What's up with XCXs soundtrack? It sounds like a goofy attempt at mimicking contemporary western mainstream music, but couldn't sound any more anime or "weaboo" if it wanted to. Why would any person settle for this music? Its garbage.
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never let sawano go full sawano
What you said only applies to like 4 tracks in the game. Most are instrumental. Still doesn't hold a candle to XCWii's GOAT soundtrack, though.
because sawano is shit
Did I just see jinx in the mv
The battle song alone kept me from playing the game to completion. It's a bad song and the frequency it gets played is ridiculous. It's a negative force multiplier. It would have been better with nothing.
if you want to start a XCX thread why don't you just say so you fucking shitter. The "OMG THIS OST SO BAD" meme is a stale one, if you dislike it that much mute the fucking tv.
Uncontrollable was pretty good, and Wir Fliegen is great.
Can't ever play the game again since my save file died, but at least that means I won't ever have to hear Black Tar or that night theme.
This thread again?
this is the only good song
>tfw you uniroincally liked Don't Worry, Uncontrollable, and the way. Also Noctilium day was decent
>if you dislike it that much mute the fucking tv.
What game comes out in 2015 without audio sliders?
If I could mute the terrible soundtrack and nothing else it would be a huge improvement.
X's ending theme is fucking shit. It's emo Paramore-esque teen pop rock garbage.
This is the second thread you've made with this exact image hating on the game, both have back fired. Kill yourself famalan
Kill yourself while you suck on Sawano's Linkin Park tattooed cock.
It didn't backfire, he's right. The soundtrack is shit.
I think this kind of soundtrack should have stayed in one of Sawano's shitty mainstream animes. It's all bluster and no nuance, and the fact Sawano thought it would be edgy and cool to put vocals over cutscene music is probably why he'll never work on many more video games ever again. Nobody wants him.
posting more god-tier xeno music
Just look at his smug face. Look at his trendy hair. This is the guy who composed XCXs soundtrack. An absolute travesty.
Now these. THESE are good. None of that Sawano edgy teen shit.
I don't recall people saying other Xeno music was bad though, the closest I remember to it is people saying XCX had higher highs than XBC (which I disagree with, even if I didn't like "Yow an enemy ambush!" and "Mid-battle vision")
>it is people saying XCX had higher highs than XB
What the fuck does that even mean? I hate it when people say that because it's just not true. Seriously what the shit do they even mean when they say that?
I'm alright with X's soundtrack, and think it gets more hate than it deserves.
Still, it is weaker in comparison to the other Xeno games.
What I don't understand is how Sawano gets hired to do vidya soundtracks but not based Hideki Naganuma.
They mean the best songs of XCX were better (in their opinion than the best songs of XBC)
Like I said, I disagree as this song is great
I'll kill youuuuuuu
is there a fan patch that fixes the localization like there is for tokyo mirage?
Honestly, the whole game is garbage, not just the OST.
Sylvalum has the best area music in both games.
Fucking fantastic track.
The problem with people who play jrpgs is that they're obsessed with instrumental melodic shit because that's the only thing they've listened to for the past two decades. Anything that diverges from this formula is immediately considered to be shit because it doesn't trigger the nostalgia tumor in their brain.
I think there were 2 environmental themes that I really liked in XB out of like 20, whereas all 5 in XBX were pretty good.
You can mod the game to restore sliders and do anything else you want. I don't think people have bothered with 'fixing' it via a widely-known patch.
can you link me though I tired looking earlier
I haven't done it myself, but if you look around you can probably find people who know what the deal is. Kingddd is still popping up with wacky hacked material, for example.
I wouldn't mind vocals in XCX if it wasn't god awful Engrish screaming Japanese singing weaboo trash. It's sounds like what young teens listen to who are all into mainstream "alternative" pop punk/pop rock music. It sounds like fucking immature garbage to a 26 year old like me. I put away my Linkin Park CDs fucking years ago mate. I could give a shit about some flowery melodies in my RPG, I just want good music. Is that so much to ask for?
I quite liked/didn't mind them, but NLA night was atrocious
I don't recall any screaming.
Maybe for a high schooler.
nah not really, I love weird OSTs like Shadow Hearts, hell I even liked the Tokyo Mirage Sessions OST and still think the music in X was fucking trash outside of the oblivia and sylvalum night themes.
i dont know. the soundtrack is honestly the worst part of the game, and thats sad since the OST of Xenoblade Chronicles was its best part in my opinion. if not for the OST the game would've been a pretty good 'spiritual successor' for a lot of reasons, but the OST just drags it down so hard.
also did anyone else not find out there was a cosmetic slot for gear until the late/post game or was it just me?
