Let's talk about this game

Let's talk about this game

What about it?

It's a super simple game with an extraordinary skill-ceiling

Gets boring after a few matches


It's the only game that consistently brings me back and keeps me happy.
I praise God everyday for this masterpiece.

gr8 game if you can into git gud

Fucking sucks dick that you need to rely so much on other players which can have awful co-op chemistry.

bumping thread now and will explain in next post.

Really good, excited to buy my Maurader Tuesday

I think 1v1 is the best mode to test your skill, 2v2 and up are only fun with friends

i wish there were more social elements

Matchmaking is completely fucked and there's no option to only join games that haven't started yet.

Other than that it's a really fun game.


I find that if you are a very skilled player playing ranked there are several things out of your control that can impact your ranking severely.

talking specifically to ranked 2v2

>players with terrible lag/ping
One thing I hate is how you can get matched up with someone on ranked who has unplayable ping levels or ping spikes all over the place causing an unfair advantage to the other team and a near hopeless match for yourself. The game shouldnt start if you have over 150 ping.

>teammates who play in ranked as if it is a public match
This shit is the worst. Teammates chasing the ball all over the field . 0 cooperation. They hit the ball randomly without thought or direction just for the sake of hitting it. They get in the way/bump you/steal all the boost.

>teammates who attempt ariels EVERYTIME and fail everytime.
Its one thing to go for a strategic ariel but if you cant fucking do them then stay on the ground and defend.

>random leaving during ranked
Players who just get up and leave for no reason or are afk

>teammates who do not communicate
Never let you know who goes for the ball first, never tells you when they will pass or if they are on offence or defence. This shit just makes it unnecessarily more difficult.

>dedicated defence or offence
These assholes take up either a goalie ONLY or offence ONLY position and never work together.

Fuck you if you do any of this.

I'd play it more if my skills didn't deteriorate so fast. It's great when I have time to play it every day but if I take a week off I feel like I'm stuck on the ground with everyone else flying around over my head.

I have about 200 hours and I'll drop it for weeks at a time but always come back strong. It's like riding a bike

>friend always gets angry at me because I'm a shitter and often don't get the ball in when he sets it up
Still a fun game

>want to get good at aerials
>don't want to get laughed at

what a conundrum

I want to play this game so fucking much but it never goes on a good sale, and I'm so bitter about it I refuse to buy it unless it's under ten dollars.

training mode nigga, its there for a reason.

If you can get 100% on expert difficulty you are better than 95% of players

there's a training mode?

Last update ruined the game.

On top of that, the community is by far the worst out there today. So there's no need to play it.

Fun game though.

A large majority of my games online play like absolute shit.
I'm teleporting around a lot of the times and it's just not really pleasant. It's odd though, because other games work fine but Rocket League is pretty problematic

yeah it's in the menus. the "training" option.
there's also a third party mod thing? something? that has community set up shots, or whatnot, but don't fuss with that til you've exhausted the standard. you can find it on reddit

also: once you're feeling better, start to wait for the ball to hit its apex before you go into the air

Play ranked, you goober. The only people that can rejoin a game in progress are those that dropped out.

Pub Stomping in unranked is the video game equivalent to therapy

>play with some guy on 2v2
>he keeps spamming chat macros
>for some reason blames me for losing the entire time
>i score 2 goals in the end
>asks why i didn't play like that before
>i say i expected him to actually do something the rest of the round
>get him next 2v2 match on other team
>guy on my team afk and gets booted at the start
>play alone against the faggot and some guy
>actually make them go to overtime after scoring 3 goals by myself

bitch was salty as fuck he started telling me to add him on steam and go on 3v3 and shit.



>Last update ruined the game.

probably mad about neo tokyo

I got some fag on 1v1

>decent game
>we're at probably 2 to 2
>starts spamming "wow, all these lucky goals" and "earn a goal fag"
>don't reply and we go into overtime
>kickoff in my favor
>about to tap it in when he panics and knocks it in himself
>my only reply the entire game: "that's why I have you"
>"AssholeAnon Disconnected "

It's a shame saved replays don't save chat logs

I actually like that map

The risen sides mean whoever is covering the rise before the team gets there gets control
The slope to the rise always gives pause to reset defense
I don't like the weird pockets though; can't ever predict the path when it goes in there

>le community is bad

everyone says this about every game

it's meaningless and who fucking cares