Patch 3.35 releases tomorrow, are you going to resub and play the new content?
But I'm already subbed...Deep Dungeons look like shit.
Not until the hackman gets fired for pandering to WoWfags
>muh level up potion
Already subbed, should be fun with a friend of mine.
No, it's shit and so are all MMOs.
But I thought everyone on Sup Forums loved MMOs
You fell for the shills.
>maintenance starts in a hour
>people already posting dank memes in chat and party finder
If I have fun, I have fun. Go back to Sup Forums.
Link to the patch notes?
Everything's fun when you're a retard that enjoys eating shit.
Is this the Deep Dungeon update?
>if I don't like it it's shit!
Have you ever had fun? Ever?
Yes, but it's called Palace of the Dead.
Also update is bringing PVP changes and some hotfixes
Can you please tell me more about this.
I have a FFXIVfag friend who keeps thinking this game is so much better than WoW stating that WoW is p2w with the paid boost. I would love to rub this in their face.
Yup. Available 3am PDT / 6am EST.
>if I like it that means it's not shit!
Just because you like shit doesn't make it fun.
China only.
Yoshi said he recognized the complaints on the official forums from NA/EU/JP players about level boosts so they aren't coming to those regions (at least not during Heavensward or 4.0)
Chinese are getting it on their client. It will probably end up in others in time.
Posting more of these because they're really nice.
Game quality is in the eye of the beholder, user. I like the game, you hate it, and that's fine. I'm not some sheeple for liking something you don't like, though.
The game flopped in China so I'm not surprised that they are doing Jew shit like this
What is this?
What is the purpose of Palace of the Dead?
DRK looks like a smear. They should have omitted the helmet.
Thank goodness for your input in this thread!
level alt jobs, test an experimental new progression gear/item progression system, get a epic glowing weapon that helps you do better in raids.
A new alternative to level alt classes.
People who whined about the level boost are a bunch of elitist faggots, there is literally nothing wrong in providing the users an alternate way to level up your character quickly, specially those who work 8 fucking hours or more a day and continue to miss out on end game content or get left behind.
I work an 8 hour job and when I get home I can play if anything 2 hours, Thankfully FFXIV leveling isn't hard but on average it takes me 2 weeks to hit Max level on my alts because of my limited time. I hope they DO implement the level up boost item and I hope it costs about 60 bucks or more so it isn't as accessible to everyone
Will be up in a couple of hours
Yeah! As a matter of fact, they should just remove the leveling process altogether. I work 12 hours a day to feed my wife's kid, so I don't really have time for video games. Glad to see there are developers looking out for gamers like us who don't have time for all that autistic "gameplay"! :^)
all I can picture when I see this Sprite is all the bad DRKs I had in DF.
>i pull everything
>what are cooldowns?
Dude I spend 12 hours working full time to take care of my wife's son, I still managed to do everything relevant in this game at a casual pace.
The game doesn't need level boosts. All it does is encourage shitters.
AST is cute!
>Grinding folklore tomes
This is the shit that killed MMOs right here
>My wife's son
Is the game actually any good?
muh sch sprite
you asked, user
AST always has the best artwork and aesthetics
It was suggested one year ago, got a huge negative response and they never expressed interest in it again. It's not going to happen.
No. I went to ESO and I'm enjoying it ten fold. I never understood what people meant about theme park mmo until now. Xiv's overworld is dead and bland as fuck.
Is ESO the new hot bait meme now that TOR is ded?
On paper, Deep Dungeons are exactly the sort of content I wanted them to add to the game. Salvage was by far my favorite content in XI
In execution, it's going to be a dull secondary activity with no importance to progression, and no support post launch that will keep it interesting long term. Just like Diadem
well blame the community for not wanting to do anything besides grind tomes for armor
Depends on how much time you can put into it.
Staying up playing monhun until the patch hits. Then me and FC mates are gonna fucking go in and stomp it.
I sincerely hope it's worth doing long term and that the rewards are relevant in the main game, otherwise it will be DOA.
If they'd give me something to fucking do besides grind tomes for armor.
It was suggested again a few months ago and Yoshi was seriously considering it. Now it's on Chinese servers. It's going to happen.
>Wanting people who LITERALLY haven't played the game in your Duty Finder
Kill yourself.
Yoshi has said we're getting 150 floors on top of the 50 we're getting tomorrow. We may eventually even get another deep dungeon depending on the feedback for Palace.
>Curreny grinding
Do people actually like this? I've never understood the appeal. Fuck, I'd take random drops over currency grinding. AT least that way every run has an ounce of tension; that sort of gambler's thrill that comes with a rare item dropping from a chest
But currency grinding? Makes it feel like work. Completely drains any motivation I have to play
>I sincerely hope it's worth doing long term
You get a i230 weapon out of it
So no, just like everything else, there's no long term worthwhile aspect. Fuck ilvl, and fuck strict vertical progression
Why would I want to play with people even worse than the current playerbase skill-wise? "Endgame Only" players are a cancer.
