Ask a guy who just bought a PS4, PSvita, WiiU, and Xbox One anything

Ask a guy who just bought a PS4, PSvita, WiiU, and Xbox One anything

what else did you get on your 14th birthday?

Can you post a pic?

Why didnt you have your parents buy you something that works as intended?

This timestamp it

What are you looking forward to playing on them? Still can't bring myself to buy a Xbone.

what're you're specs're?'re

what kind of porn do you enjoy, would you fuck the bunny?

what's your favorite prono game?

My PS4 comes tomorrow

Why no timestamp?

I don't have anything to write with

Write on the Trump thing.

I'm assuming he means a pen.

Take a pic of you browsing this thread?
Or a pic of a calender+clock

The only console I really wanted was the WiiU for Xenoblade. The rest I just got because why not.

Have another cool hat

What's your job?

Not OP but own all except Xbone.
I was gonna get one because rapestop was giving away free controllers with all new Xbones (I wanted an Elite one for the SSHD and fancy controller), and I wanted to have one for trying Kinect, but the sales keep coming and it's obvious they won't stop.

I am a superintendent for job sites.

I make most of my money off stocks however. Brexit hit me pretty hard and I lost 50k but ive made it all back + more. This is what I like to spend my money on.

what are some essential things to do when making money in stock?

>Just bought
Everything dusty as fuck

I own 4 large dogs so things can get pretty dusty quickly, Plus the fact I keep them on the floor.

>Make America great again

Stealing the 'Make Britain great again' campaign slogan, because it's actually called 'Great Britain' so it works. America was never great.

Pls buy Capcom's shares and tell them to make good games again