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I liked Pokemon Dash kinda. My screen didn't.

I only played pokemon red.

How about the Rumble games?

Why you mad though?

cyber sleuths the only one I played

X/Y are good
Go is good

get over it

Where's Diamond and Pearl?

Emerald and Platinum are top tier
Everything above gen 4 is shit tier

>Go involves making me leave the house for reasons other than fatty foods and mountain dew

Wheres rumble world

X and Y are bad but not on the same level as the others.

Pokemon Go is just Ingress with a Pokemon Skin - I don't know if that counts.

You also forgot Pokemon Rumble.

pokemon rumble is lit af

Dash wasn't bad faggot
one of the best early titles for the DS

Why is ORAS bad? I loved Ruby/Sapphire and was planning to buy this next paycheck, does it shit the bed at the end or what?

> X / Y

Buttblasted gen V shitter detected, Gen VI gave us best online mode, GTS and starters that don't look like abortions.

Fuck the newer games, there are only 151 pokemon, the rest don't exist.

> X/Y
Not even close to the worst. Though ORAS are worst remakes.

Welcome to Sup Forums
Get the fuck out

>literally phone game for early DS

>never released in US

also the best launch DS game was Feel the Magic XX/XY

Handholds you to the absolute extreme. What's that, you say? The 3rd gym is too hard? Well don't worry, Lati@s will join you, complete with mega stone! full party? don't worry, we'll send one pokemon back so you have no choice but to lug this legendary around.

Nice strawman. Go is raising interest in the main games. Sun and Moon are going to blow OR/AS/X/Y out of the water in sales.

>>never released in US
What a randomly wrong thing to say.

Anyways, Pokemon Dash and Yoshi's TNG are the 2 worse DS games.
Yoshi's TNG should've been a $3 downloadable-only game
Pokemon Dash is just trash

the game never existed

don't even attempt to counter that with "facts" from wikipedia. the game was so bad it was never released.

>never played bw2

Be glad for those 2 games
Those games saved the DS by showing how retarded touch-screen 100% games are.

I played like 6 hours on Pokemon Y and the rollerskates that are barely controllable, the terrible frame rate drop when you enter battles, and the changing camera perspective when you entered the city was too fucking horrible for me to keep playing it

do the Ruby/Sapphire games have similar problems? I liked those games

I bought Yoshi Touch and Go for like 5 dollars brand new at an Fye when those stores were still around.

GTS was in Diamond/Pearl

except it doesn't reward you for moving out of urban areas and it's therefore shit. leaving the house to move 100m won't magically make you lose weight.

game is literally unplayable outside big cities. garbage.

Aww, is someone grounded and can't go out?

Missing the other mobile garbage cash-grab

ORAS and XY are far from bad, they just should be better then they are.

Rby, gsc, and rs are all worse.

As a game PokemonGo is absolute trash. It's popular purely because of the community and because everyone is doing it. It's extremely janky and buggy with nothing to do. After you've caught all the Pokemon in your area all you can do is go capture the same gyms over and over again for pointless color wars.

To put it another way, if nobody in the world played PokemonGo and you were the only one that had it you would never play it because it's not fun, it's the community activity that makes it good.
Something like even Red and blue would still be fun to play even if you were the only one if the world playing them.

GO is awesome you fag

>i can't actually defend the merits of this non-game 3d pokedex, so i'll just call him fat!


I think the thing that made me like Black and white the most is that the Pokemon of that new generation are the only ones you will encounter until you beat the game. Which generally made it fun knowing that I don't have to worry about fighting random Zubats or Raticates

The original Ruby/Sapphire games were just as bad and Diamond and Pearl were shit.

instead you had swoobats and whatever the new rat was called. They even brought in a new jellyfish Pokemon to replace tentacool on the seas.

Like it also pisses me off when I see people doing a playthrough of a new Pokemon game and using Pokemon from a different generation

You can use this stupid argument to say every multiplayer game ever made isnt fun

>live in suburbs, hours away from the nearest city
>go to local park
>get a bunch of pokestops


>pokemon fucking rumble not even mentioned

>lit af

>implying there aren't 251 Pokemon

Played every pokemon game since gen one. Pokemon GO is fun. Kill yourselves bitter neckbeards.

So, my wife's son wants to play pokemon for the first time and he asked me to get one for him to play while he visits his dad with her mom.
What is the best pokemon game for beginners?

Where's Gen 3?
Where's Gen 4?

>It's bad because it's popular

And you are a nigger who needs to go back to twitter

Firered/Leafgreen with this romhack:

This applies the physical/special split from gen 4 (IE, wether a move uses attack/defense or special attack/special defense is on a per move basis, not a per type basis, so say a fire pokemon with high physical attack can actually use fire attacks that use it's best stat), as well as removing the dumb limitation that you can't get cross gen evos.

I agree with this. Let's him start from the beginning without having to go all the way back to colorless game boy.

>wife's son

He didn't put them on the list of bad games because hes saying those are not actually bad games hence no need to put them in the image. It would be confusing if he believed the games he thought were good were put in the image if he didn't truly believe it.

