WoW: Legion

Why can't I get hyped about Legion? I try so hard but it's just not doing it for me.

Because it's outdated shit that's more of the same.

>14 year old game that has been shit for 8 years

Because you have no friends to play with

Because either you realized it's time to move on, old game is old, you want to love the game for having new stuff instead of some new feature like account-wide blah blah which is literally the reason I think most people play now; to collect transmog/mounts and show them off.

You realized Azeroth isn't worth saving

Because you noticed Blizzard hasn't released any content for +13 months and they will do the same again with the next expansion.

You stop caring because Blizzard stopped caring.


Survival hunter
Outlaw rogue
Demon hunter

I don't know which one from these three pick to fullfill my medium weight close combat combatant with some extra tricks and abilities up his sleeves.

i'll probably stop playing wow after they give me a decent necromancer
then i'll move on i guess

sure you will

suuuure you will...

>Mythic dungeons
>adventure mode
>best raids in any MMOs

Why aren't you hyped?

I'm stoked for Survival since they're going to have like four DoTs to apply. Lacerate, Raptor Strike/Carve talented for Serpent Sting, Steel Trap puts a strong DoT on them, then Dragonsfire Grenade does damage to nearby enemies too.

It's going to be a lot of little numbers flying everywhere.

WoW hasn't even peaked yet tbqh.

>WoW hasn't even peaked yet tbqh.

Tauren, Orc or Troll for shammy? male or female

1:Orc Female
2:Troll Male
3:Tauren Male
4: Orc Male
5:Troll Female
6:Tauren Female

>Resub for WoD launch
>Everyone is hype and experiencing the new content
>After 3 months the hype is dead
>Everyone realizes the new content is shit and there is nothing to do for the next 9 months

>Resub for Legion
>Everyone is hype and experiencing the new content
>After 3 months the hype is dead again
>Everyone realized the new content is the same shit we've been doing each new expansion
>Unsub until next raid tier releases in 12 months

Do you want boots or shinguards? Orc's got actual protection for their feet. Flip a coin for male/female.

People who are buying into the Legion meme need to have their financial decisions taken away from them.

pandaren female

sorry but if u actually played through WoD past 6 months you're here for life

People who can't afford to buy into the Legion meme need to be laughed at for not earning a worthwhile degree.

People who waste their time on a decade old game from a company that has complete contempt for it's playerbase instead of doing something productive like getting a worthwhile degree need to be shipped to Iraq.

Nothing good has ever come from a WoWfag. Especially not that garbage film.

Evening, Sup Forums.

If you resub, we'll launch those vanilla servers we've tirelessly been working on.

If nothing else I'm hyped that I can empty my bags and bank on tuesday.

Probably have enough gold from vendoring all that crap that I can buy another WoW token.

and fill it with what? more shit you don't need because the itemization in WoW is boring as fuck?

Yeah it's almost like MMOs are formulaic by nature and you're just paying for the next batch of content, not for the game to radically change.

>Feral gets gutted last patch, fucks over feral affinity even harder
>Nerf tank DPS to boot

At least disc seems fun, and holy seems viable.
Shame shadow is as useless as ever.

The new content was good, except for Ashran, there just wasn't much of it.

I don't know senpai, your mum said the dick I gave her last night was pretty good.

basically this
even if you're okay with what the game's become (solo focused action game that doesn't even pretend to be an RPG anymore, playing with others completely optional), you have probably realized at some point the only thing still worth logging in for is extraneous shit like transmog

you're no longer hyped for no content because it's all the same shit at this point, and you most likely do not have a group you're doing it with

How about you launch the Vanilla servers and I'll resub?

Not the point, the only reason they were kept there was for transmog. Now that the wardrobe is coming out tueday I dont need that shit to sit there forever anymore.

Also banks are good for holding mats.

I've unsubbed and resubbed like 12 times in the history of wow now. Unsub during content droughts, resub when new shit comes, and it's worked for me so far. The only expansion I have stayed subbed through the entire thing was Wrath, even in BC I unsubbed for a few months.

Activision buys out the biggest community driven game ever and then proceeds to remove the community from it.
Then they further casualized the game while tuning it into a shitty grindfest. Hope you enjoy daily quests and rep grinds and legendary grinds.
At least when the community was around you could get into all sorts of fun shenanigans with your server.

I can handle MMOs being formulaic, but not when it takes 12 fucking months to introduce new battle content.

At least FFXIV gets their shit together with 3 month patch cycles instead of 12 months. Shame that some shoestring budget japanese developers can produce more than some AAA western developers backed by the largest video game publisher in the world.

there is nothing else to do

Awesome grade schooler argument. Please stick to your MMO Champ forums where you belong.

