>no good MMOs out now
>none coming in the foreseeable future
Life for NEETs is pretty rough these days.
What are your nolife time sinks at the moment, Sup Forums?
>no good MMOs out now
>none coming in the foreseeable future
Life for NEETs is pretty rough these days.
What are your nolife time sinks at the moment, Sup Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
Legion looks pretty good mate.
All the good ones are dead.
there's an SMT imagine private server being worked on
>Legion looks pretty good mate.
>What are your nolife time sinks at the moment, Sup Forums?
depends on what you are looking for. I'm currently NEETing on ESO and had tons of fun with it.
Started playing Wildstar today. The Mechari are pretty cool, but I can't seem to really get into the game. Something about it just seems to be lacking. World is pretty empty of players and it takes 2 hours to get into a dungeon. Quests are pretty meh. I like the path system though, thought that was pretty cool.
>no City of Heroes
get your shit together
is LOTRO any good
be honest with me
Turbine's been making it more and more like WoW over time, but I'm told it still has great RP community and well, you can play in Middle-earth. Problem is Turbine recently transitioned into a mobile studio and players are shitting bricks thinking whether they'll even renew the LotR license in 2017.
it was at launch
it sucks now because they turned it into a WoW clone
it's always been interesting to watch and compare how everquest 2 couldn't keep up with the times like wow did. it did not age well because of the art style.
>Lineage 2
I feel bad that I didn't get to really enjoy this game. There was a lot of shit going on in L2 but as a retarded 12 year old there was only so much I could really wrap my mind around.
I made all of my money by running monster trains on bots and stealing their gear before a patch stopped items in your inventory from dropping on death.
I started playing FFXI again a couple months back.
Is Aion still alive?
I had a decent playthrough of new vegas for around 30 hours /without dlcs. Try something with more story and decent gameplay. currently playing gw2 but life is hard if you a f2p. Your can only play the warrior if you want to do some high level fractals or raids and thats it, all other classes need the addon and fuck anet I wont give them a single dime
>Wildstar didn't even make the cut
If professions.
Nice, but the WoW screenshot seems on lowest.
EVE would be fun if there was more to do than grind and sit on beacons/gates waiting for fun.
that's just wow being wow. everquest 2 was age of conan of its own time visually.
Gameplay depth.
The people working on Wildstar were shockingly amateur. Bad decision after bad decision.
>he didn't like maplestory
I heard that most of Wildstars problems weren't from the game design developers but the poor management lead of the dev team. The team was poorly led which led to rushed decisions and last minute changes which ultimately impacted the game.
Swtor nowadays is good. Lot of content, good story and the leveling is 100% story mode and don't require a single fetch quest. PVP is fun, starship pvp is madness and the PVE is also ok with a lot of raids and hard content.
I've heard the same. But you can see stuff in-game too. They completely replaced the tutorials that take place on the Arkship in exchange for a super bland VR thing. And then once you hit the planet, these characters reference stuff that happened on the Arkship that you never saw.
I've been trying to find a solid one and it's been cutting my life to pieces.
Started out promising, very comfy boat rides. Then you find the PvE stays shit forever, the PvP is kind of a fucking mess with an even worse flag system, and to make any sort of progress you need one of the extremely limited spots of land that can be taken by bots on the other side of the world. Trion decided to respond to the many problems by delaying promised content and fucking it further in the ass with the cash shop. Didn't last more than a month.
All the same problems I had with retail WoW: it's pretty much a singleplayer game with a dungeon matchmaker. There is very little that drives players together until maybe at the absolute endgame when you want to do hard mode versions of raids. It has many cool comfort features, well designed boss fights and dungeons but ultimately it felt like just another linear singleplayer RPG, especially with the fucking mandatory main story quest.
