Have you gathered all ingredients that are needed to make a tasty sub yet?
Monster Hunter Generations
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Currently farming mitsune, I really want the bow from the demo, I like the sounds it makes. Question now is, which is the bow that eventually leads to that tree
I got the atk up L set and the lv5 GS and still haven't complete hr1 or village quests and I got bored.
>Do the double khezu key quest.
>Unlock village 5
>Some nigger villager gives me a request for another double khezu hunt
Why the fuck do they do this shit?
Aerial GS is the 3u kelbi bow of generations
is it as fun as 4u?
Where the fuck are all the rare 2 hammers? I'm dying out here
If you really enjoy gathering then yes.
If you dislike gathering, then no.
Tons of gathering in the game because prowler exists.
im fine with gathering
>See blacksmith
>Ask to upgrade my hammer to lv2
>Give him 4 iron ore
>Suddenly have lv2 hammer
Personally I didn't find it as fun, despite the large amount of gathering endgame content isn't as satisfying and it has less customization with armors and weapon skill setups, played for a good 100 Hours and got bored, 4U I put in like 600 hours.
bring back swimming
I used to say that too until I played this, they just took it to a whole other level it just becomes mind numbing, easily the most boring start out of all the MH games. I'd hate to be a new player to the series if this is their first game.
Anyone else find adept gunlance to just be too clunky?
Like, I went into the game thinking my mains would be Adept Gunlance and Aerial Hammer.
Aerial hammer is everything I had hoped it'd be. Really fun, makes knockouts even better since you can usually get them out of a mount, and the upercut instead of the power slam and worthless spin makes it really easiy to hit the high heads.
But Adept Gunlance is just so slow. The way it locks you into the guard for a full second almost before you can turn is bad enough, but the biggest problem to me was the lack of the shot reload.
The new heat shit is really fun to manage with the gunlance, but it's so much easier to work with with that reload you can do after any shot.
Doing the normal reload constantly or having to wait for a good counter chance just breaks up the flow so hard.
I am new to the series. I bought 4U after spending ten hours in Generations.
Also why does 4U run at 60fps and Generations only run at 30?
Unless you're a completionist i don't get the complaint about the gathering quests. Like 90% of the key quests are hunts and around half of the villager requests are hunts too.
Even if you don't use a guide to know what quests are key quests you can get through the game only doing hunts. After village and guild hall 1 there is like one or two gathering key quests and the game marks them as urgent too.
Rushed game
Piss poor optimization
Just a quick game to shit out to honor the anniversary and hold us over for mh5
Nigga most key quests are gathering quests until hr
Don't spread misinformation
Is it just me or is the online dead?
When I played MHX I would host rooms any time of the day and in 5 minutes I would get a full party, so it was pretty fast to get ranks.
In Gen I make a room and not a single soul shows up.
Let's be fair, 4U was mostly like 45 fps. It was pretty shit seeing the 60 going constantly down
People that wanted to play x already have. And have already returned back to 4u. You'll have more luck posting rooms here, or /mhg/
Use Aerial Gunlance, you can pretty much spam full burst over and over again faster than you could on the ground. Works great with Normal Shots. I honestly just used Guild for any other type of shot though.
So when is the star fox dlc supposed to come out?
Bullshit, every single key quest in low rank is a hunt.
I think it's also meant to be testing the waters with shit.
Like, I'm not far into it yet, but it seems like they've made a lot of TECHNICAL improvements/changes rather than adding more monsters or areas really.
Stuff like being able to put in account items from the delivery chest, the guy that can take shit for you once per mission back home, the whole cat shit, the styles/arts, the balance changes, etc.
I imagine a lot of those will be coming back in 5, but with whatever parts don't resonate really removed.
And THEN they'll give us all the new monsters and fewer gathering missions. Maybe even some MHO ones.
Id rather styles not return
I could have sworn it was officially stated somewhere this would be the Super Experimental side game
This, though I'm having fun Generations really is just fucking buffed up the gathering quests.
