Why aren't you excited for the PS4 Neo?

Why aren't you excited for the PS4 Neo?

>Only $400
>Will have better graphics than 99% of current PCs
>Old games will get new performance patches to look better

I'm buying a Scorpio, that's why

My old PS4 works fine though

If I didn't early adopt, I would opt for the NEO but as it stands, games largely dictate my gaming experience, not hardware.

I envy late adopters though a bit, having the options to choose from the very start would be nice.

>Only $400

Hasn't been stated anywhere.

>Will have better graphics than 99% of current PCs

And will have shittier graphics than anyone with a decent PC.

>Old games will get new performance patches to look better

Has already been confirmed to not be happening by Sony.

>Will have better graphics than 99% of current PCs
This is what fanboys actually believe


>4.14 TF

>Hasn't been stated anywhere.
No, but we can infer it based on the pricing history of the PS4 and hardware specs that have leaked.

I'm probably not going to get a Neo unless it makes a significant difference with PSVR and there's a compelling reason to buy PSVR

No games.

>have top 1% PC playing games at 4K 60 FPS
>Already have a PS4 that I don't use very often for gaming

I don't really see a reason to upgrade, unless performance goes to shit in exclusive titles.

How's Bloodborne, PCuck? :)

Not even PS4 owners give a toss about that game.

They don't even need to, PCucks like you do all the work :)

you mean the game that sold half as many copies as splatoon

That makes no sense, bet you thought that was an "epic comeback". Congratulations on being retarded fanboy.

Cuz I bought a PS4 right before the announcement/leak and I don't have a 4K TV yet.

Neo will not play games at 4K

Just get a pc AND a console.
Are you fanboys because you're poor?
if you're 18+, employed and make good financial decisions, there shouldn't be a problem

>let's advertise the console as being capable of doing 1080/60!
>it can't do that, at best its 1080 with unstable 30fps, or 900p with unstable 60FPS
>shit shit, we have to cone up with something!
>enter Nioh, touted as being one of the few games to do 1080/60
>whoops, it can't even do 720/60, it is literally outperformed by the Wii U
>no way the PS4 can handle PSVR
>shit shit now what?
>make a new console that's effectively twice as strong as the PS4 to compensate for shitty developers

You can't make this shit up. The worst part is that this will actually be a success since Sony is the industry leader, and their trends become the law.

>spend £1,000 on a PC only to play multiplats
>still need to buy a £400 console to play all the good games
>"good financial decision"

pc virgins in full buyers remorse mode lmao

Can't wait now I can fully upgrade my ps4 for 400, get psvr for 300 and could brag about the price of my setup like pcucks

>PS4 neo

You mean PS5. Don't be fooled

$700 isnt no where close to $2000+ though

>replying to muh exclusive faggotry
>wh why are you such a fanboy???
nice projection, cocksucker

Because my PS4 is fine, and I don't care for some dumb new version.

Its total is 1100 dollars, considering the ps4 I have now

Yeah, I deeply regret buying a PS4.

>implying a pc is only used for games
>implying pc costs £1000+ to be better than a console or even half that
>implying pc doesn't have way more exclusives and cheaper, better games + emulation
>implying even more that you're poor

Stop fighting, it's pathetic

The meta has always been pc+nintendo console, get with the times.

Settle down, ok?

Burning your money is a more fiscally wise decision than building a PC. A pc from 2015 built to exceed the PS4 will be killed by even worse optimized multiplats, combined with nvidia driver downgrades and shitty AMD hardware. Or better yet, the PC will only look as good as the PS4 version, despite needing hardware twice as expensive to run.


>tfw don't regret mine
>tfw gonna play Nier 2 soon
Suck it faggots.

Because I'm not wasting another 400 bucks just for a console that has features the original should've had.

>Only $400

>Will have better graphics than 99% of current PCs

>Old games will get new performance patches to look better

None of this has been stated by Sony on any level.

>Will have better graphics than 99% of current PCs
99% of current PCs are laptops with HD series graphics. Take a look at steam's statistics. Besides, I already own a PS4 and if this thing doesn't come with a UHD BD player I can't really think of a reason why I should buy it.


this, sounds like it can only stream at 4K

tfw no N3O!

