How does this make you feel?

How does this make you feel?

Other urls found in this thread:

Pretty upset.
I mean, how the fuck does this image ALREADY have that amount of .jpg artifacts? Did someone fucking run it through ifunny, funnyjunk, 9gag, and then decide to upload it here?

Like the person who made it was hoping to see it plastered all over Facebook and become Internet famous for two days.

I don't care. It's private property.
Just because there's a charizard in there doesn't mean you can break the law

I'd just tear it down

Who do you think took a picture of it and uploaded it user?

Dunno, don't really care. I go to public places for that anyway

Well according to the source, it's apparently one of the tenants of property, but I personally believe that the tenant himself made the sign for Reddit karma.

>Tickle down Economics
>Not working
How to spot a liberal


First post best post

I'm okay with the idea that he doesn't want us trespassing on his private property, that's fine and justified.

What bothers me so much is that every person confused by Pokemon Go seems to think that I'll have an equally good time getting drunk around strangers.

I'm going to tickle you

How to spot a gullible poorfag

My first "/thread"


>it works cuz them big corporations told me it works! they've got a lot of money so they should know!

I get what you're saying, but the way it's worded it seems like someone is towing a line for Internet laughs.

>Hurr this is stupid, almost as stupid as these things, can't wait for upboats.

Looks like a setup.

It's known as the niggerfication process.

>Tickle down Economics
>refutes that it does not work
How to spot a gullible retard

I'm pretty conservative, but I also know how the economy works, so no Trickle down doesn't work.

I have 2 questions:
1. What the hell is Will-ennium?
2. How does Crystal Pepsi taste like?

how is a fucking mobile game triggering people this hard

>somebody was so mad he wasted his precious time with this stupid announcement

is the bar down the street a pokestop?


What a faggit

>go to a fucking bar to think about life choices

Define "work"

>getting drunk around strangers.

Most people dont get drunk at the bar, the bar is mostly for getting a nice buzz and having conversations with your friends and random people.

he'd belong on Sup Forums

I could understand his annoyance with complete strangers getting on his property and that's a justified type of reaction. However saying things like, "go drink a beer and think about your life choices" completely discredits anything he has to say.

Just shoot couple of trespassers and others will leave. You live in America, at least make full use of it.

As in, it does not perform as advertised. Lowering the taxes on the rich, does not result in the rich spending more money and stimulating the economy to any appreciable degree.

>your hobby is stupid if it isn't drinking

This is what alcoholics actually think

>them nerds amirite?

salty edgelord

Old bitter faggots will never not be old bitter faggots especially when it comes to other people having fun.

>reading comprehension

How socially ignorant do you have to be to assume that people go to bars to get shitfaced 100% of the time? Bars are for socializing.
>b-b-but I don't like people
Then why are you playing a fucking socializing app?

>why don't people agree with my autistic obsession with this phone app?

>That random capitalization of words
Fucking hell

I'm fine with this. My dream is to be a "Get off my lawn you damn kids"-style curmudgeon when I grow old. I shouldn't begrudge others of that satisfaction.

I Love When People Type Out Entire Messages Like This.

Every letter is capitalized.

The more popular something is, the more inclined hipsters feel to try and hate on it and tear it down

The funny part is with Pokemon Go that the haters are a minority so small their "hate" is almost like an ironic joke

>Everything is capitalized
It's still stupid, but that's about the least random capitalization possible

Fine, random font size shifting of letters pretty much causing the same effect.

If someone catches a pokemon in your yard, is it theft?

Made me kek. Thank you good sir.

>le haterz gonna hayt

Only because people never stop and think about it.

>wake up in the morning
>sea of fat fucks is in the yard photographing your front door

There's something I don't get about this Pokemon Go thing. Tons of people seem to spend all their time 'farming' groups of pokestops with lures but the only pokemon I ever see turn up to those things are vermin.

I'm amazed at your ability to show your reddit (and possible underage) 2 times in 2 small sentences. Go away

No it doesn't.
You'll understand when you're at least 18.

Tbh poorfags should just be executed.

>I am satisfied being a dog who laps up the spillage from master's table

reddit tier, but hes right

mobile gaming is cancer

>Falling for shitty bait

Everyone on this sub is so tense all the time.

