shitposting thread like vita threads. If there's a reason to shitpost about it, there'll be a a thread, the Vita is just the easier of the two targets to shitpost about.
Post hotglue to prove it
Sitting around for ages waiting for the entire game to back up to my PC isn't very fun.
You have nothing better to do while it happens? You're wasting time right now.
Custom memory cards. No excuse to do that shit when flash memories exist.
The 3ds was super weak and it was their opportunity to shine, and they blew it and blamed the mobile market.
It's still a nice weeb machine desu
whatever, I know people that bought the PSP just for the GTA titles, or KH or the FF 7 prequel. Very few people are interested in the Vita's selection of pedo games, indies and HD versions of PS2 rpgs
she's lewd
I'm playing games on my Vita though.
>hates "weebshit"
this is how you find the filthy casual. gentlemen, here we have the average cowadoody 10 year old. he settles for buggy as fuck disasters like fallout. get good taste so someday your opinion will matter, kid.
>still using the old version of clover
Nigga I didn't say it had better games. All I was getting at is why the vita didn't do well.
>bought a vita for 50 bongbux
>16gb memory card for 10 bongbux
But the memory cards are stupid Jew prices, I was lucky to find a preowned one for that cheap.
gb memory card for 10 bongbux
Fucking hell, I thought I was lucky to get an 8GB for £8.
>this mad
Wew lad
My vita came with an 8gb one even though they said it didn't come with one because of data protection.
I actually bought 2 16gb memory cards, but one was a dud.
not mad, user. just letting you know that you should be ashamed of your shit taste.
What am I in for?
Most Vita games are shit and rightly described as weebshit though.
There's still a lot of good Vita games though, I love Muramasa for example. Despite being very Japanese it has good gameplay so it's all OK.
That you think a game has to justify its being Japanese means you absolutely do not belong here.
I don't think it has to justify being Japanese at all.
As long as it has good gameplay who cares?
But many Vita games fall into the same trappings with gameplay as an afterthought and pandering to anime fans being the focus. That's weebshit.
It would sell like hot cakes if it would get properly hacked
It seems GOAT for emulators
It already has all the old PSP emulators.
Nothing, It's better then the Wii-U and as good as the 3DS.
This is accurate.
They're trash in the current day.
They were amazing in 2009, I played basically the entire fucking NES, GBA and every single PS1 RPG on the thing, but the Vita has much more potential for systems like SNES and even dreamcast
I don't know if I'm just imagining it, but I think the PSP emulators run better on the Vita.
And in PS1 games, dual analog support is very appreciated.
>They're trash in the current day.
Not really. Everything bar SNES is pretty great on it.
>the Vita has much more potential
The Vita really isn't all that powerful, and its hacking scene is pretty much dead. Dreamcast is out of the question.
>I don't know if I'm just imagining it, but I think the PSP emulators run better on the Vita.
I doubt it. The clock rate is kept at 333Mhz to be compatible with PSP games.
>The Vita really isn't all that powerful, and its hacking scene is pretty much dead. Dreamcast is out of the question.
The Vita is ARM based. Porting reicast would be trivial
It's a shame that the scene is so dead though.
What's worse is that the 3DS became this generation's PSP. That things 240p screen was a blessing in disguise.
It's sad
I just want to play sonic adventure while all comfy in bed.
Phones just aren't as comfy as a real system
>Every what went wrong
>999 for vita
>danganronpa V3
fucking hype
People have come to expect it from the 3DS, DS, PSP and GBA.
No piracy means No emulators.
But the Vita has emulators and no piracy.
Keep in mind that almost all of thse games are multiplat and technically inferior on Vita.
Wait, 999 is coming to the Vita? Shit. I just might pick one up then.
That's not really true. There are emulators and homebrews for Vita.
The biggest problem the vita has is that monhun jumped ship in favour of 3ds releases for some reason. This killed what was undoubtedly the biggest reason to buy a Sony handheld for a great many people.
In Japan, at least it still has a place, but the equivalent market in the West is very niche. So many games never get localised.
Start Steins;Gate or Odin Sphere.
Don't even bother with ZTD, it's dogshit
It had Killzone and Wipeout and Uncharted and Littlebig planet and Silent Hill.
Aside from Visual Novels pretty much everything is getting localized though. This year alone Bamco released Digimon and will release 2 God Eaters and Gundam game. If you asked if any of those would happen just two years ago you would be laughed out of the thread.
The exceptions to that are PSO2 and Nova, Kiseki Evo games, some lewd D3Publisher games, a couple Marvelous games and VNs.
>Phantasy Star Nova never came to the west
Sega is literally worthless.
Neither did PSO2
I'm still bitter about Wipeout 2048 performing like such shit.
The idea was to have a console that competed with Nintendo by offering a home console experience as a handheld, but no one seemed to actually want that because they'd rather get a home console instead.
Then all the games went to 3DS because they were cheaper to make.
I'm gonna miss the Sony Handhelds.