Pirate game

>Pirate game
>finish game
>See this
What do?

>finishing games

Itt: things that never happened.

How come old devs only care about people playing their game and new ones only care about the money?

>staying long enough for the credits to start

>go out of your way to create a pirate version and upload it yourself on torrent website
>still try to guilt trip you into making a purchase

new age marketing

Same reason old devs would make games for free in their spare time and new devs all go to patreon and kikestarter and then give up halfway through because they already spent the money on hookers and blow.

That would just kake the developer seem like a little bitch. I'd feel guiltier if it said "Thanks for playing" or if the last person on the special thanks in the credits was the player.

Back then the savior of gaming didnt exist as Denuvo was not invented yet to protect hard working developers from thieves.So all they could do is write a shitty message pretending they didnt care.

Personally, if I was gonna go out of my way to upload a pirate version of my own game, I'd add screamers everywhere.

Get spooked

This is from Monaco isn't it? I'm pretty sure this message appears in legitimate copies too, I thought it was just a message to the player since you play as thieves in the game

>old devs only care about people playing their game
>new ones only care about the money
Ah yes, the good old days where the devs were mystics that only did good by the people and did all their work for free, never expecting any repayment.

Cave story was free.

>I'm too young to remember something so it never happened

>doing something BECAUSE you enjoy doing it means you're doing it for free and shit

stop being retarded or life will just be difficult for you

It's not all about money. The matrix has you Neo.

People complaining about piracy are pretty weird.
They always know stuff is pirated, its just the way things are. Then they decide to make a game that they know some will pirate.
Then they cry about their game being pirated.
Why did you become game dev if you dont like people pirating what you did?


>game about stealing is mad at you for stealing

Oh god, you're right I'm being so retarded right now.
What was I thinking, "people want to be compensated for work" nobody ever does that.
thank you for guiding me on the right path, If anybody does anything for money, it's only because they're greedy
thank you again.

Isn't that game about being a thief?
Seems unrelated to piracy.

>go hug someone on the street
>get shot
Thanks Monaco.

When exactly were you born that developers didn't try to implement anti-piracy measures into their games? I'm 26 years old and computer games have had security keys for as long as I remember.

only 5% of world population lives in US tho.

>dear pirate,
>if you enjoyed this game I would greatly appreciate you buying a physical copy.
>I put a lot of work into this game and it means a lot that you enjoyed it enough to finish it.
>thank you.

I guarantee that indie devs would make more money if they did this, instead of being passive aggressive assholes.

> i saw it in a video game
>so it's ok for me to do it

You are literally the reason pastor's wives try to ban video games

What are some good anti piracy messages in games?

I know right why should people expect to not have their products to be stolen?


>game about killing is mad at you for killing

Back in the ancient era they didn't


I rather not have people literally beg for money.

When was a game about killing mad about killing?

Oh right, dude sex.

Does this happen if you emulate?


If you break into a theme park, you're stealing. The rides go on without you, and the park is the same after you left, but you're taking an experience that took money and time and effort that people have a right to charge for and legally own.

Favelas and penny-less basment dwellers please leave

If I ever create a game I'm gonna upload a special version -- with easter eggs in the code for the people who try to crack it and additional content, perhaps intentionally goofy and challenging, but not game-breaking -- in a public tracker. Something like a special/collector's edition but for pirates only.
One day I'm gonna make it Sup Forums.

>that pic

some bastard uploaded a rom which the anti piracy gets enabled. Can't really remember which rom website it was but if you check the comments you'll see bunch of people complaining that certain elements in the game are gone and weird crashes.

Funny how you literally are wrong, using theme park rides without paying is not stealing

>He doesn't remember Rockstop's anti-piracy measures

It's considered theft of services, like walking out without paying for your meal.

Explain to me how it is not stealing, you are taking time and effort that someone is charging for and taking it without permission.

what game?

>Pirating games

You do know this board is for people over 18 right? Please come back in a few years when you grow up.

>let me reward the people who steal my hard work rather than the people who reward me by paying for it

Because you're an underage shit?
Games have had copy protection since like 1990 or older.

>Finish game
>Feel dead and empty inside
>What to do now

>What is the FOURTH WORD on PAGE 3?
You are fucking retarded. Literally every AAA PC game from the late 80's/early 90's had this shit.

>How come old devs only care about people playing their game and new ones only care about the money?
>What were the code wars
Remember when devs used to leave snarky messages in code to pirates? Fuck off underage

>using a twitter name as actually alias
glad I stole that piece of shit

didnt bother past lvl 5. Pretty boring game

The only games worth pirating are shitty overpriced indies, and DLC ridden garbage.
>What were the code wars
Shame that shit ended with the NES.

It's certainly meant to be a reward for the people that like rev engineering stuff, but for everyone else it's going to be a pretty dubious one at best.
Plus, everyone who bought the game would still have access to the pirate edition because it's out there on a public tracker. Which leads us to:
>implying pirates and buyers are disjoint groups


Laugh my fucking ass off. Probly by the game if i enjoyed myself. Especially if its on steam....tell people to pirate it first for the lulz


It probably means "Stealing stuff" as in stealing in game, and nothing to do with piracy.
faggots acting so high horse