>People still don't know how op Zenyatta is
People still don't know how op Zenyatta is
how do i play this fucker
no he really is shit. If he had and movement bonus then he would be acceptable. Until then he is just too squishy.
Shinjiteru ze
Throw orbs of harmony at teammate far away so they don't have to come back to keep fighting
Throw orb of discord at whoever you're shooting at. If you're fighting and don't have Discord on someone you're doing it wrong.
Save ult to counter the team-wiping ults the other team can get, like Pharah, Reaper, Reinhardt. It heals 300/second now and you can go sanic fast with it so don't be afraid to use it when you're away from the action to rush there in time.
He OP for getting me killstreaks. 10/10 hero. Would recommend to everyone not on my team.
Is he good in the PTR at least?
>mfw i mute all forms of chat when i play solo
make me fag
>play comp
>main Zen
>"uhh you going to switch, Zen?"
>to all chat "we 5v6 desu"
>"Switch characters you stupid fuck we don't need you on KOTH"
>tell him I reported for toxic
>he shuts up
Whatchu gonna do, faggots? WHATCHU GONNA DO?? This is 2016 Blizzard and they're on MY side!
i actually can get a lot of kills as Zenyatta but he can't keep up with the healing well enough, even if his ult is good for pushing (most people spread too much to use it effectively though).
People don't seem to understand that he packs quite a punch, Orb of Discord + attack orbs, anyone falls down easily, just take cover behind your teammates and of course at least one should have a Harmony Orb
>reporting people for hurting your feelings
And what's worse Blizzard approves it
Zen players is why this game needs a fucking votekick
This. Mercy or Lucio is better in almost every situation.
>Play Zen
>Never need any extinguisher
>4 gold and 1 silver
>Potg is me 360 noscoping an ulting Mcree before he shoots and headshotting Zarya after her shield go down
>Card tell me I spent 92% of the match on fire
Nice buff
Where did I say they hurt my feelings? I just wait for people to get upset then I report. Knowing my team is going to rage and Blizzard supports my decision to let my team fail gets me harder than you can ever imagine.
>all this salt
What's the optimal range to shoot niggas as zen?
My jimmies aren't even rustled. Just objectively analyzing these persons as cancer. I don't even give a shit about pathetic people like this desu. Salt is reserved for other situations.
Same range as Soldier, pretty much. Close enough so that you can aim properly with your orbs delay and cast Discord on them, far enough so you can still move around and dodge.
>doesnt give a shit
>still responds
The salt is real boys
Haha the person of you makes me kek saltboy, not seeing what kind of a failure you are. Bye cancerboy. Hf playing hated by everyone ;)
Agreed fellow Zen bro.
>Playing Genji
>Run face-to-face into full health Zenyatta who just exited his spawn.
>Left-click (bodyshots), melee attack, dash
>Dead Zenyatta in under a second
Zen is literal shit in the current game. He's really strong in PTR though.
how will i know if i am hated if everyone is muted?
Is McCree good on ptr?
if you can aim
He's broken again. They buff something nobody was asking for and he's a sniper now.
They should have made his roll wider and more controllable with a lower cd
They should have increased his base reload speed
That would have fixed him
>Playing Hollywood Attack
>Almost pushed the payload to the end
>Suddenly entire enemy team switches to Zen
>They fucking destroy us. Like we literally could not even get close to them
I finally believe
>They should have made his roll wider and more controllable with a lower cd
True, nobody uses it outside of getting out of spawn quicker or reloading for another fan.
>They should have increased his base reload speed
He already reloads very quickly and his roll instantly reloads anyways, that's not necessary.
His problem is that his fan is useless against squishy characters with invulns.
>See Zenyatta
>Shoot him 2 times with my rockets
>He's dead because he knows what hit him
He's useless
isn't Zenyatta about to get a MASSIVE buff in the next patch?
>ot didn't hurt my feelings, I just like reporting them cuz it's funny
You sound like all kinds of repressed asshurt
Do hugbox mechanics arouse you that much?
Make his fan pattern less wild
Can you stop making Overwatch threads?
I'm sick and tired of them.
>Can you stop making a video game thread on a video game board
>enemy team is getting shat on by the enemy's Roadhog + Reinhardt combo
>nobody thinks to switch to Zenyatta
>I go Zenyatta and start tossing balls
>their tanks melt and the rest of their team soon follows
>we win
You're welcome
>Stand behind reinhardt shield and zenys discord is useless
>Roadhog oneshots zeny across the map with RMB because he is paper thin
Nerf soon.
Blizzard knows, that's why they're nerfing him.
>>Stand behind reinhardt shield and zenys discord is useless
The shield breaks eventually. There's no reason for a Zenyatta to 1v1 a Reinhardt, so if he has support it's going to break. And it's not like Reinhardt is going to chase after Zenyatta lol
>Roadhog oneshots zeny across the map with RMB because he is paper thin
How do you explain this Zen vs Road fight huh? Really makes you think...
>people still don't know the meta in your shitter 40 MMR games are completely different than ESL games
I laff every time someone gets mad for me picking bastion on attack, as if the other team even has a sliver of communication or enough knowledge or skill to actually counter it.
I still can't tell if those 9 lights are his eyes and those slits are like a mustache, or if the slits are his eyes and the 9 lights are like Krillin's forehead
I can't unsee now you faggot
>zenyatta lands 11 hits on roadhog
>roadhog lands 1 hit for ~40 damage then misses and wiffs 2 more for like 20 damage combined
It's called being shit at the game famalam
Not him, but that Roadhog fucked up his hook-shot bad.