No assholes, I don't fucking need 4 quests to gather different amounts of Unique Mushrooms.
Don't forget that you can hold down the loot button and don't have to stand up every time now.
Nobody is forcing you to do them all.
Prowler is OP
Doesn't bother me, I just use Guild
Oh fuck off
What actually happens
why is nargacuga in 4* when the other flagships are in 5*
Yeah I main GS and im at HR3 and I think im gonna go to CB Aerial.
Aerial GS, especially if you have mained GS for a while, is so FUCKING amazing(but OP, at least so far. I get 2 minute kill times on village quests and 10 minute solo HR3 quests)
I got some from the meowster hunters
You just resurrect on the spot.
Got to 5* village and shit has gotten pretty real. Double/Triple hunts fucking everywhere and I still gotta do tons of gathering quests even though I've already done alot.
Wish Seregios would unlock so I can upgrade my Narga sns
>Getting that low in HP in the first few minutes.
>fight astalos for the first time with adept
>get three super dodges in a row while just mashing dodge
this is kind of stupid
Well the rubber grip that is on top of the 3DS analog stick came off when playing this game. Found out it has better grip without the rubber grip but I can glue it back on if I need to.
You need to calm down.
why does she have two tongue ? fucking japs
So, shiny beetles WHERE? Am I going to have to pack cool drinks for sand adventures?
I never go ape shit on the analog stick. Thing just came off. Had this 3DS since 2012 and I never put tons of stress on the stick.
>tfw killing tama early with striker switch axe
I know it took 38 minutes, but god damn I shouldn't be able to do that
>Never before owned a ds
>Never played MH
>Decide to buy both
>Wont come in until Friday at the latest
what am I in for bros?
Grinding. Loads of grinding.
A slow as fuck start but solid fun overall
An MMO in your pocket.
Honestly, it's best if you have a crew to play with, but if you can get sucked into grinding for fancy armor and weapons against dinosaurs and dragons, then you'll have fun.
Also, finding the weapon for you is always an enlightening experience.
I found out I'm more of a tank person, and became enamoured with the stabby cannon that comes with a giant shield.
>four ears
stop this shit
Thic hunter babes
How do you even get started in this game? What armor should I aim for before getting into MP stuff?
it's not a big game
Did someone say thicc?
>pick up hbg
>waddling around slowly, the new hunter arts are cool
>try aerial style
>suddenly flying all over the fucking map doing crazy trickshots
What the fuck is going on? Can someone explain to me how aerial HBG even works? How do I even aim aerial shots?
Yes to sand adventure
No to cool drinks. Just use the cat
build any full set of armor. you'll notice a nice change to your damage. if you want to kill things faster, get a better weapon
>MFW Glavenus theme
So good.
>aerial on small monsters
any ds or just 3ds?
because if it dont have a normal ds you should look into flash cards so you can easily play all past ds games there are a fuckton of gems
Why is she so purrfect?
>Beat Glavenus in Story
>Song and Dance Video right after the result screen
>The main singer is the Meowstress
This completely caught me off guard
Decided to just go full ham sandwich and bought a new 3DS XL and MHG because it was the newest MH.
Anyone up for HR6 turns or something? These advanced village quests are making me mad and I wanna fuck shit up
Good choice, look into other games and stuff. I'm stuck on an o3dsxl and would buy a newone but im a poorfag.
Try to get to at least village *3 or *4 before going online though, you want some experience and not just hold everyone back like the french
There's also some good programs on windows for building armor sets and finding materials once you understand the basics, look up videos on youtube as well for combos and all your moveset for weapons since there is most definitely moves you are missing if its your first time
Also try everything or at least mostly everything, you will surprise yourself with weapons that are fun
I want to treat Nekojo to doughnuts.
I've used that weapon for part of 3U and all of 4U, but this time around I've decided to use the small gun bow as my main weapon, switching to the stabby cannon for when I need a tail.