>strawpoll still broken
What is the best area theme?
I don't mean literally screaming like in a death metal band, when I say screaming I mean it's overdramatic and it sounds like anime "weaboo" garbage. It literally sounds like music for a young teen demographic. It's not what I want to hear when I play a Xeno game. It's sort of what makes this Xeno game not really a Xeno game because the music sounds so watered down and diluted. It'd straight up commercial pop rock with all the bells and whistles, eg, overdramatic over sentimental melodies which just sound sickly, all bluster no nuance, simple beats, dubstep-esque beats, FUCKNG RAP ROCK OH GOD WHY THIS SHIT DIED OUT IN THE MID 2000's. It's such a drop in quality compared to previous Xeno soundtracks.
no, the worst part of the wii u game is the shitty story.
But that doesn't change the fact that the music is still total garbage
Only game on his wikipedia that I've played was Smash, which songs did they do for that?
Also on vg composers when Yuka Tsujiyoko is good, she's really good
Shadow Hearts has a great OST because it sounds intelligent and not goofy like XCXs OST. XCXs isn't even experimental it just watered down.
It's actually great, it's just that the worst tracks are repeated the most. ie. Battle theme and NLA music.
>Xeno music
>overly grandiose strings and gratuitous chanting
Sounds much less chuuni.
He'll most likely work on the next Xenoshit game desu. The directors love him.
>beyond the sky
fuck this song, man. it always gets me all teary because it reminds me of when my favorite game ended.
the story wasnt great but ive had more fun with games that had worse stories. it was OK. the hopeless feeling of how your human bodies were long gone and later the machine being broken was pretty heavy. fuck Elma, though.
>being sad for something you never had
I got chills remembering that scene with Lao. Damn the music in this game was really good. I hope he comes back for the sequel.
That's me as a fan gone then. Not going to continue following this series anymore. Absolute fucking travesty. Takahashi's now targeting his series at people who have edgy emo-hairstyled anime avatars and mainstream anime fans. Fuck this series, it's dead. Absolute sell out cuckstain.
the lyrics are almost always terrible but then the tracks themselves are almost always solid.
I spent the most time in Noctilum, and I love Noctium. So I'm gonna say Noctilum.
If youre in high school I guess. Enjoy your high school music taste.
The composer said that they pretty much requested "generic rap songs" from him, and thats what he provided. Luckily he is a great composer so he made most of the songs great anyway even with that weird limit, but thats why the soundtrack is so lackluster at places.
I will, thank you.
Sawano drop #2469593288 isn't a good soundtrack.
XCX was trash any way.
>one game you didn't like
>h-he's a sellout!!!
Xenosaga 2 blew but glad I stay for Xenoblade.
Dont care, just provided an explanation.
Fuck off.
Fuck off Sawano.
>XCX soundtrack
There were some bad songs and some weird shit, but Theme X and some others were really fucking good.
Stop crying already.
>great composer
Is the soundtrack of the 3DS version unchanged?
I like to play RPGs on handhelds, that's all
Watch out user, he might call you Sawano and post a silly picture.
Yuki Kajiura, and Mitsuda did their fair share of anime soundtracks. Why is Sawano getting shit for it?
Monolith Soft requested that the games soundtrack be recomposed for the 3DS game. they specifically asked for "mainstream American rap music" for the battle track because yolo
Because their music isn't cheesy and tacky. Sawano's music sounds super mainstream in contrast to the music of Kajuira or Mitsuda.
When was the last time Kajiura composed music for a video game?
Who would win in a 1v1 fight to the death? Pic related or Sawano? No rules, no body protection and they're both allowed to bring only one weapon of their choice.
Is it me you're looking for?
Whoever that guy is you posted. He would easily win. Sawano fucking sucks.
In all seriousness though although the soundtrack was more inconsistent than XC, I thought there were many awesome songs
does it matter? her stuff sounds the same as it did since the turn of the century
New Sawano song
Literally mainstream radio-tier. Fucking hell, what was Takahashi thinking!? This is music for prepubescent girls
Literally makes me vomit.
>All those emo anime avatar faggot in the comments sucking it's dick
I bet they're favourite bands are Avenged Sevenfold and Simple Plan
Elma is a good waifu