Low IQ and Gaming

Professionally tested IQ of 88, here.

How has having a low IQ affected your gaming ability and habits, for those of you like me?

RTS and most strategy games are virtually unplayable for me, since I can't see the repercussions of a move or action for anything but the very, very near future. Spacechem and Factorio made me depressed.

I also can't play roguelikes since I can't manage equipment, and I can't play fighting games since I can't really read people. I've also never been above average at any genre of vidya. I'm only average in twitch shooters and shmups.

Have any of my fellow dimwits found success in gaming?

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I've never gotten my IQ tested but that sounds a lot like me. I'm afraid I have a low IQ like you, user. Where can I get tested? Also, I can play roguelikes but the strategy part is fucking dead on.

Play Civ games, you can go online and act like you're a hardcore tactician but in reality it requires no skill at all.

You seem way too articulate for someone with a supposed IQ of 88.

What if you simply don't learn the same way that others do? Maybe you just need some more time to adapt to the different patterns you need to recognize in strategy games.

RTS just takes memorization and speed. I'd argue its a good genre with people of low IQ and bad for people of a higher IQ who want more challenge and variety in games.

Vocabulary use is just a function of memory user. Maybe OP is just super insecure about his IQ and reads a ton of books to try and compensate

IQ is a meme you fucking dunce. it doesn't tell you how smart you are currently, it's kind of telling you how smart you could be. people with an IQ of 120 something could be fucking stupid and people with an IQ of 90 could be smarter than that person

That's only because I've read a bit. I've been tested twice with the Stanford-Binet and once with the Welscher adult IQ test.

I got an average of an 88. My deficiency is very real.

For comparison, I usually get around 110-120 on online tests.

I got a 116 on this one. iqtest.dk

Could be ADHD. Especially with the gimped time perception beyond short-term, that's one of the biggest problems I have with it. Also makes you feel really dumb when you get how to play a game, but your brain shorts out while you're playing it and other people call you a retard for it. :(

I asked my doctor and he recommended a psychiatrist, to me.

I had a few appointments with the guy, and he administered the 2nd Stanford-Binet.

Is the Mensa International IQ Test, or whatever it's called, reliable? What about that Norwegian international one?

I took both and got about the same results, but I can't help but feel that online IQ tests aren't reliable.

You dont need a high iq for fps. Although honestly, if you practice enough and read guides, you can get good at strategy with the exception of truly low iq scores. (Even lower than yours)

141 IQ
I am also bad at RTS and strategy games, but its because I don't enjoy them so don't put much effort in.
Puzzle diversions in games I tend to breeze over, but I know people that do the same and are otherwise stupid (one of my best friends is a lovable idiot)

I think the most impressive puzzle I solved in a game was The Witness.
Solved that one puzzle with the elevator with broken wires and the different coloured rooms, after my friend and his friend had been at it for hours. That's the only time I actually felt smart from solving a video game puzzle.

My IQ is probably lower than 141 these days. I got tested ages ago and have since been a chronic underachiever, so I've been getting stoned every night and not really honing my intelligence in any way (since it never helped me anyways)

>i'm really smart guys i just dont try hard
you and everyone else online.

IQ is a meme OP, I've got tested for real and not by some online test and I got 133. Am I smart? Not really compared to other people, but compared to the average, a bit.

Except, apparently, the OP.
He asked, I answered.

My iq is 130 but I hate rts and shit like that.
I just found them boring.


are you talking about this one?

OP here and I've taken that one. I've taken tons of online tests. I'm taking it again right now, but I recall something in the high 110s range, so it's probably not too accurate

Sounds like you're playing the wrong RTS.

140iq here, the internet has ruined me, cant enjoy starcraft, hearthstone has shaved half my life, overwatch soloq is a nightmare and i have to carry with tracer and 76, cancer is the go to

Just keep trying, you need only experience in games mostly to be good

>iq over 70

i have an iq of 86 but im actually really good at rts. ive played them since cnc. however puzzle games stump the shit out of me. or any puzzles for that matter. like i thought you had to do a math problem when i played infinite and you got to the lighthouse.

What should I have played besides Warcraft, Starcraft, Age of Empires and Company of Heroes? Those are the most popular. And the only games that RTS fans even play anymore.

The internet didn't do any of that you self-obsessed aggrandizing petty child.

>you need only experience in games mostly to be good

please stop making sentences, you're lowering his iq

>Professionally tested IQ of 88
the fact you can write this sentence disproves your claim

140-150 here but I can't handle RTS either. Micromanaging several units is hard, and if there's a base on top of that its impossible. I am at my limit in tactics already like Battlefleet Gothic, and that's only like 5 ships or less at once.

every track in the pleblist is gachi, my woman makes fun of me when i stream, today i played some pokemon go and ppl laughtd at my legs,

I have been professionally tested as well and my IQ was 80 back then. I literally can't play PC games without mouse support. I can't keep track of more than 4-5 buttons at once. I once tried to play Dwarf Fortress, but it was absolutely impossible.

protip: 80-90 IQ people can write decent sentences. i'd say most people on this board are in the 105-110 range, which translates to 130s on online iq tests, going off of op's scores

Yeah, I think that's the one.

allright I guess that makes sense

You require an IQ of 10 to open a door, having 88 is not someone being stupid.

> i'd say most people on this board are in the 105-110 range

What makes you saw the average user on Sup Forums has a higher than average IQ?

>Mensa test
Those deliberately overrate your IQ so you would go to an official test that they get paid for. Your real IQ is something like the result from that test minus 20.

>You require an IQ of 10 to open a door
imagine this applying to RPG's

low iq people have no interests in shady imageboards, it's all facebook and youtube.

It's easier to be articulate in writing, you have no idea how long it might have taken him to write that.

