You guys looking forward to Nu Male's Sky©?
You guys looking forward to Nu Male's Sky©?
Other urls found in this thread:
dank buzzword
>le numale meme
her son not our son?
Go away evil dogger.
Go away evil dogger
>posting the edit
please stop writing like this
>Well when you were born I caught a pidgey!
The OP is an edit.
Yeah. I've put a lot of hours into Space Engine so I'm looking forward to that plus a game. Even if the astronomy stuff isn't completely accurate the idea of just exploring forever is exciting.
Go away evil dogger
Stay here evil pupper, the purification process with not take long
No shit, retard.
this really doesn't make it any less embarrassing
Go away evil doggo
Go away evil dogger
Goddammit, OP. Did you just blackface a baby?
Yeah, but apparently they named the kid Ireland, so they are still probably terrible hippie parents.
holy shit this faggot is thinking about getting a pokemon when his fucking son is being born.
this isn't a meme unfortunately. it's this new wave of hipster who have 'grown-up' now and are 'manly men!' with their big beards and slicked back hair.
>inb4 beard insult
yes I can grow a beard, I just don't think it makes you manly at all. being a man has nothing to do with looks.
Yes, if you think as a man you will have any real say you are sorely mistaken. I've seen it with my friend, his baby mama decides everything, it's entirely up to her when he sees his kid.
Eat shit doggo.
So do Sup Forums newfags hate all races?
>anyone dark colored is a terrorist/shit skin/LE POO IN LE LOO
>White people are all cucks and hipsters
Of course, Sup Forumstards love to make fake numale/libcuck/bernietard stories and then circlejerk over them like they're real when they get reposted.
Go away evil dogger
>this isn't a meme
It's a meaningless buzzword encompassing almost 100% of all white males.
Not so fast, dogger.
Liberal whites,spics,mudslimes and niggers all need to go.
You know damn well that kid is going to grow up a huge Islam supporting faggot or a blue haired feminist dyke.
All the fedoralord "tip" caption images you see were just Sup Forums falseflag shit as well