Who the hell wanted Emmett Graves, Isaac Clarke, and Big Daddy?
Who the hell wanted Emmett Graves, Isaac Clarke, and Big Daddy?
Who the hell wanted this game?
>Who the hell wanted Emmett Graves
I just wanted his game to be promoted ;_; . Fucking GOTY concept and no promotion from Sony after the reveal
Maybe a couple of Playstation fans who were curious?
How was Starhawk?
Fucking great. Story mode was ass but it was short and a pretty decent tutorial to understand some of the more complex stuff later in the game.
>Isaac, Big Daddy, Raiden, FUCK YOU
Marketing department
Fuck if I know
Why did they draw master chief as a manlet? isn't he 7ft?
Big Daddy was requested by Ken Levine
Capcom wanted Donte
IIRC Kojima wanted Raiden in
As someone who played this game, I am still pissed we never got Abe from Oddworld.
Yeah people bitch at Sony for the third party characters but they were handed shit ones.
Sony doesn't have a very deep bench.
Sony needs to try this again, but with a bigger budget and better developer.
It's a shame that they had to release the underwhelming DLC first
Same deal with the two Coles
It was Sucker Punch's request
Also Team ICO didn't want their works to be featured in All Stars
Killer Instinct is basically Xbox Smash bros done right. Now if only more people gave a shit about it.
I ended up playing Nariko despite never playing heavenly sword before. She was actually kind of fun
>Arbiter and Rash created more hype than any character announced for All Stars
some reliable insider said they are and think he said it will be more powerstone-like
This is what happens when most of your games on your system are third party. Can you even imagine the amount of bullshit you would have to go through to get the rights to use characters?
It may be a lot easier if they try again now considering back then the PS3 was doing bad and Sony was getting beat by Microsoft. I'm sure they could get Crash this time. Cloud I doubt, fucking Smash got him and that still blows my mind.
Reminds me of how Sakurai refused to use Ghostly Adventures Pac-Man and even considered dropping him out of Smash 4 if it wasn't Classic Pac-Man.
If only it worked out similarly with Donte
I think Sony could score Crash now that the PS4 is getting a Crash Trilogy Remastered.
Also they could get Chosen Undead since they have a good relationship with From Software
Sony wasn't in any position to argue with third parties back then. They lost a ton of money with the PS3. Sony still isn't doing too hot but Playstation is the most successful part of them now. I heard Namco actually wanted Heihachi in Smash, too.
Chosen Undead would be awesome. I'd like to see what they could do with the guy from Tearaway.
Sakurai briefly considered Heihachi but decided not to add him in because he didn't think his movement would've fit in Smash
but ryu
In case you haven't noticed, Sakurai is both retarded and a pathological liar.
Gonna take this with a pinch of salt but did he mention roster and developer?
Ryu's in a 2D plane most of the time
It probably helps Sakurai played a lot of SFII back in the day.
sfxt was 2d
>Take a game with potential and give it to a literally who developer
>Sony wonders why it bombs
Soiled it.
It's actually a great game though, the only thing that fucks it up is the KOing aspect of the entire game.
It's pretty good tho tbf
Unpopular opinion but I think Superbot did an alright job with getting the characters just right and everything felt faithful to the games. The real issue was the gameplay wasn't very fun. You can't try to go up against Smash with roster alone, the game has to be fun first. That's when you throw your mascots in.
I got bored and watched a series of videos that went over the movesets of each character, stages, and even the items.
I was honestly somewhat impressed with how much material they went with.
>Actually great
It's actually not. The combat is boring. They fucked up man.
No it's good.
It's just how to KO them that's annoying. There's nothing else you can complain about.
It's a shame because that team was in a very unfortunate situation. They were new, had a tight budget from Sony, and a lot of third parties wouldn't work with them or made tough deals. For what it's worth, they did their homework and all the characters felt like how they should be.
Only thing worse than the roster was the game itself. What a mess.
I have a couple of complaints besides the gameplay. I think the music could have been better, and the UI was pretty shitty. Smash's UI is so unique and if they wanted to compete they should tried a little harder.
all things considered sony smash was an alright game once you get used to the KO system, they just really should have added a health mode or something.
It's just a shame this game went through so much hell during development, you can really tell they tried their best to make an honest smash game.
I'm complaining about the one thing that matters: combat. Shit sucked bro. Nothing you did mattered other than feeding your KO bar. The definition of boring.
But hey, you and the ten other people who like this game can always play together.
>Who the FUCK is Emmett Graves?
>smash ui
Only Brawl's was anything of note.
Not him but I feel that visuals wise the crossover aspect didn't mesh too well. I think they needed a unified artstyle to make the characters don't stand out from each other too much
is this like digimon rumble arena 2
It didn't help the PR for this game was disastrous. I remember some dude interviewed one of the developers and he was throwing so much shade that they copied smash bros. I think he even made a point to ask why they tagged their E3 video with a smash bros tag. Tons of people were overreacting.
