
My opinions on the Fallout games. Discuss. Also general Fallout thread.


not counting shelter

New Vegas was better than 4 and the shelter was actually enjoyable for a free phone app (at least in the beginning, haven't played it in a while)

Fallout 4 is great tier? Lol, nice bait. What a fucking piece of shit game and a buggy mess. No, it's not close to great. That's "bargain bin after a day or two" tier.

New Vegas over 3. New Vegas was 100% more enjoyable to me, 3 I couldn't get super far into before I dropped it

>buggy mod for Fallout 3 that was unplayable at launch due to save corruption issues
>not shit

I think everybody, no matter the order of the rest of their list, whether they're an Interplay elitist or Bethesdafag, can agree that BoS is a disgusting abombination and every copy should be burned.

Wew, good thing I didn't play it at launch

>PlayStation owners

Switch nv with 4

Guys, the colour of the outline is my ranking, not the order they're in.

Oh, so it's even more of a bait. Thanks for clarifying.

Honestly love the whole series. Never played brotherhood though. My favorites are easily fallout 1 and New Vegas. Going to get a lot of shit for this but I honestly believe 3 was a respectable sequel and enjoyable game. 4 went pants on head retarded but still is a good mindless shooter

That's even worse

2 was a mess of content but it is still miles better than 3 and 4

Why did you do it like that?


that only makes it worse

>3 and 4 better than NV
kys yourself

It's a screenshot of my steam library, so it was easier to just draw rectangles than change the order.

Haha 4 was so bad like literally the worst game ever.

Haha I love the courier

Don't get all triggered on me bro.

4 was actually good for 10-20 hours, tops.

Haven't modded the game yet tho

why you bitches hate on shelter?
too difficult for you?

the fuck why would you lay it out like that

>judges fallout 3 with all dlc and patches
>judges new vegas at lanch without the patches the fixed the game-breaking bugs

biased much?

>playing Bethesda games on Playstation
The PC version is still a mess. Quicksaving basically guarantees save corruption.

it is an abomination of anything and everything related to the Fallout series.

Say it with me now.

This one gets.

The worst part about this tier list is you probably didn't even play 1 and 2 and are just pandering to people by listing them as top.

oh shit really?
No reason to be in this thread then, it's clearly shitposting bait

That's so much worse.

donut pepe wood

Here OP, thank me later

Fallout 4 is not an RPG.

oh, so you have even worse taste than i initially thought

NV and 3 should be the same game now. Playing 3 alone is irrelevant.

>NV comes out after F3 is fully patched and has all DLC
>thinks it's acceptable that NV was even buggier than F3 at launch

Objective truth.

Your opinion is horrible. You should really reconsider your life at this point. I would recommend a hobby change. I'm also requesting to gook moot that you be removed from Sup Forums. And yes, the point is to make you feel bad about your opinion, because it's a shitty opinion you should feel bad for.


>Fallout 4 is god tier
>Fallout 3 is great
>NV is good
user I'm so sorry you were dropped as a baby.

>3 not sitting aside Shelter in Trash

Does TTW have all the weapons in 3 as well? Like I can get the chinese assault rifle for example


I put your image into trash tier for multiple reasons.

Your image is confusing because you didn't group the games by tier, instead expecting people to check the color of their border.

None of the fallout series is god tier.

I'm not actually listing 2 as top, retard. And here's a screenshot from my library with threadstamp.



Really though fallout 4 wasn't even that bad

Neat, I always love the chinese rifle.

The witcher 3 had far more crashes/bugs that fallout 4 even came close to have. Not anyone's fault you're a delusional idiot. You probably thought tlou was goty


Kek, fallout 1 is so overrated. You're a fucking try hard op.

>fallout 4 wasn't even that bad

Do you fucking say 1 and 2 the exact same? Or does the VA at least say each one in a different tone

Fallout 3 is one of the worst games I've ever played.
I've played Disney shovelware that's more entertaining

God - Fallout/Underrail
Great - NV
Good - 3/2 Sorry but only the NPC/mechnical changes in 2 appealed to me over 1
Shit - F4
Haven't played the others. I got whatever came as a trio on gog for free a while back but haven't played it, probably tactics.
I'm not a braindead mobile retard so I haven't played Shelter nor will I ever.
BoS, not even sure where to get honestly, don't want it on steam.
I don't own F4, but I watched a friend play it and god it was bad.

Guys, the colour of the outline is my ranking.

