Is Tekken making fun of Americans?
Is Tekken making fun of Americans?
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>can't pronounce "Hworang"
>so we'll just call him "Bob"
Bob could be Canadian tho
Not at all, bob was a fucking beast in tekken 6/BR
Can he ever be balanced? His array of "lows into mids" is unholy.
Its a fact that all americans are fat
Bob pisses me off as a character. The amount of jump, spin, and flip kicks the guy does completely disregards the fact that you'd break your ankles being that obese. His whole story makes no fucking sense.
So who is master Raven? What happened to guy Raven?
Speed and weight equals power
Which is in North America.
>and speed
Wonder how he bulked up without making himself out of shape.
Usually things like protein shakes are there to build muscle, not gut.
except you'd have no speed being that fat. Ever. Not in a million years.
He is, actually.
To be fair, Rufus is even more egregious.
But that probably didn't make you feel any better.
Yes and No. Bob is a genuinely chill and cool guy
Bob's fighting style is specifically geared for his weight, as evidenced by the fact Slim Bob knocks himself down whenever he tries to use his gut to attack.
Oh I get it. You're making fun of the fact he's actually really fucking good.
Too good, actually.
He needs to be nerfed. He gets away with far too much shit. Only character more OP is probably Lars (and in 7 he kind of sucks so that could only help Bob's standing).
That's Raven's fighting style...wonder why they changed him to female.
it's raven's master not raven
He became a master, and in his clan, that means becoming a woman.
Nah, just kidding. He just fell into a cursed spring.
She looks younger than him.
bideo games
she's literally *teleports behind you* *unsheathes katana* "DIE!"
>young don vito jpg
>a black character gets replaced by someone fighting with the same style but black AND a woman
Harada can deny it all he pleases, he succumbed to the SJWs.
>It's a Sup Forums whines about a waifu episode
Just admit you're gay already
If you have the muscular framework underneath it all, you can. You'd be fucking surprised how fast a fit-fat can move. It's actually really scary. Seeing 400 pounds of flesh coming at you is intimidating as fuck.
This is fucking disgusting.
Like SCV tier garbage.
Why are there so many people like you, user? I had a guy get extremely asshurt at a local after I mollywhopped him as Birdie and he wouldn't shutup about how much he hated fat characters for almost an hour. Same reason people get mad any time a Rufus used to take rounds.
I played college linebacker and am 6'2'' 270 lbs and people are always surprised how fast and agile I am even though I'm black
I get mad about Rufus because divekick pressure is for one-note tryhards.
>more weight equals more speed equals more POWER
>his skinny version is ashamed as fuck over his lack of weight
Bob's just a fun character that happens to be American.
Not if he's high tier again, I'm sure.
This one I'm not a fan of.
I tried picking up Rufus around AE2012 because I always kinda liked his design. You'd be surprised how much work he was outside of his winning matchups.
looks like jonah hill
I could tolerate her design if her hair was not an abomination
You were almost perfect Tekken 7
Tekken 7 has been fairly meh so far, no need to sugarcoat it.
I'm not sure if these recent additions did much, really. Akuma still remains the only really interesting shake-up so far.
I just wanted a Tekken game without Bob and the Capos
Is he gonna accidentally turn thin in his ending again?
Literally black Ibuki.
Did you appreciate Lars's reduced bullshit quotient?
Pissed me off a fair bit. Killed quite a bit of his effectiveness as someone who mains him.
I used him in Tag 2 too, and honesty he needed it. Shame about old df2 being gone though
Can't knock down with b+1+2, can't knock down with SE 2, 1+2 sacrificed to make room for the Rage Art...
How long til someone on Sup Forums makes a shitposting "sjws ruin Tekken" thread and all future Tekken 7 threads quickly devolve into sjw and Sup Forums shitposting?
Idolm@ster already ruined Tekken.
And Harada has terrible waifu tastes.
>And Harada has terrible waifu tastes.
Forehead girl isn't that bad.
One of Bob's custom items in Tekken 6 was a burger that would sit on top of his head and teeter around during the fight.
Kind of humorous. Sort of wish it comes back.
I want that shirt
Fucking trannies
dude he literally stops bullets with his mondo belly
what a fucking badass, why can't fat people block bullets half as well as this nigga
Why is he wearing a button-up shirt under another button-up shirt? And what's up with that belt on his right thigh?
