This game hasn't even been out for 2 months and it already has an extremely cancerous and cringey fanbase...

This game hasn't even been out for 2 months and it already has an extremely cancerous and cringey fanbase. I was following several OW pages on fb but I had to block them because they wouldnt stop posting these autistic comics about the unfunny and senseless memes the franchise has spawned.

Like the whole " is a tiny rascal with a bunch of doritos and mountain dew all over her mouth"
"soldier 76 is a dad" (why?? where the fuck does this come from?)
"Mercy is a mom"
"Junkrat is a rebellious son"

And lately with the release of ana theres just a fuckload of comics saying how shes actually "number 1 mom" and mercy is now "mom 2"

Who the fuck laughs at this shit? How can you look at these things and not roll around in cringe?

Shit like this

>Being surprised about a waifubait game having cancerous fanbase


>jokes is pretty much just pro game = doritos mountain dew, Soldier/Mercy is obviously just cause they're older and fit mom/dad cliches with their personalities, Junkrat makes no fucking sense i dont get it
I kinda like soldier dad, its obvious from his dialog with Pharah that he still cares about people, plus saving the little girl in his video.
What I dont get is Pharah/Mercy shippers. They literally have 1 line ofdialog with each other and minimal history.

people like you are even cringier. faggot.

>guys stop having fun
>stop it, I don't like it

Let other people enjoy things. They're not hurting you.
Also, I laughed my ass off the first time I saw gremlin D.VA

>getting upset not because the quality of the game is poor but because the people whom you can choose to ignore somehow give you a bad name to normies

What's worse? The faggots that are in every fanbase, or the fagots like OP that bitch about it?

It's because of the Pharmercy combo.
Pharah flies up, mercy swoops to her. Mercy damage boosts Pharah in exchange for Pharah giving mercy air superiority.
Pretty effective combo, but any decent widow or hanzo will shit all over it.

why does it say korean arms on her leg?

shouldn't it say korean legs?

>people like something I like in a way I dont like

Nobody forces you to be a part of that side of the fandom. You dont have to participate in it.

I actually find stuff like amusing enough to follow pages that post these. It's a nice little chuckle every now and again. and its cute.

This is cute tho

user I....

>it already has an extremely cancerous and cringey fanbase
most vidya targetting children does what's the crisis here

>goes to Facebook
>not only does that but follows "pages"
>complains about cancer
Gee user,I wonder

obvious bait is obvious

Disregard all these fucking losers, man. I'm with you. I don't ever post about it, but I agree with you. It's a bunch of forced meme bullshit for the sake of having memes relevant to the game they're enjoying the most at the moment.

We're at that point in social media where people feel the need to have a meme they can personally relate to in some fashion, you know? It's a little retarded, but whatever.

People who actually use internet words like cancerous and cringey are no better than bronies. These are joke words, and you actually think like this.

Reaper has the best memes

It's the name of the company that made her mech, M.E.K.A.

You had me going there for a moment

Here's your

I can relate, but do you ever think the problem is you?

I do sometimes...

Ana is #1 Grandma.

Still less cancerous than you weebfags and your whyfoo shit.

>I was following several OW pages on fb

normie leave