>Gen 3
Hoenn for the new one, Kanto for the remake.
>Gen 4
Sinnoh for the new one, Johto for the remake.

is there no 3ds emulator yet that can run pokemon?

OP is proof that you actually don't need bait in your post as long as it's controversial.

I agree OP

>no gen 1
>no diamond/pearl

come on OP

i agree youre an autist

I don't see what's wrong with it. Picross on the other hand is garbage

kill yourself


>giving a shit about side games

That's not a strawman. Consider getting an education past high school.

Is this a joke? Who the fuck thought that was a good idea? Legendary mons help you if you're losing. I hope you're lying.

Rumble World and Rumble Blast on the 3DS are the only good games, and that's IF you care for the basic gameplay.

The Wii U entry is absolutely awful.

I just didn't use it. I turned the experience share off too. It doesn't have to be so incredibly easy.

The entire model for Shuffle is alluring you with collecting pokémon that help with trickier stages, but making the stages so bullshit you need absolutely perfect strategies, and items if you want S-ranks at all.

The game becomes an absolute grind if you play for free, and there's no satisfaction in redeeming grinded currency for easy win items so you can progress.

Nope. FPS has bots or campaigns, fighting games have arcade or story modes, puzzle games like Tetris Attack or Puyo have story modes. Keep defending a barebones phone game though.

How can games that are literally exactly the same be judged differently?

desu I'm at the beach and a couple hours before I walked down for a almost an hour and I didnt find a single pokemon...

but in the town next to it there are several pokemon and you dont have to actually walk that much to catch them

>hating Gen VI
Look who's a fucking genwunning faggot

Gen VI is the best gen yet (which is the same thing that's true every new gen).

>No DP
Literally retarded. Fuck off.

XY are fun games, but are lacking.
ORAS are also fun games, but inferior to Emerald.
They are both solid, fun games. I'll agree to everything else on your list.

X/Y were trash user

Genuinely asking but why do people hate Diamond and Pearl? I got like 500 hours of playtime out of Pearl.

>100m won't magically make you lose weight.

No, but several 5 and 10km eggs will.

>liking a pokemon game for its online capabilities

X and Y were good though. Dash was pretty fun back then. OR/AS are just bad remakes at worst. They are still good. Never played dungeon and Go shouldn't even be considered one of the games.

>Mystery Dungeon
Not at all. You forgot Ranger and those shit typing games. Oh, and Trozei and shit.

-speed is cancer, for real
-lack of content like R/S
-garbage HMs
-region is bland as fuck
-first pokemon game where in game performance isn't up to par
-the pokemon selection is horrid in game

there are also a bunch of minor problems

platinum fixed some of these

>fighting against bots
Missing the point. Might as well play chess against bots.

Haven't played Diamond and Pearl but Gen 1 and 2 were seriously terrible games.
I can't play them anymore. Everything takes too long, moves are full of bugs etc etc
The remakes on the other hand are great. Shows how to update an old game

yah but pokemon games are like kirby games

even the worst ones aren't bad

ORAS are way better than crystal btw and XY are better than B&W

A million reasons.

Main reason is the game is coded like shit, so it's slow as fucking balls, more then the GB ones. Horribly roster of Pokemon. New Pokemon are mainly legitimate garbage. Most new Pokemon are either shitty evolutions, or can't be obtained till post game, or are Legendaries. Graphics are shit, region is boring as hell sans Snow area. Characters are extremely forgettable. Team Galactic are by far the stupidest in the series, with dumb goal. There is more then just that.
The only good things are the OST [which is sadly pretty mellow most of the time, which makes the already slow game even more boring], and the difficulty.

That said, Platinum fixes so fucking much of the games, that it's arguably one of the very best of the entire series. Still anyone who doubts how bad DP have aged either played it first, or got into competitive at the time strengthening nostalgia. I would highly recommend starting a new file, and playing it legit [no pc cheats or speed up] and see how well it has aged.

gen 2 is fine

>everything takes too long

pray to god and be thankful you didnt play D/P

>x/y is bad

love this meme

>Might as well play chess against bots.
Yes that still has more depth than go so I would.

If I still owned my Pearl I'd give it a shot.

not to defend the p2w format, but the game still functions with it. And the original game itself is also a grind since it's about collecting pokemon that randomly appear.

Picross on the other hand simply doesn't work.

Memers who think that Pokemon was ever hard

Save yourself, just enjoy your nostalgia. If you do replay, do Platinum, or wait for inevitable remake.

>X/Y is bad
When will this meme end

Replace X/Y with Red and Blue. Also Go isn't even a game.

Go is a fucking awful game with a neat but done-before concept behind it.

Which is a shame, if Go had proper Pokemon mechanics, it'd be absolutely fucking amazing, but it's way too limited in what it is.

>tfw actually kinda looking forward to Sun/Moon

Last Pokemon game I played was White 2, so I think I'm ready to get back into the Pokemon formula now.

proof him wrong

user don't expect too much

I'm going to play X/Y as my first pokeman game since Crystal.

The games are still pretty much the same, no?

Massive quality of life improvements, but the same basic formula.

Don't go to gen 6, it's honestly awful. Play Emerald and pearl and you will be set.

Way to out your ignorance