Well Heihachi caught a bullet in his mouth fired from about five steps away.
Look at slim Bob though. Plus even fat Bob is a bad ass
Fat people are funny and fat shaming is something I will endorse until the day I die.
It's just a skin color dude, no need to worry about it.
You can't exactly fat shame Bob since his plan worked like a charm.
I'm glad Bob exists because now I can cosplay as a video game character
Playing as Bob with that hat and the cammo outfit made Tekken 6 worth playing.
Was fat Bob good? He was better than skinny Bob I think right?
Raven's Kunimitsu?
Bob was high tier in all the games he's in. Slim Bob was only in Tag 2 and I don't know much about him.
He's really really good.
Very good. He dominated the Tekken 6 scene (IIRC the first year it was at Evo all you saw in top 8 were Laws and Bobs). Even after the Mishimas came back strong in TTT2, Bob still had a lot of presence.
I honestly don't expect a lot to change here. His entire moveset is built around overwhelming force.
Maybe Raven is a moniker
I already think that now. It's like Yoshimitsu naming himself after his sword.
>all of north america is the USA
>Mfw I main Bob and piss niggers off who play Bruce and Eddie
>my main is a girl now
I don't know what to think about this.
>Master Raven's walk during the trailer
My dick became fully erect.
>people kept complaining about there being no black characters
>instead of bringing one back, they take one's moveset and give it to a black scandily clad titty monster
As it should be.
That prancing beta SJW faggot Mark Julio/Markman happened. He's the reason why Bruce and Raven was replaced with Josie Rizal and Master Raven.
It bugs me because a few years back there was an user that kept calling him out for doing shady shit when he was still employed at madcatz, but I wasn't buying into it because it sounded like a bunch of crap. In retrospect, I was a tier whore back then who thought SFxT was going to be the greatest thing on earth, so...
Markman suggested it to Harada.
He probably complained and threw a tantrum until Harada caved.
It's not Harada. It's Julio/Markman. Same thing with Josie replacing Bruce.
What you're saying doesn't even make sense. Tekken has always had a lot of different ethnicities, nationalities, and a good amount of male and female characters.
Also the reason Bruce was replaced was because he was not a popular character. When he was really good people would use him, but otherwise he generated little fanart, fan devotion, etc... People didn't like him as a character so taking his moveset and changing it up makes sense. Besides Josie has a lot of her own stuff.
The thing with Master Raven is probably similar. Raven saw little actual play though that likely had more to do with him not being all that great as he is a fairly popular character and people were pumped for him in SFxT where he was much stronger.
And no one in their right mind can say Master Raven is pandering to liberals with how heavy the fanservice on her is. It's one of the heaviest in the entire game if not the heaviest since Anna is gone. She has the most jiggle, largest breasts, and a lot of exposed skin
Has anyone made a webm of the part where Master Raven is walking toward the camera? The jiggle is definitely next gen technology
That's the joke you idiot.
What is it with nips and athletic fat people?
The only SJW working there is Mark Julio. He literally came from San Diego and a few years back, there were a few anons that complained about all the shit he was doing when he worked at Madcatz.They went ignored and everything they complained about eventually ended up being true.
It's a wonder he never got fired, arrested or even prosecuted and even more insane that NBGI actually hired him.
How Sup Forums can turn around and act like it's a surprise now is just plain depressing.
That's already happened before when they announced one of the characters wasn't making it in the western release.
yes, so what? i'm a fat american and i love bob
anyone who can't laugh at themselves is a faggot
>extremely powerful and agile fighter who happens to be fat and American
You've got a funny definition of "making fun of", my man.
I want to fuck Nikuko's every fold
Tell that to Sammo Hung
Join the club.
>its fucking Chris Farley
At this point its an homage.
i wanna hug nikus huge nikus
Well, no duh. He had a huge hate-on for Bruce when T6 was still only in arcades. The remarks like the 'half-baked tony jaa' line and the other stuff he bashed on about wasn't exactly subtle.
Wait, is Bob back in Tekken 7 now?
Day one buy
>expecting real life logic in a game that has sentient training dummies and kung fu bears
Why are the new tekken designs all over the place?
The fuck is up with jin? His gloves are eating his arms.
Hworang looks like he came out of FF15