>A Will Smith album
>A little bit like Pepsi but mostly like bubbly piss

Actually, in most states, if you shoot a person who literally broke into your home and tried to kill you, you'll go to jail. At least in all the libtard states like retardachusetts and fagifornia.

why you mad bro?

Everything there is 100% correct.

Holy shit I am not alone
my niggah

You get xp for catching Pokemon too

Are you one of those faggots who wasted themselves to near death on the first day of being 18/21?

Everything after "Stay out of my yard" is unnecessary and only makes me want to go into his yard to spite him for his shitty sense of superiority.

When I play Pokemon Go, I always go outside wearing my hammer pants, drinking crystal pepsi, and thinking of all the sweet dosh that will rain down on my head. I do the macarena every time I catch a pokemon.

Pretty funny since it triggers the entitled muh rights kids trying to play and the image board peanut gallery cuz it suggests socializing instead.

Sup Forums can't possibly write a better notice letter without looking more stupid

This. I wrote that in 3 seconds and didn't even put any effort into it, and people are mad about it. Life is funny like that sometimes.

Like, how a bunch of adults can go around playing mobile phone games, then posting on a shit site like this one, and THEN getting mad at piss poor bait posted by another (admittedly similarly pathetic) adult.

Get a life guys. Seriously.

Hell, I had a tranny call me an asshole in a Walmart parking lot yesterday. I just laughed and told "her": yeah well, so are you.
Now imagine anyone else from this board in a similar circumstance. I can't say for sure, but I imagine it would involve lots of crying, and then rageposting on /lbgt/ about bullying trannies.

You guys need to learn how to just roll with shit, or none of you will EVER get GFs, move out of your moma's basement and get real jobs.

Now let's see how many retarded apes respond to THIS piss poor bait.

This guy is a jerk but people who trespass to catch Pokemon aren't any better. Not to mention people who think it's appropriate to play their little game in and around churches, graveyards, war monuments and so on.

Reminds me of this guy for some reason

Soldier 76 the post.


Old people wanna live in peace for their last few years, leave em alone

And when he hits you with a bat or shoots you for trespassing on property he pays for then you'll know you really got him triggered! That will show his shitty sense of superiority .

>"This is private property. Any trespassing will be reported to the police."
Wow, that was hard.

what liberals being buzz kills like always

nothing surprising there

I mean why do you think liberals are trying to censor video games left and right and why the wife of Al Gore tried to outlaw punk music?

they just hate it when outer people have fun and are especially white, straight, christian men because it reminds them of their own miserable existence


Where are these people? I've been through thousands of lots/yards and haven't had any problems. Even with people there, mostly just get a wave or nod or even a small chat.


>Lives in apartment
>MY lawn

Guy lived in the time of cheap, well built houses and low interest loans and still couldn't buy a home. Why do failures get so vocal about hating pokemon?

>how dare you have fun and go outside
>go get drunk somewhere I can't see you instead

He's completely right.

still sounds like a bitter old man.

Get a job.

How is going into his private property all right/

I have a job through the week and go out on the weekend, sorry you hate fun.

>this guy is a jerk
Why? Because he doesn't want random strangers on his property? Nothing wrong with that.

Why would anyone need to put up with a bunch of fat manchildren in their own private property because they are playing a shitty videogame?

I tried out pokemon yesterday. I knew the internet was fucking lying about all that tresspassing bullshit. You can catch a pokemon that is like 30 meters away and you can't see them any farther than that. There is literally no reason to need to go onto residential property.

Being your parents' son isn't a job.


I'm sorry, how is this shitty smartphone trash fun?
There's no combat, there's no challenge, there's nothing, it's a shitty AR turd where the only thing you do is walk.
It's the embodiment of everything wrong with smartphone trash.

He might own the apartment building.

Boring. You think that's going to convince the millennials?


its an apartment and one tenant is bitching about people going on it.

>is by far the stupidest thing
That should read "the most stupid thing" stupid.

Yeah, those old bitter faggots should let all these smelly, fat virgins get inside their homes because they are playing a stupid smartphone ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''game'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''.

asking for it to get vandalized

You're missing the important point that what he wants to accomplish is not have people on his yard, so shooting/hitting people with a bat would still mean he's lost, possibly because of his shitty sense of superiority.

>popular things get more attention
Have Mensa send you a letter yet?

Then he wouldn't explode in impotent rage, he would just call the police about tresspassers.