It would be fun seeing characters not knowing how to open doors and having to smash them down or something.

intelligence is a meme

When I play fps games I can never get a k/d ratio over 1.0. I suck at every strategy game I play. I've never been able to beat an advance wars game. I play fighting games constantly but I'm merely average.

Go check facebook, youtube comments, whatever, and then come back and compare.

Is that a knock-off John Oliver?

im also stupid
fuck strategy games
dunno what my iq is tho

>something like the result from that test minus 20
More like minus 30. Seriously, taking all these online tests and getting 110s, and mid 120s really set me up for disappointment after getting fucking 85 and 91 on official IQ tests.

Shit sucks, man.

>all these dumbdumbs

I'm fairly certain he's a robot from the future come to observe ancient tribal customs

88 IQ is borderline retarded

What kind of education do you have?

IQ of around 140 here, depending on a few tests, I enjoy RTS and fast paced games that require quick thinking.

borderline retarded isn't as retarded as you think

you do know IQ is heavily outdated right? It's only used by people with a certain type of intelligence to increase their status and keep hold of valuabe resources.


Always remember - if you feel like you've lost, someone else is allowed to feel like they've won.

Also, let go of the illusion that intelligence is fixed and doesn't develop under the right stimuli, plenty of research to prove otherwise.

167 IQ here
It means nothing

>borderline retarded
>still 26 points higher than abos

I'm studying civil engineering.

Is there a specific game genre or game activity that people with low IQ generally like?

IQ is a very general measure but still useful for identifying some skills and disorders.
IQ>130 is someone who easily figures things out.


>07 ▶
>Is there a specific game genre or game activity
beer and sports


It seems like most people who took an IQ test would have been happier not knowing the results

Autist here. I like JRPGs.

How so?


Louis Theroux. Does a ton of actual journalism interviewing a mixture of weirdos and subcultures. He's just so calm and kinda awkward feeling in interviews, he's done some stuff on south africa, pedophiles, etc.
All his stuff is entertaining. John Oliver is a topical "comedian".
Please don't compare the two.

>people actually talking about IQs above 140

You know that people like that are literally genius tier ubermenschen, which compromise like 0,001% of the population?

>taking IQ as a measurement seriously
You are kinda stupid, but not because of your low IQ.

Average IQ people like mobile shit. Low IQ is a bit tougher.

Borderline Intellectual Functioning IQ 71-84
Mild Mental Retardation IQ 50-55 to approximately 70
Moderate Retardation IQ 35-40 to 50-55
Severe Mental Retardation IQ 20-25 to 35-40
Profound Mental Retardation IQ below 20 or 25

What do you like in JRPGs? Is it the grinding, the lore, what?


B-but the online test I took said so!

>mfw black people are Borderline Intellectual Functioning

>mfw I get ~90 on the feel-good inaccurate online tests

I think I'm the dumbest one in this thread desu

Does that surprise you?

135 iq going down as i drink and age since 2nd grade

i dropped out of high school to play original CS and Asherons Call and similar
i stopped going to class and eventually dropped out of college playing SWG pre CU/NGE and CS Source and games in general since it was the glory days of pirating

now i make more per hour than the poorest people but i still do shitty work and have no motivation to better myself i just play games and and go to my shitty job. a down syndrome kid with a determined spirit will go further than me in life

definitely a possibility

0.1% of people have an IQ above 145.

just play Fallout 3 and 4. Maybe League of Legends too.

Most people with an IQ around 140 are just gifted. The people in the 150s and 160s are the real geniuses.

IQ tests are inherently racist.

Is there a single reliable online IQ test?

iq is quite a useless measure.

as someone whose worked with both intellectuals who are near or at their top of the field as well as more average/'stupid' people constantly all my life: the usual concept of intelligence is bullshit.

I would bet my life that intelligence is 100% dedication and hard work. a bad environment growing up can put you at a disadvantage, but you can overcome that yourself later in life.

this is all except genuine neurological disorders or genetic bad luck like down syndrom of course.

I like exploring the worlds and enjoying the adventure.


Tell that to countries with a low average IQ

most IQ tests including the one you picked are mostly the ability to pick up on a pattern, on those i usually only cant figure out 1 or 2 of them in the whole test. the maximum that test can even gauge is 125-135 anyway.

Yeah, OP here.

Just took test.mensa.no/

You see, this is why the actual IQ tests shattered my confidence, for a while.

88 IQ but 120s on fucking online tests. It's crazy, but I've learned to live with it.

I have a tested IQ of 135 and I cant stand most RTS and strategy games. Ironically my favorite games are twitch shooters and fighting games but I really wouldn't consider myself good at reads.

Who /countingonfingers/ here?


>it's only notorious when it's clearly pathological opposed to mildly symptoms

you are clearly a low iq retarded human being

real geniuses, as in practical genius that comes up with paradigm-shifting ideas can't be identified by IQ tests accurately
the really incredible IQ people generally are just really good at something, IQ becomes useless once you go past the 145 mark because you're dealing with such a small subset of people
Random chance gives you a better shot at being called a genius than IQ.

fuck off Dove, go right some more absurd tests about ebonics that even modern black kids will do poorly on.

fun fact, I took the chitling test in a high school psychology class, and I thought it was such an absurd concept that I just looked up all the correct answers before the test

IQ of 220 reporting in, feels good to like music, anime and video games.

I think people with higher intelligence pick things up easier. Like I tried to learn guitar when I was 16 and for the life of me I had no idea of what rhythm is and I had no idea what I was doing wrong. For the longest time I had no idea what rhythm is. Someone with a high iq would have picked this up instantly.

No and there never will be. Because IQ isn't something that's solely measured by a score.

that's probably true. Most smart or dumb people I've met have fit into either high or low IQs, but the creativity factor is probably more important at a certain point.