Actually sunk four months into it and then RIP
>Tree of Savior
Just fuck my shit up and don't stop. Tries to sell itself as a RO successor, but it is anything but. Literally 240 levels of solo theme park questing (at which point you only form grind parties because the areas at this point are simply unfinished zones filled with placeholder enemies), the shittiest loot system ever conceived by an allegedly thinking team of humans, and countless performance problems. Since release nothing has been added but restrictions on real players in a misguided attempt to stop gold farming bots, except these restrictions are more like horrible inconveniences that bots don't care about because, you know, THEY'RE BOTS.
Guess I'll try TERA now?
it's still a WoW clone with a retarded story
FFXIV:HW dude.
There was this NPC after the new tutorial that said "Heard what you did on the Destiny. Pretty impressive,.."
I'm just like "What?" I never did anything. Total disconnect.
TERA mostly suffers from awful balance in both PvE and PvP. There's little reason to ever leave the main cities when you hit max level because the world doesn't have anything worth while in it, so you will wind up using the match making for dungeons a lot.
But the combat is still neat and it's not P2W so you might have some fun
I've been playing FFXIV, it's pretty good if you aren't a jaded MMO person. I don't even like the Final Fantasy series but I was able to get into it.
>Literally 240 levels of solo theme park questing
I don't understand why MMOs still do this. It's such an established and almost stale genre at this point, you really don't need to handhold people through so much of the game.
On the paper it may be a wow clone but when you play it doesn't feel like wow.
I love watching the lightsabers clashing and deflecting blasters. WoW is so static in comparison, there's no reaction for your actions.
Don't bother with XIV, it's shit. The players there now spend more time looking for threads like these to shill the game than actually play the game.
What I want is a game where you can still explore.
Sure make it a theme park, but for god's sake make it have no LFG tool. Make it so people have to TALK to each other. Make huge, empty but atmospheric zones you can waste ages traversing, make players lose themselves figuratively and literally into the game.
Something where wikis and external sites don't exist, and you have to go by hearsay and word of mouth.
Something where you can do other shit than fighting and be the hero all the time.
Anything like that?
sounds like WoW players
What do you guys think of Champions Online and DC Universe Online?
What you described is impossible in a modern MMO due to how differrent the audience is today compared to 10 years ago.
You will never get a word of mouth exploration MMO because datamining and day one wikis will always exist.
pale imitations
What is Maplestory like these days anyway? Last time I played was 2008.
>tfw not having to manually block lasers and guide movements
>MMO combat
Impossible. The internet made MMOs possible, but also killed them
idk about CO, but DCUO had that crazy not quite fighting game-esque combo system that incidently also had animation cancelling that I believe they ended up intentionally incorporating into gameplay.
F2P was kinda cool since the biggest and main restriction was credits, but there were crafting mats that basically acted as a secondary currency in that case.
World PVP was also kinda cool, different players having different movement styles meant that each had a method of escape that differed from the other. Acrobats could zipline, Speedsters could run away, and flying players could attempt to fly away from fights. 2 man dungeons were also pretty cool,
I'd kill for Outcast combat in an MMORPG, but that ain't happening.
It would be a week before somebody had a detailed map of the entire game on a wiki.
The internet won't allow games like that to exist unless you go No Man's Sky levels of huge and then it's just the same shit repeated a billion times with different colors
Just play FFXIV and never use duty finder, party finder everything or recruit friends you made on your journey. RP servers are excellent for this.
There's a well known guy on my server who is a traveling merchant that is a master crafter in all crafting trades. He can overmeld your high-end gear, craft gear for you to use to help you on your journey, give you advice on which markets are good for what specific items right now, and is more like a interactive NPC than another run of the mill "le epic raid slayer" player that WoW and other MMOs try to make every other player be.
Some Jedi Guardian PVP. 1st vid I found on youtube.
The dcuo devs had a ptr 1v1 dueling bg added and i got a chance to fight them, so that was the highlight of my dcuo experience.
Okay then forget the exploration and the hearsay, just give me something which has large zones, no LFG and a sandboxy nature.
I tried FFXIV, it's far too fast paced and wow-like for my tastes.