No one says you have to stay subbed the whole fucking time. Just do what I do

I'm fine right here, friendo.

SE aren't complete fucking jews like Blizzard so of course they deliver content for their game people play.

>No one says you have to stay subbed the whole fucking time

and that's why WoW servers are mostly ghost towns except for prepatch/expansion launches.

Fucking THIS.

Let's remove all parts of the game that bring players together and focus on SINGLEPLAYER SHIT in a god damned fucking MMO.
Yes wow was amazing for its time by simply allowing you to level to cap full solo if you wanted but most of the game still drew people together.
How fucking stupid is it that with all this social media integration that the game is less social than ever?
You couldn't pay me to play this shit. At most I would fly around trying to dick around in the world. Get bored when I realize everything is phased, or cross servered and that the WORLD of warcraft is fucking DEAD.

>My server was high around the WoD prepatch
>Now it's low with it reaching mid sometimes

Archeage could have saved the genre before it becamse P2W cancerfest

not I'm stuck in WoW because there is nothing else

>havent played since early wotlk
>resub since I seem to have gotten a free upgrade to Warlords of Draenor
>chat is literally spammed with dozens of people selling everything from high end raid clears to BG/Arena wins
>literally nothing else in chat aside from this, no one looking for groups or recruiting for guilds at all

Yep, definitely not buying Legion. What a shit show.

They increased the capacity for all the servers. Of course you know that, but will continue to post the same pictures and shill your waifu simulator.

Had a similar experience logging back on to my realm. Really says a lot about how retard-proof they've made everything.

>falling for blizzard damage control

yes, lets increase the server capacity instead of getting rid of servers that had to be cross realm merged because they are dead as fuck.

People who still play this game are worse than LoL players. Absolute degeneracy.

>Activision buys out the biggest community driven game ever and then proceeds to remove the community from it.

Bullshit. We did that, WE did. Almost every bad decision that took away the community aspect was because WE kept bitching about inconvenience. Everyone seems to forget that people who play videogames by and large are naturally antisocial and the community only happened because a lack of support forced it to happen.

LFG queueing system happened because people bitched about waiting an hour to find a healer.

I'm curious as to when you took that picture as I was only last wednesday and Illidan was listed as high like always. Illidan is like the only consistently high pop server in wow history.

How fucking stupid is it that with all this social media, people are less social than ever?
social media was a mistake, really

not him, but the game needs server merges desperately, there are so many dead servers it's not even funny
blizzard refuses to do it because it would be admitting the playerbase is much smaller than it used to be

>How fucking stupid is it that with all this social media integration that the game is less social than ever?
You forgot that the advent of social media has made people less functional at socializing with people irl.

i dunno i'm an idiot goy and me and most of my friends are excited

What do you expect when there's no content. The current PVP season have been going since November and HFC came out in June.

Machines/the internet were supposed to aid in bringing people together, helping them connect.
The opposite has happened, people are more antisocial than ever and commonly have no idea what to do in a face to face situation now.

People still play WoW after Cataclysm ruined the game? lol

Don't put me in with your WE.
I never complained about that shit on the forums. I did used to go to the official wow forums when I played the game from Vanilla thru WOTLK. And yes there were always the vocal minority bitching about fucking everything.
The problem is Blizzard actually started catering their game to them and treating the forums like this holy ground of sacred information when in reality it was kids and horrible casual players bitching about everything.

The vocal minority and Blizzard actually listening to them ruined wow. All of the conveniences they wanted took the community and player gathering parts of the game out.

>Why can't I get hyped about Legion? I try so hard but it's just not doing it for me.
Because you aren't retarded.

same here

>42 days left

Thats no excuse for everyone and their Mother to be selling high end raid clears. That kind of shit was unheard of in TBC even at the end of the expansion because the content was actually difficult and thus the gear was valuable. Now everyone just clears everything in the first week and gets all the gear and all thats left to do is sell clears instead of recruiting and grouping.

People who say Blizzard doesn't listen are flat out lying, they have always listened.

The thing is the only people they've ever listened to are the people that actually talk to them directly, not people who bitch randomly on the internet. If you go to the WoW forums and read the threads over the years, as well as watch the Q&A at Blizzcons, you'll see EXACTLY why the game became the way it did. Those are the people that have guided the game's path.

>And yes there were always the vocal minority bitching about fucking everything.

Yeah and guess what, people who bitch are 10 times louder than the people who like the way things currently are.