I gotta admit the gauss rifle in 4 was pretty rad looking. Probably the only weapon I really liked in the game

A lot of the lines are the same, sometimes they'll re-use the same generic recorded response for multiple conversations.


Every Fallout game is pretty bad.

Fallout 1 told a story in which everything made sense. Fallout 3 and 4 leave you with so many unanswered questions and no way to find the truth behind any of it.

Bethesda rewrites the rules, they make new rules, and they break their own rules.

That's fucking retarded, do you have Autism?

>that layout
Nigger how high are you?

look at me, i don't play phone games because im smart and mature and edgy hahaha

Homer REEEEEE wood?

>any fallout after 2 being a RPG

The train has departed in 2008 friend, anything after that is a action-adventure with a misplaced leveling system

It's a screenshot from my steam library. It was easier to draw rectangles than to move them.

Thanks for supporting freemiumware user, you're part of the future of video games.



>Inb4 bethesdrone
I JUST hate deserts...

>4 God tier
That's even shittier taste, user.
F2 to God tier, 4 to trash tier, Tactics and 3 to good tier, NV and Shelter to great tier.
BoS can stay where it is

but that's wrong

>fallout 3/4 fan is actually retarded
Nothing to see here folks.

I really want to bully you but for some reason I just feel bad


>Obsidian will never get to make New Vegas 2
>You'll never get to help House colonize the moon after he's fixed and raised society

>I'm willing to deal with shitty writing and casualized gameplay because I don't like deserts

>I don't like the west
end your self.

yeah the combat is superb. I like how you have the option of customizing weapons (even though it wasn't done as well as it should. plus unique modifiers make the game look more fantasy compared to sci-fi) but they left out a crucial amount of things that New Vegas did well.

Like factions and crafting ammunition. Fallout 4 even somewhat reintroduced damage types that the original games had with ballistic, energy, etc. Even though it was half-assed, I am glad they decided to do it. But you can't take advantage of it without ammo types.

And I'm glad they decided that you can use any weapon even if you aren't skilled with it (I believe you should be able to use any weapon but having skills invested drastically improves your performance like reducing recoil improving accuracy, etc) They definitely should not have removed skills.

I also like the fact that they categorized Unique Weapons - Weapons that do not fit the category of energy or ballistic such as the Gauss Rifle, which is a hybrid of both. It fires ballistic projectiles but is also battery packed so the 2mm EC ammunition is part ballistic ammo and part battery.

But in conclusion, none of this matters. Fallout 4 had the potential to be a truly great game. There is so much squandered potential and you can see it everywhere.

I really want someone to take Fallout 4's assets and do a brand new game with it, BECAUSE I KNOW it will be fantastic and definitely GOTY.

1>2>NV>shit>the rest

>New Vegas 2
god no, please do a different location. I love NV but I couldn't handle another desert

Fallout Shelter is a better Fallout than Fallout4

House > Caesar > NCR >>>>>>> Wild Card

1 > NV > 2 >> Tactics

Everything else doesnt deserve to be mentioned

Wild Card > House > Caesar > NCR

>Wanting to be someone else's puppet

Can I move my mobile save of Shelter to the PC version?

>Choosing the Mary Sue dumb ending
>A Courier now has to lead New Vegas
>Handing the reigns of power over to literal skynet


>not choosing your faction based off of the character you're playing as
It's like you don't even roleplay

I enjoyed it as much as the earlier games, Sup Forums just gets autistic when it comes to the fallout series

nigga i live in arizona and new vegas is one of my favorite games of all time, get over it

I don't get the over whelming love of 1 and 2.

They have aged like milk. If you are giving them points for starting series and mood they cast I guess I understand the logic.

dis nigga is retarded

indy+securitrons > house > ncr > caesar > indy without securitrons > lanius

objective fact

Fallout 4 is a bad videogame.

Just came here to say that.

My tier list in no way implies that I don't do this, I am merely rating which I think is best.

It's not skynet if he still sucks your dick
Sawyer already debunked that yes man betrayal

he's not wrong entirely. Fallout: New Vegas had to adapt to the shitty Oblivion engine which I would agree doesn't allow for much depth and immersion compared to other RPGs.

Like for example imagine you stumble across a dark chasm in a cave.

You don't have the option to pull a rope in your inventory. You don't have the option to light and drop a flare down the pit. And you definitely don't have the option to send one person down because it's too narrow.

It needs way a better engine allowing your character to have more solid actions. Fallout: New Vegas does it's best given what crap they could work with.