Poor guy got BTFO
>it's far too fast paced
most people here say it's too SLOW
Problem with TOR is its engine is utter shit.
>have a planet made for open pvp
>never gets realized because engine starts shitting itself when you have more than 20 players fighting
LFG tool is (almost) unavoidable unless content doesn't require structured groups with limitations, if its like "you can solo or duo all content or have more people" then maybe.
But even when gw2 didnt have a looking for group system, there were websites that substituted it.
I'm sorry user, that's all I want in an MMO too, but nothing like that exists
>DCUO had that crazy not quite fighting game-esque combo system that incidently also had animation cancelling that I believe they ended up intentionally incorporating into gameplay
Last played, DCUO had MOBA-level ability counts.
There will never be a good MMO again. MMO combat sucks, MMO questing sucks, all MMOs are the same copy and paste shit, there is no variety only endless variations of WoW and everything that was fun once.
MMOs lack creativity and I fear I will never play an MMO again.
>age of conan
Game that sadly got shat on because of rightly shitty launch. What is it with Funcom and MMO launches?
Not on a social interaction level it wasn't.
People here complain about le 2.5gcd meme when saying FFXIV is slow.
It was wow-like in questing, in the way classes work, in how dungeons work, in how groups work, in how zones work... I only got to 15 or so, but all I saw just looked like modern wow to me.
I just have these strange, mixed memories of looking for group during TBC while levelling and it triggers my nostalgia so much.
RIP us.
>it's far too fast paced
I'm a FFXIV player and that's the first time In my life I've seen somebody saying that.
Also...what does it have that makes it so "wow-like" for you? Not even the gameplay is similar.
That's true. I had much hope in the open world pvp till I reached lvl 50 and experienced how the engine couldn't bear 40 ppl on the same spot fighting.
MMOs lack creativity because there's a huge risk and investment behind developing them.
Many unique MMOs came out before WoW and even after WoW but plenty have gone bankrupt and failed because "it's not WoW" or it deviated too much for the typical MMO formula.
That's wholly conjecture.
MMOs are a dying genre. If people want to play a game with friends online, they just play stuff like LoL or Overwatch now. And those who do still want MMOs just stick to the current big ones now: WoW, FFXIV, TERA, etc. There's no room for new MMOs to succeed now so there's barely any to play or look forward to anymore.
It makes me really sad too, I'm in the same boat as you. Bored NEET that wants a comfy MMO to settle into. But I don't like any of the current ones out right now.
level 15 is hardly an indicator of how the game works, especially if you played on the trial.
class system works nothing like wow, dungeons aren't as faceroll as wow, zones aren't ignored like wow, the only thing similar you can compare to it and WoW are the hotbar combat system but that changes drastically once oGCDs start dumping on you.
>tfw no good PvP-focused MMO on the market
Feels bad man. Most comfy MMO experiences are getting a warband together and just beating face in on the field or in a battleground.
>It was wow-like in questing,
Every MMO has quests. Even non MMO games have quests. That's not being "wow-like"
>in the way classes work
No. There's not a single job in FFXIV that's played remotely like any of WoW's classes. On the paper it's true, "tanks gonna tank, heals gonna heal, dd gonna deal damage" but at the moment of doing it both games are so diferent they can't even be compared.
>in how dungeons work
Lot of MMO's have dungeons. WoW wasn't the first one.
>in how groups work
Every MMO has party/group content. Destiny has also groups. That's not a WoW feature.
>in how zones work...
Every Open world game has zones. Having zones is not a wow feature.
>I only got to 15 or so...
So you don't know fucking nothing. You had 3 skills and spammed one of them at every mob.
>but all I saw just ooked like modern wow to me.
Because both are mmo's and share basic features and that's it.
You are just crying because both share MMO features. That's stupid. Of course they share MMO features...they are both MMOs.
Now see pic related and tell me both games are similar
>Warhammer Online ded
God I miss it, fuck man
>What do you guys think of DC Universe Online?
