>People never wanted anymore MEGAMAM games and more Street Fighter back in 2006
>Now it's the total opposite
What the fuck happened?
>People never wanted anymore MEGAMAM games and more Street Fighter back in 2006
>Now it's the total opposite
What the fuck happened?
this isn't bad
>go on Sup Forums a few months ago
>mention i didn't like the witcher 3 all that much and preferred FO4
>get dogpiled
>go on Sup Forums now
>everybody hates the witcher 3
now i remember why i stopped going here for a year
>The Perfect Girl
They got what they asked for and realised they're idiots
It's true. I don't know if everyone here is so fuckin young that they dont remember how oversaturated the market was with Mega Man 10 years ago or what
there were over 30 Mega Man games released between 2000-2008. Fuck Mega Man.
I'm still sick of Mega Man
Nobody wanted more lazily shat out Mega Man games.
We want closure on stuff like Legends. And I'd personally be down for more games with Battle Network's gameplay, even if they aren't called Mega Man.
goddamn i really need to get around and downloading this artists stuff
This. I doubt 90% of the people complaibing have even played all of the other ones.
Nobody complains about not enough SF though. Don't know what OP is on about.
>there were over 30 Mega Man games released between 2000-2008.
Like ten of those were fucking great, though. Zero 1-4, BN 1-3 and 6, X8, 9, they were all damn good.
People were upset that Street Fighter was dead before 4 was announce. If you don't remember the sheer hype with 4's announcement, you're underage.
Oh sorry I misread the OP - I thought he was saying that people are complaining about not enough SF games NOW.
You don't stay burned out.
>BN 1-3
>and 6
As soon as you said BN I was gonna shit on you for not mentioning 6.
Ur pretty gud.
Megaman hasn't gotten any more games since Inafune was the main pusher for them and he bounced before Legends 3 actually got greenlit into serious development.
It really didn't help that all MM games were selling like shit at this point. 9 did well based on the nostalgia factor but 10 didn't.
I had the misfortune of skipping 2 but getting 4 and 5 as a child. I only got 6 because I heard good things, and I wasn't disappointed. The only real flaw is the severe shortage of story bosses and Capcom cutting the post-game in the American version.
4's fucking shit regardless of what apologists say. 5 is barely fucking worth it, and its pathetic excuses for SRPG segments are just tedious. Add on top of that a boring continuation of 4's shitty story along with one hell of a fucking cop-out ending and it's better off skipped.
were you in a bizarro Sup Forums thread?
people here are gay for witcher 3
The community got tired of all the easy games!
are you kidding me
i keep seeing people shit on it left and right
We've had this discussion so many times we've all reached the same consensus. Nothing to discuss in what you've said.
I actually liked the Liberation Missions. Using different navis at once what a great concept.
I can understand not liking TW3 but preferring FO4 over it is some of the shittiest taste I've seen in a while
FO4 had good gameplay, also I liked the brotherhood = Sup Forums, strong enough to conquer wasteland and railroad = tumblr and dying guerillas thing
The Witcher 3 was good story-wise, but the swordplay was meh and the story kept trying to cuck you with "do the right thing or get the good ending" quests and it just got annoying as fuck after a while. I played it for 50 hours, finished it, and haven't played it since.
FO4 I put 250 hours into and got a platinum for.