The Groovitron would've been perfect for this game
I honestly found it fun
When I wasn't fighting Drakes, Raidens, Dontes, Kats or Kratos. Basically, any character that turned the game into MvC3.
Thanks to this game I discovered Parappa the Rapper, and now it and Um Jammer Lammy are one of my favorite games.
It helps that Parappa has such a fun moveset.
Someone said it best
No cash no Crash
No Crash no cash
That's a funny was of saying Melee's
I remember reading early on that they originally wanted to go with a unified style, which is where some of that horrible character concept art came from, but in the end they decided to just have a mixed art style as a "stylistic" choice.
A good unified artstyle would have been better, but between that concept art (I can't find it for whatever reason) and what we got, they made the right choice.
Parappa and Sir Dan were what made even check this game out. Those games were my favorite PS1 games.
Makes one wonder the amount of shit that would've thrown if Snake appeared in Smash 4 instead of Brawl.
does anybody have images over ideal lineups for this game
they were pretty old though like before the game actually came out and we were handed shit on a stick
>They actually had a unified art style at one point
>They didn't go through with it
Also SFII was one of the biggest games on the Super Nintendo and the most successful version by a country mile
Which isn't good.
If you want an example of actual good UI design, see most of Codemasters works.
At the end of the day I'd pretty much just gotten it for Heihachi and Big Daddy.
They didn't save it.
Holy shit. I've never seen this.
Same. Dan sold me on this game
It's a shame the developers hated him and never buffed him despite being the game's only D-tier character for literally its entire run.
Brawl's UI was just a less interesting version of Kirby Air Ride's UI.
And you have shit taste.
What the hell. How did we end up with a copy and paste job boxart?
pasba had so much potential
Kill yourself.
I think some of the universal changes ended up nerfing Sir Dan too.
Source on that?
that's one of them I think but there's one in particular of ratchet and he looks like rancid roadkill
sasuga minimalist fag
I have no idea
splosion man 3 fucking when?
>hating codemasters ui
shits sleek as fuck, don't hate
>Sakurai: Pac-man’s design was updated in a 2013 CGI cartoon titled, “Pac-man and the Ghostly Adventures.” This new design has been used in a variety of products. But in the end I felt that his old-school design was better, and used that in the design plan. If that was rejected, I thought about dropping Pac-man altogether.
Gee, maybe if would have been good if it actually was a Smash ripoff.
Something that no one ever really mentions when discussing the game is how well balanced it was (aside of Dan being shit tier)
Pretty much every character (except Dan) was viable and the meta was huge.
I didn't say it was bad, I just made fun of you for being a typical minimalist fag who things everything that isn't minimalist is "busy."
What you're showing me now though, that sucks.
>Something that no one ever really mentions when discussing the game is how well balanced it was
There's a reason for that.
I found this unified artsyle boxart.
>All three of these look better than the final boxart
>Even the logos are better
What the actual fuck
I believe they originally wanted Snake but were offered Raiden instead and accepted.
They wanted Dante too but Capcom would only give them Donte. Apparently negotiations for Dante escalated to the point where Capcom just gave them the ultimatum of Donte or nothing so they just took what they could get.
There was also one other character they tried to get, I forget which, where allegedly they were laughed at when they went to the rights holders for permission.
So what's up with this?
Was the game not a Smash clone at some point?
What the fuck Sony
nah, these insiders dont reveal to much so they dont get in trouble
if he revealed the developer then they devs would get tons of messages about it
It was going to have characters jump from two different perspectives ala Guardian Heroes.
>make a party game, a genre which aims for the younger demographic
>make the main focus a bunch of boring CG humans instead of the caartoonsish characters that actually appeal to children
This was their biggest fuck-up: Thinking they could emulate the success of a game for children with a bunch of characters that aren't aimed at children.
I remembered that they tried to get Lara but Crystal Dynamics wanted their new Lara to debut in her game first.
Ed Boon offered Scorpion IIRC
Smash was made to be a simplistic party game but eventually grew a competitive following
PSABR was made to be competitive but also have party game elements. It didn't work out
What really pisses me off about Big Daddy is how basically all the accessories for him were actually rapture related, but when Infinite came out they fucking changed everything to Infinite garbage.
I used to use the Spider Splicer avatar but they changed it to a fucking generic 1920's woman to fit with the Infinite theme that didn't exist outside of the level
So their mistake was that they fell for the "Smash is competitive" meme.
PSASBR would have been great if Sony cut all the multiplat characters and wasn't afraid to pander to otakus with PlayStation's wide selection of anime characters.
what anime characters should they have added?
i agree with you though
Smash started out as a simple fighting game about Dragons or something and Nintendo put their characters in it. If Sony seriously wants to compete against Smash, they have to build a game that plays really fun, then add your characters to it.
>allegedly they were laughed at when they went to the rights holders for permission.
It was some anime character, I want to say Cloud but I don't think that's it