Worst MMO experience of my fucking life.
The stories are pretty good, KOTFE is actually fun but the current state of the game is anything but good
>Animation bugs from release are still in the game
>No new raids in ages
>Many servers are completely dead AGAIN with no merge in the foreseeable future, this makes many game modes like Starfighter and world boss hunting impossible.
>PvP is still an unplayable joke just like in WoW.
>Crafting hasn't been updated properly for the new 65 level cap
>Barely any cross server functionality
I really want to like SWTOR but it's just so bad.
It got less coverage than wow.
I'm sure it an old image
wut? really? link, pls
Champions Online. It has a top tier building system (if you're Gold member) and the character creation allows me to play all my anthro characters.
FFXIV satisfies all my needs for a MMO
>New major patch content every 3 months
>Top 10 servers are more busy than other MMO besides WoW
>Novice Network chat channel has hundreds of people talking in it whether it's forming groups for dungeons, hunting monsters in the open world, or asking advice from other veteran players
>Can play every class on a single character eliminating the need for alts
>Crafting and Gathering have their own progression system and gameplay involved with high level crafts instead of hit 1 button = guaranteed success
>Can build your own house and have neighbors visit your house or you visit theirs
>Game client doesn't run like unoptimized shit (100+ FPS on a R9 290 with maxed out settings)
>Graphics look really nice in DX11 mode
>Loads of options to customize (UI size or hide features, kb+m or controller keybinds, text settings, spell effect intensity, etc)
The only real criticism I have with FFXIV is the lack of midcore content but that seems to be changing with Deep Dungeons coming in 2 days.
There's a private server going strong. Shit, even got DDoSed recently.
>dat feel when I saw a server go from 150 cap to 1400 cap
Do you want to be a super hero or do you want to be a sidekick/henchmen?
MMOs died with City of Heroes
>Matrix Online emulator NEVER EVER
I just wanna hang out by the MaraC hardline again
>no /vg/ thread for it
That's a bad sign.
How the fuck is Skyforge?
You are incredibly butthurt when someone says they don't like your favorite flavor of shit and DARES to compare it to a different one.
Zones are small and packed, following a theme more than any real world logic. Like WoW's. Exactly the opposite of what I want went asking for in my original post.
Dungeons are get in, spank shit, get out. Through an LFG tool. Exactly the opposite of what I asked for, again.
Classes are the standard holy trinity shit, you are not in a sandbox able to be a merchant or a dancer or a basket weaver for a living and instead have to be a tank/healer/dps. Thus yes, classes are similar to wow no matter how much the rotation differs (bullshit pic btw, I raided during wod as a brewmaster and constantly used at least 20 different skills with 20 more on hand just to react to shit without a fixed rotation).
WoW and FFXIV are INCREDIBLY similar. They are made from the same cloth and follow the same design concepts. Only difference is the implementation. They are not both MMOs, they are both the same KIND of MMOs.
FFXIV is not the kind of game I'm looking for.
>Player Count: 32/1400
Not him but why? /vg/ threads are cancers and even when the game dies, some how the thread isn't because it becomes a place full of circlejerking and drama.
>ddosed for almost a week now
Why would somebody DDOS a private server
But there's only 32 people online :/
my gym is a great mmo
you guy need to embrace it
it's ok
Not really, WAR wasn't that big with your mainstream when WoW was still king and then it died.
>playing ESO
As I recall, WAR's biggest problem was that it had very little endgame content. Which was actually a big problem for most MMOs coming out trying to cash in on WoW's success.
You know, trick is to keep reading.
>Not playing ESO
there was also the idea that you had "flip zones" to actually access end game proper or you couldn't raid capital cities. not a bad thing on paper, but player base fluctuates and shit so you can't rely on everyone contributing in order to open end game access for a limited number of high-end players.
Eh I'm enjoying Black Desert Online for now, 30 bucks isn't too bad for the amount of content and how much I like the combat
CoX was better.