This is your bodyguard for tonight

This is your bodyguard for tonight


Wow a fat anime bitch is my bodyguard! What, is she gonna protect me from donuts?

Yes, sweetie?

>I AM the escort mission

No, no, no. I don't want to get involved with those body guards at all.

I'm fucked. And so will she.

Pretty decent deal; she could either kill my enemies for me or distract them by getting gangbanged by them while I run to a safer location. Though I would need some way to prompt her to switch between a slut and a normal person so the second option isn't one-time-use due to mindbreak.


can I pick her instead?

What a terrible bodyguard. She's not gonna be able to do anything since she'll be too busy sucking hundreds of dicks.

If I remove her limbs, will she die?

>wanting someone whose easily overpowered and gang raped as a bodyguard.

Just meatball my shit up,.

Nope, she won't even feel a thing either.

>Nope, she won't even feel a thing either.
That makes it even better.

Oh dear.

How will she guard my body when she's too busy getting her's taken apart by my meaty cock.

I'll take the one on the left.

It would be extremely painful.

How does /e/ stay on the board for so long while /d/ material vanishes in minutes? Do mods hate tentacles and dicks?

I wish I had her body if you know what I mean

Superior Lilith woman coming through

No, ice cream!

Well she's fucked.

add a chubby 8 inch penis and I'll literally have a comfy night


>that perfect shimmering pudge

Buddy I've fapped twice today and I don't want to make it three. Have mercy on my poor soul


Holy shit who is this?

If you don't go for at least four a day you're practically infertile


>Get hyped for that new Asagi animated hentai
>It has the worst animation I have ever seen

What happened?

But user I want to be able to get erect if I ever actually get laid

stupid shit

>Almost 0 porn of her


Do you ever wonder you've fapped to too much sick shit that you wont be able to get it up for a nice, average woman who finally takes an interest in you someday?

I'd rather have Sakura.


not you again!
surely if you get your body used to doing it multiple times per day, then when the big day comes you can try to stave off urges to fap until you're ready to j-j-jam it in and not experience any degradation of the experience!

See, he already thought about that.


>for a nice, average woman who finally takes an interest in you someday?
There is a reason for why fantasy has to stay separate from reality user, but I'll let you figure that out.

>blows up a city
>gets gang raped

>falling for the porn makes you limp meme
I wank all the time and I've also had IRL sex. Like the first 2 times I just creamed my pants during foreplay. Then the next 2 times I came like 5 seconds after a got it in.

>no Murakami
>"rape" scenes were so slow they might as well have been consensual sex in the missionary position

It was suggested I don't look at porn and only fap like every 2-3 days using imagination. I think I'm hopeless, I love fatty porn too muchSorry to shit up nearly every fatty thread

I mean I have pretty bad performance anxiety so its kind of an issue

Thickfags, not even once.