Did you ever play a game that was so good you played it a 2nd time?
Did you ever play a game that was so good you played it a 2nd time?
Once or twice.
that was one of two games I had for like 6 years so I played it way more than twice
yeah last two games I did that for was Bloodborne and Okami.
I can't even tell if it's bait or not anymore
I played VtMB like a dozen of times and never finished it
Same with STALKER
I played Diablo 2 with every class and finished it with Necromancer
>play kirby air ride to this day
Best game, especially with friends.
I have played Gotcha Force to completion at least 100 times.
Dragon Ball Z Tenkaichi 2 I've beaten OVER NINE THOUSAND TIMES (old meme)
I replayed Metro 2033 a couple times. Don't even know why; Game's linear as shit and the "secrets" are just ammo and currency. Almost 60 hours played.
Who do you use the most?
I play Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past and Mega Man X at least once every 2 years. Super Metroid at least once every 5 years.
I usually play Tales games twice back to back because of new game plus. I played Tales of Vesperia I think 4 times in a row within 2 years of owning it.
Ys Oath in Felghana replayed 3 times. Dark Souls replayed a good 3-4 times.
Final Fantasy 6 and Chrono Trigger replayed at least a few times.
Morrowind I've replayed at least twice over.
I replay a lot of games. Adds value to them.
I actually haven't replayed almost any games for many years now. I consider playing something twice a waste of time these days, compared to playing something new instead. The only ones I did replay were some of my favorites: Deus Ex, Star Control 2, Elona, and I currently want to replay Rune Factory 3.
SS4 Gogeta of course, he's the best.
I mostly play the story mode over and over, but if I do tournaments or something I pick Android 17 or Raditz
Is this a meta thread?
I have a problem where id rather replay a game ive already beaten a bunch of times than have a go at any of the new games ive bought.
I used to replay my games all the time back when I didn't have the money to buy new games regularly, or the know how to get them free.
This year I did 2nd playthroughs of ~20 ps3 games that I played once years ago and then never again. It was fun.
Also, I got THPS3 in the mail last week and I've since 100%'d the game with five characters. But I'm not sure if that counts since you're kind of encouraged to do that.
I'm still listening to the same music I did in high school and playing the same games. I'll start a new game and get bored then go back to San Andreas or something.
Tetris was pretty good. I even played a third game of it.
Nice, 17 is dangerous to fight, never fought someone using Raditz though. I use Jeice for the most part along with Bardock.
I used to use Bardock and Jeice a lot too. Raditz is slow but his hair and attack names are cute
Shame he had such a tiny part in the show, wish they gave him more screen time.
I have played Fire Emblem 7 over 14 times.
ocarina of time, kirbys dreamland 3, megaman x4, donkey kong country series.
who cares, try to have fun on your own for once in your life.
Every year starting on the first week of July I pop in my Megaman Anniversary and Megaman X Collection disks and marathon them to completion.
Every JRPG with New Game+ always is worth a second run.
I've beaten Resident Evil 4 at least 6 times.
Every game from Pokemon Mystery dungeon series. Even gates.
I can only do shorter games like the classic sonic ones. Longer games tend to have "that part", which turn me off completely, unless it has been a few years or so.
>not replaying every good game a lot instead of playing shitty new ones
Get a load of this pleb
God. Why is City Mode so compelling?
I played DQIX six times.
Really, it isn't even a game that inherently has a lot of inherent replay value outside of NG+. It is just SO FUCKING GOOD that you just play it over and over.
Having replayed it so many times I can't even remember, I have only done actual NG+ once. Starting from the beginning with nothing is far more fun.
Journey, MGR. Both were short though.
I've played all three MOTHER games at least 10 times, maybe more, sometimes 2-3 playthroughes were in the year.
I've also played mega man 2, kirbykirby's adventure, and doom countless times. Not my favorites but those are my "go to" games.
If anything the game has *negative* replay value, because it is really long and the whole Colony building thing, but I played it through (fresh) all over again and it was still very fun.
Playing with a completely different party helped a bit. Riki is hella strong in a party with Melia.
Took me 3 playthroughs of Persona 4 Golden to get my fill. I finished the game and immediately started up another run. I've never done that with such a lengthy game before.
Dozens of times.
Besides basic old stuff like Marios and Mega Mans, I have played Silent Hill 1 some 40+ times by now, and SH2 some 30+ times, plus the next two a handful of times too. SHSM was the only western game I got all the endings.
I have also played Zelda OOT and MM numerous times, HL2 a plenty, and System Shock 2 I literally replayed the moment credits had rolled. I also have done numerous replays of the Residwnt Evil games.
spyro the fucking dragon is replayable as hell
also recently the first overlord
More than twice but whatever:
-The Wonderful 101
-Paper Mario TTYD
-F-Zero GX
-Punch-Out!! series
-Super Mario series
-Mario & Luigi SSS
-Star Fox 64
-Smash Bros series
-Wario Ware: Smooth Moves
-Cadillacs & Dinosaurs
-Mario Kart series
-Pocket Fighter
-Rival School
-Street Fighter series
-Blaster Master
-Bomberman 64
-Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon
... and more
I play through ffviii, Pokemon blue, paper Mario 64 and TTYD, and kingdom hearts yearly.
>Sup Forums
I played Dark Souls at least 10 times through. The second time was immediately after I beat it the first time too.
Dark Souls 2 and 3
Halo 2 and 3
Shadow of the Colossus
Dragon's Dogma
Mass Effect 2
Witcher 2
Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance
Tenchu: Stealth Assassins
Basically every game in my ps1 and ps2 days, but some of those were just because I didn't have many games.
Sup Forums knocks achievements, but they have gotten me to play games multiple times. That's not to say I'll play just for achievements, but if I already enjoy a game sometimes the completionist aspect will get me to play it again.
Kirby planet robobot. I fucked something up while hacking and lost my save,it was still fun the second time through
How can she have her mouth cheeks and forehead pressed against the glass like that? She would have to not have a nose but she clearly does.
Age of Decadence
Legend of Grimrock 2
Ocarina of Time
Tactics Ogre
>Played MGR because multiple difficulties
Does that count?
MGS2 twice
MGS3 five or six times
MGS4 twice
MGR three or four times
VtMB three times
XCOM: EU twice
Dark Souls maybe 3 times
SotC also 3 times I think, if not four
Fallout 3 twice
Dragon's Dogma two or three times
There's probably more, but that's all I can think of right now
God Hand. I'm in the middle of playing it the first time and I'm already thinking of playing it again. I almost never replay single player games unless they have multiple story routes. Seriously, it's so fucking fun, I love how challenging it is without being bullshit, I love how the game pokes fun at itself 24/7 with being cringy, I love the dynamic difficulty system, this game is bliss.
Besides, it's the only thing that rivals Jojo's or Fist of the North Star for how many punches you can slam into any one dude.
Portal, Portal 2, and Undertale. All of which I pirated first, then bought later and played through again. Not to mention games like super mario bros.
Pokemon Gen 1, 2 and 3
Loved pokemon as a kid, too bad I cant even last more than 10 hours on Gen 4.