What ever happened to Gex, Sup Forums?
What ever happened to Gex, Sup Forums?
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Shit game, that's all there is to it
Pretty sure the studio that was responsible for his existence tanked.
Who actually owns the rights to the IP is anyones guess. To lazy to see if it's mentioned on wikipedia.
All 3 games were pretty good though even if the wise cracking was repetitive. First one had a really solid soundtrack that i revisit every now and then.
Shit opinion. It's one of the better collect-a-thons of the era.
Iirc midway and crystal dynamics were the 2 behind it, havent seen a game from them in years
you can't /thread your own post.
Agreed on the repetitive voice lines. I still have SLIP OF THE TONGUE embedded in my brain after all these years.
I have most of the lines still memorized from the third one which was probably the better of the two 3D ones they made since they refined everything about it a lot better. Something about the atmosphere of all the games is really good though.
Probably my favorite track from the first one
I still find it weird to this day though that the end of gex 3 ends up with him fucking that spy chick.
Square Enix (through Eidos) owns the rights.
I played enter the gecko recently, I enjoyed but it was flawed. It suffers from really stiff controls, an unhelpful camera and the voice acting became incredibly grating after a very short amount of time. It's a shame Gex died, interesting idea for a platformer that could have been improved quite a bit
Kinda surprising this hasn't been rebooted yet when its style of referential humor has exploded in popularity the last decade or so.
Gex 64 (which I believe is just the Nintendo version of the first one?) was the only one I ever played extensively but I have a couple memories of renting and playing the others and they seemed just as great if not better.
Nah it's the version to the second one. The first Gex was a 2D platformer.
Last year SE offered to hear people's pitch for new games with old IPs including Gex.
YOU had to develop the game and use fucking crowd funding though. Fucking stupid if you ask me.
Gex 64 was the second one. Gex 1 was entirely 2d
You can find Gex 1 on GOG but i think the rest of them are console only. I think the second one was the weakest in the series but not at all a bad game just among the other ones it wasn't great.
Honestly recommend trying them out user. I haven't tried 2 or 3 on it yet but ps3 definitely runs the first one if you have one and can find a copy if you want to go that route. Or emulate if your computer isn't entirely shit.
It's super weird since Gex was the original meme game and that shit is huge these days. Every level was just an excuse to reference some actor or TV show. But it's not like the games were without substance either, at least I remember the N64 game being pretty good with some really great worlds. The older ones were a little more meh, but most games around then were kind of simple.
English Gex >>> American Gex
he will live on forever in our hearts
Oh, good to know! Is it similar in tone to the 3d ones? I'm probably going to pirate at least the 2nd and 3rd one and try to relive some memories here.
>American Gex
holy shit how does that even exist?
Yep. Hope you enjoy it my man.
The character is a couch potato filling the void of a dead family. American makes sense.
I would have to play the games again to see if they actually hold up but I do remember having tons of fun with them. Although one thing I do remember is the music. The music was pretty good.
>played all the gameboy ones
>played the N64 ones
kind of miss it
do you guys think the N64 ones have aged well?
Slip of the tongue hmmmm hmmmm.
I don't recall if it was PS1 or 64 but the hub world is eerie because of how big and empty it is
I have to equally ask holy shit there's a british gex?
He got married and is now a family man.
The last time I played one (it was gex 64) was a couple years ago but I still remember having fun with it. There's definitely some issues with it, especially with the total fucking shit draw distance, but it's still a solid collect-a-thon platformer.
>It will never be Tail Time again
It hurts.
Why didn't you save him?
He retired before a truly bad game came out under his name. Gex has a great track record compared to other series.
>3 games
>good track record
It's tail time.
They'll never touch it again.
Three good games is better than twenty mediocre games with five decent games sprinkled here and there.
Dragon Quest has far more games and has a solid track record, Gex is on the bottom of "great" series. It's dead for a reason. It's shit.
Isn't Crystal Dynamics doing the modern Tomb Raider games now?
He lost his fight against Donte.
but he's the James Bond archetype, why would he sound American?
fucking weird
I love(You)
I looked it up to see what english gex sounded like. Fucking terrible.
sounded like a young red fox and everything was just completely out of place.
>American Gex is literally niggerspeak
Fuck off, kiddo.