Alien Alpha R2

New Alien Alpha


Would be first gaming pc and decent monitor. Good buy?
Other than building the pc, open to suggestions.
Also, I know nothing about PCs

Other urls found in this thread: - LCD Flat Panel-_-N82E16824236309&gclid=CMSQ4Zqp_s0CFdcagQodpcEIDA&gclsrc=aw.ds alpha r2&dgc=ST&cid=297886&lid=5752761&acd=123098073120560&ven1=seixgnkC3&ven2=e&ven3=573503454918633320

Huge rip off. They giving you shit hardware that will barely run shit well.

Pick some parts at newegg or something and get them to build it for you. dont buy this shit.

This. give us a budget and we can point some parts your way. This is starting price $600 and they're giving you a fucking i3 and the only graphics card is the outdated 960.

Seems alright overall

Even that monitor is bad what the hell OP. Either get a 1440p IPS display or a 1080p 144Hz one.

I have no idea what any of that is has a sale right now for it $379
Already have a shitty mouse and keyboard
Also idk like $1,000 USD or below

> $949

>i7 6700T(?)
>8gb ddr4
>gtx 960

That's about $250 overpriced by my estimation

Am I looking at the wrong screen?
Dell has it for $379 for a current sale

How's this? - LCD Flat Panel-_-N82E16824236309&gclid=CMSQ4Zqp_s0CFdcagQodpcEIDA&gclsrc=aw.ds

Your link in op does't work

Besides you're describing the first alpha

For reference it has a shitty i3 processor and the gpu is generic 2gb vram shit based on the 750ti

This thing isn't upgradable. It's a waste of cash.

Though it's strange you want to get this thing that costs 379 and then say you have a budget of 1k

Are you opposed to building?

I'm cheap man
I just want something I can run games at petty decent graphics at 30-60 for

I'll try another link. Im trying to get the New Alpha R2
It just says New Alpha

I guess I assumed you were going for the high end model. That $379 one is really only good for shit like csgo and mobas

Maybe in the future, Im just a full retard when it comes to the technicals of pcs and would like something prebuilt

Does newegg do that? Pick your parts and have them build it?
That work? Idk if there are multiple models.

This link works alpha r2&dgc=ST&cid=297886&lid=5752761&acd=123098073120560&ven1=seixgnkC3&ven2=e&ven3=573503454918633320

The issue with this is they have the same fucking i3 and a MOBILE gpu with the starting price at 600 dollars. You can't upgrade that gpu. It's an even worse rip off.

Honestly I'd recommend you just build it since you can build something 3x as strong for 700 bucks by hand. If you don't want to build it you will lose 200 bucks paying for their premium.

So the 949$ is a good pc but just overpriced?

Also what do you think about this monitor? - LCD Flat Panel-_-N82E16824236309&gclid=CMSQ4Zqp_s0CFdcagQodpcEIDA&gclsrc=aw.ds

I mean it's ok. I'm not sure if you can overclock the T model i7s, but that plus 8gb of ram are fine. The weak link is the 960. It was a mid range card when it released and now it's a gpu generation old. At like $700 it wouldn't be too bad of a build I guess.

And that monitor looks fine.

Cool thank you user
I'll think it over and look at some more stuff

No. The truth about the Alienware Alpha is that it uses a laptop CPU and GPU

For the same price you could get something far more powerful

It's ips which is good but 1080p on a 27inch monitor might be kinda stretched

Ideally 21-24 inches is good for 1080p

As for that pc it's a rip off still

Basically I have to go out of my way to find tech specs because they don't list some part

The video card is a 960 which is last gen and on the low end of things at that

Video cards work in tiers and you have two companies that make them

On one side you have nvidia who tiers their cards. Last generation cards is the 900 series which released in 2014. The lowest card someone would want for gaming is the 960, then the 970 which is the most common tier people and then the 980, followed by the 980ti the highest end of them. But a 970 is usually enough for high/ultra and 1080p. These fucks are trying to sell a 960 in a 950 build. Besides right now we have the 1000 series aka the 1060, 1070, 1080 etc.

On the other side is amd. Their tiers are similar. Last gen was the 300 series including the r9 380, r9 390 and the r9 fury. As you can see the 380 went up against nvidia's 960, the 390 vs the 970 and fury vs 980 ti. Now we have the 400 series but only the rx 480 is out atm.