>you can easily solo deep-dungeon
Th-thanks Yoshi-p, truly visionary MMO design there
I have to wonder if SMNs are going to be as OP in there as I think they're going to be.
>i've played this game for 50 hours: the post
Based on what I've seen in my 1000 expert roulettes and 24 man raids, this game is way too complicated for the average player. 90% of healers spam heal and do fuck all, 90% of tanks run around and reposition the mobs way too much and never use their cooldowns correctly, and 90% of DPS have no idea what AOE is and is unable to do higher than 1k dps in their 240 augmented lore equipment.
If the the leveling in this game bore you, so will the end game. If you can take the leveling, please continue to fucking do so, since it's a long-ass tutorial you REALLY need. This game doesn't need even more retarded and shitty players holding everyone back.
Either you make the level-skip really expensive to buy, or you make it so you'll need the selected level at 50 on another character. If it becomes a common thing like WoW it'll completely ruin the game for everyone. I'm fine with a story-skip potion though, that shit is why I have no alts
am I playing MCH right? I don't even know what I'm doing.
Do a 3 minute parse and I'll tell you.
MCH is just pushing buttons as they light up and if you have no buttons to push, just spam slug shot and hope for procs.
Isn't the china region handled by another company that's known for stuff like this?
I get 1360 at ilvl 230, is that good?
>can solo deep dungeon
Finally something to do without DF shitters. Time to resub.
Trust system when
I legit do more than that on my 225 WHM
post parses
i do 1200 doing a dps rotation in dps stance on my warrior at 226
>I get 1360 at ilvl 230, is that good?
That is bad, you should be able to hit at least 1600 in a 3 minute parse without any bonuses.
If I was bored to tears already why would I come back for some more dungeon stuff?
You should be hitting way higher.
I passed the A8S SSS at 222 and that was almost 1600dps.
Look into your opener because that's where most of your DPS comes from. Other than that there's not a whole lot of things to work on.
>Start about a month ago
>Play Bard
>Boring uneventful shit class
>Play Black Mage
>Why can't I hold all of these recommendations
>Holy shit physick is useful in small light party dungeons
>Why can't I hold all of these procs
>Kill bosses off with Enochian, Fire IV, and Blizzard IV
>Shit all over other players dreams
>Holy shit physick is useful in small light party dungeons
>Black Mage
Just DPS you shitter, nothing's worse than a caster who decides that the healer isn't healing enough.
>Botting to level up is looked down upon
>using an instant level up potion isn't
the amazing double standard.
>There are people who are going to complain about how bored they are after a week of deep dungeon
>These same people will still have no A8S clear
It's because of Physick that my party of just a DPS and tank managed to actually finish a dungeon because the healer went bitch mode when he died. Switching between DPS and healing isn't hard.
>Use fire
>Drain MP
>Switch to healing as Umbral Ice regains
>Switch back to DPS
Not him, but that shit saved some of my low/mid level runs when I was leveling DRK and the healer decided to be a bitch and quit for bitchy reasons. SMNs are cool guys in my book.
How does this game compare to other mainline games in your opinion? Should it have been called something else like Final Fantasy Online II? because the majority of players come from WoW or Wildstar.
physick does about 500 healing on a level 60 blm. bosses swing for somewhere between 1500 to 3000
it is true blm and smn can pull healing decently before 50, but thats because all the caster gear to that point also has mind on it. it splits at 50, so it doesn't work anymore
Does PotD give umbrites?
>Ley Lines
We don't know what it gives because they never fucking said anything concrete. Wait for the patch notes.
Some of the more recent story stuff leaves games like 8, 10 and 13 completely in the dust.
I have 35 umbrites siting in my inventory right now but I'm too lazy to get the sand materials.
Gib sand materials pls.
ARR is kinda cliched with a few pretty good twists.
Heavensward is a full fledged FF and is better than many previous iterations
notes are up
It's still very useful, especially with Ley Lines and shitty healers in raids.
>How do I heal?
>Let me just DPS as a healer
>Woooow why did my alliance wipe?
Main game story is fine, post ARR is taxing as fuck, but HW is a fantastic story. Best part is elf road trip to the mountain.
Source me senpai
Fucking where?
>lying on the internet
instead of criticizing me, how about telling me what am I doing wrong?
> How does this game compare to other mainline games in your opinion?
Most of the general aspects of it (non-MMO-specific, like OST, graphics, world building, etc) are just as good as most mainline games (OST is one of the best in the series).
And to be honest I had more fun with it than with XIII.
>because the majority of players come from WoW or Wildstar
Yeah, and FFVII should be called First Fantasy One because it was babby's first jRPG/FF game for a good part of the fanbase.
Should probably watch a video or something as we can't actually watch you play and determine what you're doing wrong
tl;dr: pvp changes, new /doze positions for ERP, goes over the deep dungeon. Grade 5 combat materia will plummet in price