Is it actually only $399 USD?

I'm not buying the same console twice. If I'm dumping $400 it'd be towards a Scorpio or a PC.

These console upgrades are so dumb. I used to buy consoles because they were simple, comfy, and could play the latest games for a few years for a relatively low buy-in price. This generation completely missed the point. If you need to get a 400$ upgrade every 4 years, it's no cheaper than a pc

explain why the original """""should've""""" had these features

not 99% of gaming pc's. Most pcs out there are utter shit, user

I'll probably get it when it lowers in price
I like the idea of enjoying my favorite PS4 games at 60FPS but I'm in no need to upgrade right now

My overkill PC didnt even cost me over 1100$ and it runs GTAV and AMRA3 at ultra with stable 60fps. As well as doing VR without the gimped settings that PSVR pulls.

>As well as doing VR without the gimped settings that PSVR pulls.
>when most people says its the best

k pcfat

>Will have better graphics than 99% of current PCs

Congrats, that's the dumbest thing I've heard all day.

When a console can run a game at 4k 60fps then give me a call you retarded faggot.

> (You)
>Burning your money is a more fiscally wise decision than building a PC.

I guess if you need fire more than a versatile tool that can do 50x more things than a console

>A pc from 2015 built to exceed the PS4 will be killed by even worse optimized multiplats combined with nvidia driver downgrades and shitty AMD hardware.

It would have to be 'Batman Arkham Knight'-tier multiplat for that to be a problem. Those games tend to be shit anyway. Nvidia driver downgrade is a myth that has been disproven. AMD had good hardware, their drivers are normally shitty, but tend to get fixed overtime. a pc built in 2016 wont be killed, it's a pefect time right now to build, youre probably already aware of just how good the r9 480 is.

>Or better yet, the PC will only look as good as the PS4 version, despite needing hardware twice as expensive to run.
Depends on the game. Lots of console games still look like shit. The difference with pc is the framerate, it's the only way to deal with the horrendous sub-30 framerate.


They told me that my games were expected to run at 1080p at 60fps.

looks the same

what game is this anyway?

source needed

>Will have better graphics than 99% of current PCs
You don't honestly believe this do you?
The power is almost always in the price tag, expecting a 400 usd machine to beat a 500+ usd pc is retarded

>>Will have better graphics than 99% of current PCs

>>Old games will get new performance patches to look better

Also bullshit. You have no guarantee on this.

>all these scropio goyms

Seriously. I just don't get it. I hated MS before, but all that shit just sealed the deal forever.

Why are consoles incapable of doing what PCs do anyway?

>Old games will get new performance patches to look better

Dude you still can't even play every PSP game on the Vita TV, let alone every Vita game. What the shit makes you think they are going to bother patching every single PS4 title to date?

>Why aren't you excited for the PS4 Neo?
No games and still paying a retarded paywall just to play online

>every single PS4 title to date?

I think they said every ps4 title released after september 2016

literally any company would gladly fuck you as much as humanly possible for more money.

The reason why microsoft is more bold about it is because it has far fewer invested in the success of its gaming division. Even if it fails colossally they can just try again in 10 years with a non-xbox brand. Sony isnt ready to completely cash in all its good faith yet.

I dont want either company to go out though, because if another company entered the ring to replace one of those guys they wouldnt even hesitate to try and make the industry into APP STORE 2: ELECTRIC BOOGALOO. If you think its bad now you should see what any other giant company would try and do to the game industry. They would go fucking hardcore with advertising, hype, and media shilling. And no, it wont be samsung. probably not apple either. My bet is amazon. Theyll try that shit if, by some chance, xbox pulls out.

gtfo Sonygger

So not at all what was stated in the OP? Awesome.

I'll consider it if the price is right. my PS4 has been acting up lately. I don't think it'll last another year. I feel kind of like a cuck but it's whatever.

I mean unless Sony drops their dumb 5 dollar a month bullshit I'm not inclined to buy either next next gen console

Because I have one of those PCs in the 1%

>a multiplat that looks better on PC than on console

I thought such things were a myth?

>they confirmed that it wouldn't be sold at a loss
You're delusional if you believe this. $599 minimum

>Only $400

You wish, buddy.