Do the online Prowler quests unlock things like the offline ones? Is there any reason to do them if I don't enjoy Prowler mode?
i think some of them unlock recipes?
Does anyone have a savedata converter from jap to us?
I'd join ya, but I'm still in HR 1.
I'm trying also busy trying to grind for Tama's armor in Village 5, but I'm also trying to finish up all these leftover gathering quests.
>mfw Accounting quests
Never played a Monster Hunter before. Is there one I should start with or just jump on one of the latest ones?
I would like to know this too, too lazy to farm everything again
I think 4U is a more robust and new-user-friendly game overall but f you care about online play even a little bit then get the newest one.
4u has a better tutorial but this will have more online and easier to jump in with lower level people
If you have the money go for this, just know that the flashy moves and style wont be in the other games. Being a cat is fun too
This also has a better endgame
inb4 MH5 is just gonna be MHO but with a B2P model
Honestly, 4U is a really good starting point. Good tutorial quests to introduce new players, decent balance of hunting vs gathering quests, and it doesn't have the added stuff Gen brought.
Gen is also a decent start, but some of the new things it added might not stick for future games, so don't get too used to these things.
3U is the perfect MH to get, though. It had a good amount of new monsters, the areas were nicely designed for the most part, and it has the benfit of being on a console
I remember plowing through 3U with Gunlance mostly and being so in love with it but 4U showed me the beauty that is SnS. Even replaying some 3U I can't stop using SnS
If you feel like you're missing out on the initial online funny fun times, get MHG
HOWEVER, I think 4U is the best game in the series for both breaking the ice as a newbie and seeing how far down the rabbit hole goes.
The series isnt like other series with good online that has everyone jump ship once the next game comes out. Youll see a major dip from the last game due to the new one coming out, but the numbers of the last game increase once the new game wades. People STILL play Freedom Unite and Portable 3rd, which came out a LONG time ago
Sounds good. I'll give 4U a try and see how I like it.
Thanks anons.
You can also just emulate FU and P3rd, and you don't have to buy a whole new system to play 3u/4u/gen. I sincerely doubt that 3u still has many people at all playing online
Sand map, go to the caves in 6 and 9. Good luck, sometimes you'll get 5 of them in a run and in other occasions, desire sensor fucks a nigga up.
Anyway to play MHFU online without ps3?
Also was there ever a Western release of P3rd? I don't remember there being one.
English patch for it. But it doesn't go to G rank so it's kind of baby's first monhun.
P3rd I think never released in America but people slap a complete fan-translation and netplay on PPSSPP for online fun.
MHFU is the same as above, PPSSPP emulate and netplay
Most people don't actually know this yet, judging from some of my online hunts.
Small, cat ears, cute hair, cute rhymes.
I didn't really use ranged weapons in 4U, but I've been trying out bow in this game. Access to both Power Shot and Arc Shot is really nice, it seems like one of few weapons where's there's never not a time you can deal damage. I can see it taking some skill to keep those hits going constantly. Is Spread the best type of Arc Shot?
Later in the game do you unlock more coating ingredients at the Trader? I run out of Power Coating pretty quick and then fights tend to drag a bit.
Thanks for the tips man. Really appreciate it. Im anxiously awaiting my 3ds and game. Havent owned a handheld in like 10 years but decided to say fuck it.
Some of the prowler quests give you more options from the trader. Most people just carry the ingredients on hunts so they can make more when they run out
no problem, 4u was my first monster hunter aside from one of the psp games that play i played for a total of 2 hours and i bought 4u on a whim as well and put a good 500 hours into it. Happy Hunting user
Shogun Ceanataur is spooky.
I do not like him.
You'll want to do this anyway, but it's especially important when you're using up your precious Power Coatings to do fully charged shots in Critical Distance. Don't waste them firing off pot-shots at a far-off target. If fights feel dragging then there's a decent chance you aren't properly staying in Critical Distance.