did citadel, extended cut and leviathan make up for the god awful "fuck you kid you're gonna buy it anyway" ending.
Did citadel, extended cut and leviathan make up for the god awful "fuck you kid you're gonna buy it anyway" ending
Leviathan was horribly boring until the very end, Citadel was 100% amazing and Extended Cut should've been a patch.
I kinda liked Omega.
The ending wasn't the worst part
i forgot omega existed. and i agree leviathan was dogshit.
It was a big punch in the gut, but yes, they did blunder up the sequels. After ME1 was a success and the full trilogy was greenlit, they should have sat down and wrote out the full story. ME2 should have been you uniting the races and ME3 should have been the fight with some sort of countdown timer and different ways to win like a military victory, using time to search for artifacts, etc.
i felt like they could of stuck with the collector plot just handled it and the whole lazarus thing much better
Why did the reapers waste time invading a bunch of planets instead of immediately bum rushing the citadel and shutting down the relays then directing their full force to take out one system at a time like they did for billions of years?
because they were led by a fucktard.
I loved ME2 mainly due to the characters. The collector story was okay but I never felt they were enough of a threat. Oh no, an enemy with a single ship that can be taken out by a sole Alliance frigate.
Everything about ME3 was shit. The combat was further simplified, dialogue trees were severely pared down to better allow a "cinematic experience," Shepard's dreams were quite possibly some of the shittiest most hamfisted things I've ever seen, and the entire story looks like it was written a page at a time with each page written by a different author who couldn't read any of the others.
Mass Effect 3 is so utterly incompetent one could easily make an hour and a half video dismantling every shitty part of it. I'd do it if it weren't way too late for anyone to give a fuck.
Citadel was tumblr fanfiction-tier, but I didn't mind it in this specific instance because it was meant to be a sendoff to these characters whom I had grown to like and know over the 5 years that the trilogy had been progressing, and it worked perfectly as just that. It works best as the true ending to the trilogy IMO because it's so satisfying in its conclusion.
Leviathan wasn't that bad either IMO tbqhwyf, I thought wandering the station speaking to the brainwashed crew was really cool and atmospheric and meeting the Leviathan at the end was quite cool and gave more context to the (still retarded) Reaper origin and purpose.
Omega was honestly really cool as well, especially with its art style and all that. Genuinely enjoyed all the DLCs for this game looking back on it, they were all quite memorable.
the collectors should have really pushed the body horror of reaper controlled stuff, make them and their stuff look straight out of a beksinki painting. make the ship feel like an actual threat, if theres only the one it should have had spoopy elements like seemingly appearing in multiple palces at once, or showing it wiping away a frigate on screen etc.
>After ME1 was a success and the full trilogy was greenlit, they should have sat down and wrote out the full story
They did. Drew K. had an outline for the whole series and there are parts of ME2 that set up his original ME3 plot that were completely dropped when he was moved to work on TOR and Mac "Scribble a bunch of shit on a napkin, lots of questions" Walters
If you recall Sovereign hinted at a greater purpose for the reapers, and besides setting up that the Reapers seeded organic life then harvested it to form new unique Reapers ME2 also had a smaller segment that involved a planet that seemed to age faster than the universe around it.
It was going to be revealed that using the mass relays and FTL travel has been causing a build up of some strange form of matter/energy that threatens to destroy the universe. The reapers began the cycle searching for more and unique perspectives to figure out a solution.
At the end the Reapers themselves would tell you that they believe a human reaper would be the final piece they need, that humanity is so super speshul that a human reaper would lead them to their solution, and your choices would be to allow humanity to be converted to stop the spiral nemesis for sure or to destroy the reapers and trust that humanity and the rest of the races in the galaxy can find a solution themselves
I still think the human reaper thing was literally Alien 4 xeno-human baby hybrid level of retardation, and I hate the idea of extremely human-centric plot points like that, but that still sounds like it would have been quite good and far superior to the endings we did get. Mainly due to the reaper motivation being much more interesting and not so dumb and contrived.
you expect normies to understand dark matter
being acquired by EA kiled bioware. they replaced karpyshyn with hamplanet and ow we have space social justice: the game
>hey guys space is literally an endless expanse of beauty teeming with potential
>humans are just a tiny part of something much greater, what a humbling and beautiful fact of our existence
>we should look past our inner conflicts because of this
they cant keep getting away with it
You can't fix what's fundamentally broken with DLC. The whole game was just crap.
>Citadel was 100% amazing
You belong on the Bioware forums.
too late. they did. and they will.
I literally transitioned into classic lit. only place you don't find sjw bullshit
>finish series yesterday
>love first game
>love second game even more
>love third game even more
>falling for Sup Forums memes
Thought original endings were pretty bad, three flavours cornetto, played the extended and shot starchild
Gave me a good fucking chuckle, left for work and was in a pretty good mood, was even pleasant to my co-workers.
>Omega was honestly really cool as well
My main issues with Omega were that they increased the price of their DLC with that one without adding more content to match the higher price tag and that it really should have been part of the main game.
>Play ME3 at launch
>Aria talks about gathering mercs to strike back at Cerberus (one of your 2 main enemies)
>You help her gain these merc armies
>...wait 3-5 months to finish this exciting questline in our Omega DLC!
Yeah fuck off BioWare
Your opinion is fine but Mass Effect 3 is objectively bad.