Gaming tattoos

Does anyone else on here have a gaming related tattoo? Pic-related. I got it done recently.

its nice mang


>so what you want senpai
>just fuck my shit up with giant blob of paint
>say no mo

Here we go

tats are degenerate. don't bother getting them if you're not MC Ride, because he is an honorary degen


Thanks man! My gf got a couple of cool ones too. Pic-related.

I want something like the Shrykull symbol Abe has on his chest as a tat somewhere

Looks like you should have spent money whitening your teeth because it looks like you have fucking corn nuggets in their place.

Damn how many mountain dews and Doritos did you have to buy to get that?

dont call mc ride a degenerate you shit.



Hope you take care of your tattoo better than you do the rest of your body.

>What you want famalam?
>Draw a fucking apple and then throw some blue shit in there
>I got chu

>Fish is Josuke
>That hook is literally a stand in Part 5
trigger me timbers

Cringeworthy garbage.

Having a tat doesn't make you a bad person.

But don't for a fucking second deny that you don't have it as an excuse to talk about something.

Also, if you have something other than a gaming tat you probably smell like an ashtray.

Kinda wanted to get something nice game related, Like the Fox logo (Not so sure about this, might just get a fox instead) or the SOTC Sigial in electric blue or white ink

> woman
> zelda tat

of course

Wear a fucking shirt that shows it then,

You look gay.

Yeah, have the royal crest from Zelda on my shoulder. No pic cuz I cant be assed

Nah senpai, I'm gonna heck myself up. Get the playstation butts on my butt with the Circle button being my very own pink ring