Because TBC didn't funnel all of us into one raid. It's a downside of Blizzards "Everyone have to see the stuff we make" philosophy.

>Yeah and guess what, people who bitch are 10 times louder than the people who like the way things currently are.
I can't remember who said it, but someone once said that if you got a creator's fan and a creator's hater in a room to talk about them, the hater will always win. Because haters are more passionate about attacking than fans will ever be about defending.

Selling raid clears really grinds my gears. I've seen people buy some WoW tokens from Blizzard to sell them for the purpose of getting gold in-game and then using that gold to buy themselves raid clears.

You're paying real life money to get the opportunity to AFK in a raid. What the fuck?

>See everything the game has to offer in a week or 2.
>only other things to do is grind grind grind and increase that difficulty level for shit you already did.
Boy I sure love grinding to see more of the same shit i've already done before.
Oh and now you wont even get new weapons to look forward to.
How fucking lazy of Blizzard, now they dont even have to model new weapons for the rest of the xpac.

Gotta get that goldcap for the Mythic Mount while it's a 100% drop.

Blizzard makes money with barely any effort. Look at Overwatch. It's fucking sad that this is what the industry has been reduced to.

I play WoW solely for roleplaying, i dont give a fuck

The thing is the only people they've ever listened to are the people that actually talk to them directly, not people who bitch randomly on the internet. If you go to the WoW forums and read the threads over the years, as well as watch the Q&A at Blizzcons, you'll see EXACTLY why the game became the way it did. Those are the people that have guided the game's path.

This is the biggest reason why the game went to shit. The lead devs abandoned what they were going for to cater to the fucking faggots on the forums.

>selling carries for gold

the sign of a shit tier guild.

It was worth coming back for Mists launch, and again for ToT.
WoD has been a complete shitshow however, and we have little reason to believe Legion won't be a repeat of that.

Mythic mount is going to remain 100% during pre-patch also, carry cost is going to drop dramatically, especially on servers like Illidan

I think Iron Juggernaut prices dropped to something like 40k-50k because of Encore being silly with their pricing.

>play 2h frost dk
>no more 2h frost dk
>no more play

How come despite the blatant marketing with the same fucking image being used for the OP every fucking time these threads are still allowed?

Anyone can market and shill on here, that's how Minecraft got popular.

Minecraft threads stopped though.

"If your good at something..."

No retard, good guilds sell carry for real money.

WoW is basically a virtual chat room with group mini games now. A place to hang out with your friends and get shiny things. Nothing is worth anything because its so easy to obtain. Even the most brain dead of retards was running around in Mythic foundry gear 2 weeks after it's release. No one recruits or looks for groups because any content is easily done with a your tight knit group of friends even if they're really bad at the game, all they have to do is show up.

It's very sad that this is the industry standard now. So because of WoW we will pretty much never have a good MMO again.

The shill threads usually start with the whole LEGION image uncropped.
Very few words in the op. Usually something like
>what are you maining in legion?
>what are you looking forward to?
They always ask a simple question to get the thread going.
Sad thing is it works, most of those shill threads reach several hundred replies.

Legion prepatch is a little different because even with the nerfs given to hfc we players also get nerfed by quite a bit. The balance isn't going to shift a whole lot.

Which guilds actually do this? How much money do they even charge?

Wait, what?
Are they changing frost DKs again?

>not playing the only spec that resembles WC3 DK and playing Unholy

albeit the mandatory ghoul pet is a bit of a buzzkill but hey

>good guilds

Haha no. Shit tier guilds and alt groups sell carries in WoW nowadays.

Pretty much any guild.

There's still a general thread on /vg/

I have a question for all the people who've been playing in Beta. Without spoiling, what are some recommended classes to play in Legion for LORE and STORY; which have the best Artifact Quest/Hall stories?

Not many, blizz will ban you for it.

>Pretty much any guild.
Who are they so I can report them and get them banned for Real Money Trading. Blizzard takes that shit very seriously.

Every decent guild sell them for real money but you can't prove it.

Rogue is just awful, no idea about the rest

All you gotta do is pose as a buyer and get them to incriminate themselves and send the proof to blizzard.

Also any mention of RMT can be tracked in in-game logs and emails used for transactions can usually be linked to emails

Reward for not understanding a joke;
You've earned it

>WoWfags literally pay hundreds of dollars to let someone else play the game for them

can't make this shit up

>All you gotta do is pose as a buyer
It doesn't work like that user.

It shouldn't be too difficult. Most of these dumbass carry sellers are unprofessional NEETs

Hahaha ok man, gl with your meme crusade.

Thanks, I will. Can't wait to get these retards banned.