>It's called being shit at the game famalam
Oh so you're saying in the hands of a skilled player Roadhog can one-shot a Zenyatta...by that logic at the hands of a skilled player Zenyatta could flatten that Roadhog out with a few headshots and a Discord...
>How do you explain this Zen vs Road fight huh?
A bad roadhog
You could have just went reaper instead of playing some shitty half support half dps character that doesn't do either particularly well.
Well a Zenyatta shouldn't even be that close to a Roadhog anyway.
If that Roadhog was competent he would have killed him easily, since Zenyatta was at the front of his team instead of sitting behind them.
a good zen can be one of the best tankbusters in the game.
if you use him as your only support you're an idiot because your team is fucked after a phara rocket inevitably nukes you
Looks like they're on defense. Zenyatta is at the back of his team and they got behind somehow
It's not that it takes skill to oneshot Zen as Roadhog it's that Roadhog's hook is coded like shit and puts hooked enemies to your sides or behind you half the time. The Zen in the webm basically got lucky.
Huh you're right, but the point still stands, a Zenyatta on the frontline of where the fight is won't last long.
Looks like a Torbjorn turret was scaring off Roadhog's teammates at least.
>roadhog just letting a zenyatta spam headshots on him
>even if zenyatta gets a headshot every time it would take ~3 seconds for him to kill roadhog
>roadhog doesn't find cover
>roadhog doesn't hook and insta gib zen
>bring his health down to 175
>nerf damage
Wow what the fuck blizzard? But its ok to boost Mercy's damage to 50% extra so that theres a guaranteed Phara-Mercy team on both sides in every competitive match, right?
They reverted the Mercy buff, shut up already REEEE
Even buffed zenyatta is literally shit. He's not a good healer, he's not a good damage dealer, and he has zero mobility. He's essentially useless with how he is right now. If they changed his orbs into one button and gave him some kind of a dash or like some phase shit where he takes less damage he could be fantastic.
Then pick Mercy or Lucio.
Don't force other people to quit playing a character they want to play when you're not willing to do so yourself
So then what did get changed if they went back on all the good new buffs this patch?
Literally a white 14 year old twitch stream watcher. You're cancer incarnate and deserve to have your brains splattered for the world to see.
Are the blue dots his eyes?
Or are the slits under them his eyes?
>mfw playing zenyatta after the PTR buff
All Zenyatta needs to do to kill Roadog is to stay out of range of his hook, and that is not hard
Zenyatta essentially hard counters Roadhog and everyone is sleeping on him, this is the only reasom Roadhog is so prevalent in ranked at the moment
Is GenjiXZenyatta canon yet?
Are you forgetting the whole new character, D.Va rework, the fact that McCree is a sniper again, and the ult changes for every class with a self heal?
No, I'm not babysitting you just because you want to play the shitty special snowflake class and weigh down our team.
No, because Genji is fucking Mercy with the robo-dong that she had made for him, complete with realistic haptic feedback and vibration functionality
Buffed Zenyatta does over 150 dps. That's pretty good.
>complete with realistic haptic feedback and vibration functionality
Don't forget hydraulics
If you aren't willing to try and fix the problem then you're a part of it.
>it's a zenyatta main think's he's helping the team episode
They nerfed his damage just recently.
He still dies to a sneeze of any weapon and has zero mobility. He does good damage and always has but he can't escape damage. I literally can't even remember the last time a zenyatta killed me but every time I even spot one they die because they can't escape.
If you care so much about comps and winning, go on the competitive mode. In quickplay, I can do what I want and there's no stopping me.
zenyata is better than raper against tanks
>+50% damage, area denial and the ability to counter most damages ults and secure a push
You're welcome
>not going up to the top area and flanking the side where they'd be vulnerable
you guys are idiots
>Playing comp with friends
>One insists on playing Mccree or Genji all the time
>Beg him to play soldier so he can kill Pharah reliably his genji is garbage and Mccree does no damage at range
>"Lol it's not a big deal I need to practice anyways"
>Suggest he do it in quick play and he tells me to chill
Why are some people like this? Like not team players at all. When it was his turn to play healer he switched off because we lost the first point and he thought his genji would be gamechanging.
The problem is caused by you playing a shit class. The world doesn't revolve around you, if you want us to lose because you play your shit class, that's fine by me.
Instead of doing over 150 dps, he now "just" does 150 dps.
The slits.
>+50% damage
not bad but if you're nailing headshots like you should be then barely noticeable unless your team is truly struggling. most classes have high enough sustained dps where the bonus isn't worth what you would be trading off for an actual useful character.
>area denial and secure a push
what drugs are you on? are you talking about his ult?
I get gold/silver in kills, damage and gold with healing with Zenyatta and somehow I'm being carried?
Drop him and never speak to him again. Genji players never change. They're always a cancer.
>friend always wants to play reaper or hanzo for some reason
>does good sometimes but when he doesn't he just gets mad at the team and starts screaming and blaming it on literally everything but himself
>tell him to just switch characters, since he always does to other players, and refuses and gets madder when he dies
>stop playing with him and all is better now
It's really hard to not contribute as Zenyatta unless you're getting shut down really badly by someonel ike widowmaker
>people are still trying to trick others into playing Zenyatta
I would say the dots because that's the one thing common to all robots, even faceless ones like Bastion
my favourite thing as Zen is discording Reinhardt while he attacks and then when he has like one slice of health left and raises his shield again gliding in and finishing him with melee
also very strange that I haven't come across a single person complaining about me taking Zen, even in comp, guess I'm just that good with him
Hows the new DVA on the PTR?
I've never even been outhealed by zenyatta while self healing as roadhog or soldier. Kills mean nothing, even dva can get gold eliminations. Damage is the only credible thing but youd have to be playing with some retarded people to pull that off consistently.