Who /pre-order/ here?

Other urls found in this thread:

Not until legacy support is announced. So I'm /Garou/ for now.

>Not posting the far more important trailer

Legacy support is in the full game, just not in the demo.

Source? Make my day, friend.


Check frionel's twitter for his report on the SNK panel.

Aw shit he looks hilarious, I'm loving him.

>That fucking song



Thank you so much.

And thanks Lab Zero.

graphics look like fucking thrash

also it's ps4 exclusive, this fucking sucks

whatever dude, don't like it, don't play it.


it's coming to PC

Antonov will be nerfed.


He looks great

If Street Fighter is the vanilla of fighting games, what does that make King of Fighters?

The brown.


The panel yesterday confirmed that it is not. Also, ANTONOV.

well yeah, they wouldn't like people to not buy it and wait for the PC version.
Same thing happened for GGXrd and GTA V amongst others. It'll be announced 3 months later "due to popular demand"

>download the demo and get a free dynamic theme

holy fuck based SNK

is kinda silly how there still are in universe civilians who still go to see the tournament when every single year the stadium ends up destroyed in some form of cosmic battle that usually takes a fuck ton of casualties, it has been 22 freaking years one would think people would learn to just watch the televised broadcast.

Is the panel video up on youtube?

Let's be fair, regardless of shit getting destroyed for sure, I'd still watch it live.

im not sure yet,might want to check on the atlus channel

So storywise... he's just Russian Krauser?

>when every single year
Doesn't that only happen in 97 and XIII

will do thanks.

Not really, Antonov bought the rights to the KoF tournament, proclaiming himself the first champion. Krauser wanted to take over Geese's crime syndicate.

Who are you gonna main?

Main team:


Second team:


Antonov looks seriously fun

Those horns on that belt.

Isuarito's team.

Replace Mature with Choi.


And even though it happened in XIII, didn't it just end up not happening at all after Ash resets?

What about the graphics is it really that leaves everyone saying it looks so bad and that SFV somehow looks a lot better?

I am legitimately impressed by the looks of KoFXIV. And the animations and how they're strung together especially. And I'd say it looks a lot better.

I'll get to you when the game comes out.

It still happened. Just without Ash being there.

Team Muh Dick

I'm going to play EVERYONE and have fun while I get my ass kicked , can't wait to give out free points in ranked.


Antonov is another case of them using the state of the KOF IP as the frame for the story. KOF was planned to be ended but Antonov buys it out and puts it on. He's just Russian instead of Chinese.

Krauser, Heavy D, Yamazaki

please don't start this shit again all you're doing is encouraging shit posting.

The graphic quality itself might not be very good, but the style and general design for XIV is incredibly good. On the other hand, the graphic quality for SFV is great, but the art design is godawful.

he doesn't know who to pick right now

Not even subtle , stop making me laugh user I'm drinking coffee over here

I am just left dumbfounded almost every time someone comments on the graphics. Because it's as if my opinion is literally the opposite of the common opinion. And it leaves me feeling dumbfounded.

Based SNK

you're dumbfounded we get it.Now please stop talking about it and just tell us who your main team will be.

Street fighter is vanilla

Kof is chocolate

Guilty gear is napolitan

Smash is a flan cake

Antonov, Nelson, and...?

Luong has kicks vaguely reminiscent of Snake Charmer

Luong. Obviously.

Smash is kid size cheese burgers

So Type 1 is the BGM when you fight someone else in the stadium, and Type is exclusively for him? Neat.

Type 1 probably just mutes the ANTONOV.

Well so long as Yashiro's not in.

I take back any statements I made saying that he's Hercule.

Fucker can kick ass legit and yet still lovable. MAKING KOF GREAT AGAIN

His desing reminds me of the boss from maximum impact for some reason.

Boring main team: Terry/K'/Ryo (could swap out Ryo and K' for Kyo and Robert)

Newbies only: Luong/Nelson/KOD

Waifu and New: Alice/Luong/Mian

He does look a lot like Duke. Must be the sideburns

Leona/Mian/Love Heart


Yes, I thought the same form the leaked roster. Doesn't Duke fight by punching brutally too?

If they make the Final Boss like Jivatma, I'm quitting.

>He does look a lot like Duke. Must be the >sideburns
I think so , he looks cool anyways.
Yeah and actually I kind of liked Duke so Antonov is cool in my book.
Jivatma was funny as fuck dude, loved that silly bug.
>Leona's tits got bigger
>they bounce more than Mai's tits now.
I love Leona , always have always will.


Can't wait for another SNK boss syndrome.

>Kukri: Let's take a picture.
So I guess Kukri is involved in this. If it's true that Kukri is afiliated with Those from the Past, then that can only mean one thing.

>Come up with hype new trailer
>Don't show any of the gameplay in >30 fps
How do they keep fucking this up. How can it be this hard? The Kyo costume trailer is 60fps.

Mars People?


Loving the KOF belt.

They are trying to use the final boss' ability to pull people from other dimensions to bring back Saiki and possibly Ash.

This assumes that Kukri /is/ part of TFTP, though. If he's not, then I dunno.

Try looking on this site tomorrow:

All trailers are in 1080p 60 fps.

I would so love it, if the canon winner of the tournament would have the belt in XV.

>That spoiler.
I hadn't thought about that. I hope you're right, I want more Ash.

here, user

You want more who?

ash? from pokemon? why?

>he doesn't want to kick KoD's ass with Charizard

Leona is love


But what if it has a female alt?

Sweet, Gamersyde has uncompressed footage of KOF finally.

Thanks user!

How tall is Antonov?

>they didn't show his climax move

If more Ash means more Shen and Elizabeth then I'll take it.

He better ash his cigar on you during one of his supers.

Man, MI2's alternate costumes truly show that Falcoon wanted to be a fashion designer.

What his cigar?


He is a big guy. This is all you need know.

Yes she is.

And not only for you: for every fighter in the world.

Taller than anyone else in the trailer except perhaps Xanadu.

Well, he does look like he's the tallest fighter in the game.

I can't wait for the Gang-il vs Antonov matches. Fucking manlet needs to learn.

Whats his deal?

Who the fug would buy a fighting game on pc