Is Dota 2 the greatest game of all time?

Is Dota 2 the greatest game of all time?

i want my 6 000 hours back

It actually is the best team competitive game, especially from the spectator sport perspective

Spectator? Is this some fancy word for a cuck or what?

No, it's a fancy word for a spectator.


Would be the best game ever if a certain South American Country didn't have internet access...

Even worst balancing than LoL
>slark and techies still exist
>Blademail ignore bkb
>Lycan transform time
>The whole meta revolve around Timbersaw and Spectre

Nah that is Starcraft: Broodwar


game balance is shit but dotards defend it by "just ward his jungle" "just 5 man gank him from 0:00"

>Even worse balancing than LoL
>Dota 2 tournaments have 95% - 99% of all heroes picked or banned
>LoL tournaments typically don't even break 50% picked or banned

LoL players are delusional

Worse than league, better than some games i guess.

I took a very long brake from it and im considering picking it up again. It's not without its flaws but i think all memes aside and butthurt, dota 2 is a really good game.

I understand why people dislike it but i think dota 2 scratches the itch that only very few games can.

>Play with 4 random difficuty AI against 5 random difficuty AI.


I like Dota 2 a whole lot, but right now I'm more into HotS. Latest patch ruined the game by giving creeps 100% extra damage to buildings and now everything is super intense, the slightest slip-up and you lost. It's basically like playing late game dota all game.

it's shit

Maybe if it had a larger variety of interesting games in the arcade.

I want my 20 min. back.

MOBAs are truly one of the most garbage genres around.

The only reason why I installed Dota was for Legion TD

Timber is just good now because he counters the STR meta and all the Int casters that previously countered him got removed from the game

This wouldn't had happened if Lina, Zeus and Lesh were still around.

I prefer this over le epic eul combo

Its easily the best in its genre (although that's not a hard feat) and a pretty good game overall, but it's not the greatest game of all time. There is no such thing.

Timber is insufferable right now. He has no counter beside Silencer, and it is not even a hard one.

MOBAs and their players are cancer.

Eww I stepped in shit.

Such a fun game. I miss it sometimes. It's too bad I can't play it without feeling like my time is withering away.

That's true, that's why I play dota instead of mobas

>he doesn't know how to handle techies

If you like games where you win by picking 5 apm characters and using their abilities leisurely as long as they're the braindead flavor of the month ones, sure. Play any character that's interesting and you get shitstomped by the other 90 that can kill you by pressing Q, then W, and maybe R.

Your time is withering away every second. It doesn't matter what you do. Eventually you will die and anything you accomplished will be forgotten. Best to do what makes you overall happy and forget about the unecessary after thoughts.

why am i looking at an abstract art

Match length makes it worse. You can be in a totally lost game for 60+ minutes. Huge waste.