>mediocre game saved by stellar soundtrack
What's her name?
>mediocre game saved by stellar soundtrack
What's her name?
Other urls found in this thread:
Chrono Cross.
Kingdom hearts.
xenoblade chronicles
your favorite game
Nier, 2bh
Ace Combat Assault Horizon.
Nier. Love everything about it except the gameplay.
Bastion / Transistor
Hotline Miami
Nothing about those games is memorable or creative.
FE fates/if.
Gameplay is OK.
Come here to post this
All Platinum games except for Korra
Or fun
Vice City
Came here just to say this.
This too, though more specifically 4.
every zelda game
I never felt like
drakengard 3 / nier.
I was seriously considering posting Hotline Miami and Undertale, but then realized I would just be baiting because they have amazing soundtracks and amazing gameplay.
But I guess some people decided to bait anyway.
every japanese game ever
most sandbox games
Jet Set Radio
Madworld as well.
Crystal Chronicles.
all of the tak series except 4
i love tak alot but alot of people think its weird and stupid
Pretty much every Sonic game starting with and After Heroes
I beat the first two when I was a kid.
Pretty fun games with great art direction, though that could just be the nostalgia talking
No More Heroes
I honestly consider it my favourite game
The Witch and the Hundred Knight. The gameplay is as bare bones as possible but the soundtrack is probably the best NIS has done
shatter was really fun, though.
Heores of Might and Magic IV
just what the hell happened with the music in that game? They have a framework there for something better. But it's like the files got corrupted or something.
here lemme be the person you were hoping to rustle. shut the fuck up just cause you don't like the game doesn't mean it's objectively bad. everyone knows the game is good so don't jam your opinions when it's a common fact that it's good. does it fill you with delight? i hope it does cause I don't care :D
Hotline Miami
Donkey Kong Country
Golden Sun
persona 4
final fantasy tactics
final fantasy 9
shovel knight
basically all my favorite games
>"amazing" gameplay
Well you still managed to bait someone.
I dont even know why thats the example they go for.
This track is far far worse, especially when you realize its a remix of a great song.
FTL: Faster Than Light
Final Fantasy X-2 for sure
That's hard to listen to.
You don't save a game for being mediocre by visuals are audio.
It will just be a mediocre game with good visuals/audio.
Valdis Story, the combat is enjoyable, the game overall is not that great, balance issues, weird controls, okay graphics, but I have a blast every time.
Is the whole soundtrack like this?