On top of that this 950 dollar alienware model has a power supply of 180 watts. That's pathetically low. You want at least a 600-700 watt power supply. The cpu has no overclocking capabilities. Overclocking means making the cpu go faster within safe limits and everyone does it to get the most out of their hardware.

For cpus really intel is the only one in town until amd release zen and we see how that goe at the end of the year. So you buy an i5 or i7. Most people go with i5s because nothing makes use of the i7 cores unless you process a lot of videos. For cpus the one's that overclock have a k in their name. For example the to go to i5 is the i5 6600k. The version you can't overclock is the i5 6600.

Just build it yourself to be honest, you have to learn at some point. Numerous sites have good building guides and there's really nothing technically difficult about building unless you were doing some weird custom liquid cooling solution.

You buy a case, you screw your motherboard and power supply into it. You put your CPU on the motherboard in its little housing thing and lock it into position, the fan goes on top of that you you just plug the fans power in. Then you literally just clip the RAM into the motherboard. Even the hard drives easily clip into position into modern cases. Once that's done you connect two large cables from your power supply into your motherboard which can only go in one place.

Then it gets only a little more difficult. You need to add a cable to your power supply which goes to the hard drive and then a cable to your motherboard which also goes to your hard drive. Next you have to add some more cables to the power supply and then slot in your graphics card and connect the cables to it. The final step is the internal connectors which are the small cables which come from the front of your case and your motherboard book will tell you exactly where to put them. The only ones you actually need are for audio (which is literally always labeled and you can't fuck up) and the other is the power switch. That's it, that's all you have to do. If you want to add a solid state drive or dvd / bluray drive you just repeat the same cable process as the hard drive.

never understood the fear of building a pc

pic quite literally related

Informative, thanks user

Tbh a bit overcomplicated but pretty good. Its reslly that simple

Also informative
go nuts

Hows this look for a cheap build? Mostly play strategy games and some shooters

If you're dead set on getting a prebuilt at least make you money count and get something like this

A bit over 1k but this is a high end gayming pc

You can use SPRING0410 at checkout to lower it to $1036

Includes the 1070 which came out last month, 600 watt modular psu and the i5 6600k. Thing is if you build a similar pc by hand it will run you up 950-970 dollars so this is only overcharging by 66-86 dollars at most. The 1070 also shits on the 960 by a wide margin.

I looked at lower priced one's in the 600-800 range but they didn't list power supplies which means it's generic cheap shit that will die and came with a cruddy cpu.

The other user is right though you'd be better off building one yourself. A custom made build with the rx 480 and the i5 6600k would be around 750 bucks which is good and readily up-gradable for the future.

That power supply is highly suspect. Spend $40 more and get a top rated one. Power supplies are the one thing you don't want to go budget on.

Aside from the power supply does this look like a solid cheapo build?

>32" 1080p
bruh I'd say 27" is the limit for 1080p

What I did for years since I knew Alienware were a bunch of kikes was buy the premium warranty and about a few months before it broke I broke it myself and got a new upgraded one free.

Its worth it only if you do what I did desu. Just build a new one if you dont want to be on customer support with a bunch of costa rican faggots.

>retarded prefab media center

Why not wait get the rx 470 instead

It will be 5.1 tflops vs the 380s 3.5 tflops

The 4gb version is 150 with the 8gb being 179

Should come out in a week or so

Looks like it. A bit strange seeing the 6600k paired with a ddr3 board since skylake with run ddr4. But I'm guessing you're trying to keep the price low in which case there aren't really any downsides in doing that

The 1060 also comes out this week apparently

TFLOPs on their own don't really mean anything m8.

Yea but since the card isn't out and it's amd to amd, I assume the 470 will at least edge the 380 out by a bit. It's worth waiting to see the benchmarks at the very least.

When's the 470 supposed to drop? I'm probably about a month out from ordering

Build it yourself.

Seriously there's nothing to be afraid of. Watch a youtube video so you can kinda see how it's done then do it yourself.

Hell the other day I supervised my normie friend while he built a PC and he did fine.

Man I really wish I was smarter with my decision when I graduated high school. My mom said I could get any PC around 1200$ as a gift and I got an Alienware M14x laptop. I really should have gotten a desktop. This thing plays games really well but I just don't like playing on it.

July. So basically 1-2 weeks
