So we've confirmed that the RX 480 is infact in-between a GTX 970 and a 980 (sometimes beating a 980 especially in...

So we've confirmed that the RX 480 is infact in-between a GTX 970 and a 980 (sometimes beating a 980 especially in DX12) for $199. The GTX 1060 is a little more expensive at $249, and of course isn't actually gonna cost that until months after coming out. Nvidia says it's gonna beat a 980, but there's no way that's possible because the 1070 barely hits the 980ti and if this is true than they're gonna be putting out a nearly identical card for far cheaper but we won't know till 3rd party benchmarks come out. If it really is that good I might spend the extra cash. What should I get Sup Forums?

You didn't write that in a very easy-to-read way.
But you should wait for the 1060 benchmarks. Overall, the 480 might be better due to the memory bandwidth and good aftermarket versions.

AMD software and stuff might give you problems though.

Always go for nvidia, the build quality is better and the driver support is leagues ahead. Not to mention all the game developers that they bribe into optimising their games for nvidia.

>build quality
>driver support
nvidia mess up too
also not all games use gameworks

op get a 480 if you want, though you could always wait

The 1060 is going to be fucking $350-400 after tax for months. Nvidia prices are fucked to hell nowadays

Because they haven't had any competition until literally last month.

It's like Intel.

When the only other choice is clearly inferior, they can afford to charge more.

I recently upgraded to one of these from a much older AMD card and the only cooling I have is my case fan. Do I need to get something like liquid cooling?

1070 literally destroys the 980ti in everything. I'm not happy about it, but Nvidia is shitting on AMD right now. Vulkan works a hell of a lot better on AMD, but the static gains from Nvidia are just too god damn good.

I'm confused, I'm seeing RX480s everywhere, but the design is similar to OP's pic. Are they just RX480 reference slapped with 3rd party name?

Yeah, their high end cards have been the best for quite a while. I do think that amd had better low end offerings before this current generation. Hope my 390 lasts a while longer.

You should be fine with just the fan on the card and your case fan.
Liquid cooling scares me a little, I would think that too much can go wrong.

>Are they just RX480 reference slapped with 3rd party name?

Yea. You're gonna have to wait a bit and probably pay a bit more to get the improved one, like that super slick Sapphire one.

>1070 literally destroys the 980ti in everything
There are a few benchmarks where the 980ti is 1-2fps ahead. And overclock for overclock, the 980ti overclocks better.

Source: Me, who can't get more than +150/+500 on his 1070.

They already cost around 280 burger bucks in my 3rd world country, so the improve ones would net me at least 300 or more?

How much longer till custom cards?

Which third party offers the best cooling solution in your opinions?

Probably. I'm in the same boat being Canadian, the "Super cheap only 200$ RX480!!!" is actually 400$ Canadian funbucks because on top of the exchange rate of around 1.3, we also get a bonus 20~40$ slapped on there as a sort of friendly fuck you.

But hey, the GTX 1080 is almost 1000$...

Custom cards released nearly simultaneously with the 1080 and 1070 reference release

also Zotac is pretty much always on top nowadays with the amp! extreme editions

going to upgrade my 770 to a 1060. will feel good

What's Zotac equivalent for AMD anyway?

Yeah not so much in the 480's case though.

I don't know, I don't buy trash

I'm using a 660 now. Still hesitating between the 1060 and the 480, but either way it's going to be a huge upgrade, especially combined with my recently acquired i5 6600K at 4.4Ghz.

>buying amd
>having a gf

pick none

>The 1060 is going to be fucking $350-400 after tax for month
haha yeah fuckign right.

>buying nvidia
>not being a shill
pick one

available in stores right now for 249...1060 cards are produced in multiples of the higher end cards...

Its not the 200$ version of the RX480 which does what you say, it is the more expensive 8GB version of the card.

>$250 means $400 after tax

>Because they haven't had any competition until literally last month.

>When the only other choice is clearly inferior, they can afford to charge more.

You're legitimately stupid if you think its Nvidia gauging prices. Nvidia is guilty of under-production, but that's more due to an eternal beef with TSMC.


That man isn't representative of the average MGTOW neckbeard since females are actually giving him attention.

It totally is.
Why do you think they're getting away with this founders edition bullshit.

It;s the 1080 that's having yield issues, not the 1070.

>Why do you think they're getting away with this founders edition bullshit.
Because Nvidia buyers are like the Macfags of the PC gaming world? They even use the same arguments
>it just werks
>i pay extra for quality

It just works is a strong argument when it comes to graphics drivers.

Are you this much of a fanboy that you can't see the market condtions that lead to Nvidia getting so much market share?

AMD had some serious blunders in the past.

And to be honest, Zen will most likely be another.

Because AMD has literally no presence in the high-end market and people are desperate to upgrade? Not to mention that the power requirements mean that people with lower end cards can easily upgrade without further modifying their system.

>AMD had some serious blunders in the past.
And so has Nvidia, like the Geforce FX series, Geforce 7 series, every Tegra chip ever

Nvidia took over the market because of marketing and their tendency to bribe developers into supporting proprietary middleware that cripples anything but the latest generation Nvidia card.

You can't ignore AMD previous terrible driver support as a factor here. People got sick of it.

AMD's software has been getting better by leaps and bounds recently since they've finally dropped almost all of the old legacy code they got from ATI outside of the OpenGL compatibility mode code that some Windows-only CAD software needs.

The new all open source driver stack on Linux still has some issues with CPU overhead but there are a number of benchmarks where its faster than AMD's proprietary driver and even Nvidia's proprietary driver which is huge.

If they can port the work they've done on Linux to Windows and MacOS the quality of the drivers would improve dramatically, but lately those platforms have been getting more and more locked down to single-platform APIs which means that the benefits of shared open code are lost.

Ausfag here same problem I had to buy a 390x it was cheaper hahah