What happened to internet lingo? Why is no one saying "pwned" in video games anymore?
What happened to internet lingo? Why is no one saying "pwned" in video games anymore?
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Why is your character left-handed?
The kids who said "pwned" etc have grown up and been replaced by kids saying "gg" "rekt" and spamming memes. It's just the progression of fads.
The normafag age happened.
Retards insist that playing with the left handed veiw model is optimal. They are garbage generally.
gg has been spouted for a long while. It didn't emerge to replace anything else
How is saying "gg" a bad thing? Also it's not a new thing, this has been said during late 90s too.
I started ironically saying "owned" again a few months ago, and now it's starting to become unironic. It's been a while since it was annoying to hear it all the time so I could see it coming back eventually.
It's better if your right eye is dominant, at least for me.
you're retarded. everyone just says rekt now. same thing, different word.
lots of people appeared that felt like they would be part of the group if they abused the lingo 24/7
omg lol ikr g2g bfn btw follow me on twitter #90skids
>there are only right-handed players
became co-opted my marketing people as "a thing teens say" and died when the "naughties teen" demo died aka those who where teens 17 years ago stopped being teens
language evolves over time, and can move more rapidly in the context of subcultural vernacular. This is magnified with the effects of globalization/the internet
>community starts saying x
>facebook faggots see x and start saying x
>community no longer says x/shuns x
See peepee frog, "pwnd", trollface, etc.
Because rektangled and kys are superior
I remember thinking this was the coolest shit ever as a kid
>How is saying "gg" a bad thing?
Because now it's rude not to say gg. Even if the game was a snoozefest. It's become meaningless.
You have to be 18+ to use this site.
left handed is more accurate
If I was underage I wouldn't be able to post here you cuck
Dear Sup Forums,
I notice you pronounce 'pwn' as 'own', but me and my friends say 'pone'. What gives?
oh yeah true, fuck my bad.
That's not really true any more. If you write gg the other person/team just presume you're being sarcastic and get offended anyway most of the time.
because memes happened
i always said pewn.
You are a fag
>say gg
>your being sarcastic
>don't say gg
>your mad / being rude
>back then if you wanted to insult someone you just typed an insult like owned and you were clear on your intentions
>nowadays everything is covered in at least 3 layers of irony
english only muhfugga
Any oldfags remember w00t?
Left-handed models were default in Counter-Strike for a long time.
>be 12
>have q3arena shareware demo thing that gave you one map (retribution?)
>join one of the only servers that kept that map on rotation
>clan is called "CoC"
>want to join CoC bad
>have to 1v1 the guild master to 10 while all other clan members are in game scattered around watching
>lose 9-10
> "gj user, you are now CoC"
>get bullied by all other clans
> mistakes were made
>not setting the script for the gun to switch hands when strafing the opposite direction
>why doesn't anyone say bees knees anymore?
>why doesn't anyone say yolo anymore?
slang comes and goes, fuccboi, soon terms like rekt and git gud will go away too, family
this reminds me of the old CSTOONs flashes... those were the days.
i still say owned
SOMEONES SALTY XD want some salt with that my butthurt friend?
-the analplunderingpyro
Gg has become an insult in a lot of games . I mean , you have a close match that pushes bother teams to their limit , that's gg. But I'd say shit like GOODFUCKING GAME but a 2 minute match is not gg
this is the worst of the new lingo the kids are saying these days
Well people don't use it the same way any more. Other to be the player who loss or forfeited the match would say gg first. Now you get "gg ez" from the winning player first.
What are you supposed to say then? Bg? That's even more insulting.
there was a time when
"you sir , win the internet"
"trollololo u mad ?"
"+ 100 internets"
etc were all normal, unironic phrases on Sup Forums , let that sing in for a while
fucking overwatch has shit bullshit endlessly. you so much as complain about anything and everyone's screaming SALT SALT SALT
Yes, That was after Sup Forums went to shit
buddy, emoticons and shit like epic wins were here from day 1
>internet lingo
I hate it. I hate all of it.
you say how you fucking felt about the match or nothing at all
i felt the match was a good game, i won. so i say good game
i see no problem with that.
>i felt the match was a good game
reported. Fucking sarcastic asshole.
epic zozzle my meme mah meme meme
That decal is epic, epic for the win!
the same reason regular slang has changed, senpai
Look I'm on the cutting edge of internet lingo kiddo, and lemme tell you blacklivesmatters are constantly cuckgrinding their trans parts when im around. I assure you that yourself.
Because this generation is creatively bankrupt. Not defending pwned as some genius lingo, but at least we could insult people.