
Since I saw the game for the first time I didn't like it. It looks boring and the art style is pretty bad, in my opinion.
But I don't have a problem with the studio, the price or anything like.
I just think it's really a bad and boring game.

Other urls found in this thread:


I'd be willing to pay around 100$ for it based on what i've seen, but this is game that fills a niche I really want in particular

>[ ] I don't buy anything that isn't from a well-established series until reviews and in-depth information about the gameplay is available

*or between series and until

i will wait until it comes out and make a rational decision before paying something that will probably not live up to the hype

That's valid, but not useful for the poll.

>art style

What art style? Is there something I'm missing, it looks like pure dadaism in vidya form.

>goony beard men

$60 isn't a bad asking point for most games that are out. I'd pay that much as long as the game doesn't have much bugs and can be enjoyable.

Yeah, its extremely abstract and not realistic yet textures and grass look like Oblivion's

I don't know man, the color pallete hurts me.
I remember the Golden Axe reboot when I see it.

You just want to believe in belief. I don't believe it.

But can it hold your interest for more than a few hours?

I have no interest in the game but i think $15-20 would be a lot more reasonable.

$60 is far too much. Going up to even $30 would be pushing it, but $20 seems fair, and $15 good.

In terms of what I'd be willing to pay, I'd probably pay $5 for it when it's on sale, simply because it's not really my kind of game, but I might snag it and stick my head in if it's cheap.

This thread's giving interesting results so far. What I'm actually measuring is what price point would give them the highest profit, (assuming they're marketing to a group that is similar to this thread, which is impossible to account for, but that's why this is just an informal experiment).

So far it seems like the best price (For 7/18/2016 Americatime Sup Forums) is $40 with semi-regular -%25 sales, but I'm waiting to see a bit more data.

I draw the line at $20. Anything more than that and it has to be something that I know for a fact is rich with content and is made by a team I have developed some amount of trust in.

I have very little knowledge about how NMS is content wise, it's also a somewhat experimental title so I don't even have a rough guesstimate of how much I'd enjoy it, and I've also never heard of the developers before nor played any of their games. I can't think of any good reason I should be willing to dish out $60 on something that I very likely could end up sick of after a couple of hours.

$15 just like Minecraft which was probably a more complete game at the time

I don't think people are shying away because of the price but because of the unknown. If they saw more gameplay and it became clear what the purpose of the game was, whether you could interact with alien civilizations, and other elements, then I think more people would be willing to pay full price since they're not gambling as much anymore.


$20 to not feel bad about fucking around in it

$40 if actual content is to be released later for free

$7.75 and I'll throw in three new skins.

I've been following a lot of the discussion here, and it seems like there are a lot of people who are interested, but don't think it's possible for the game to exceed their expectations enough to make it worth $60.


look at these fucking nu-male cucks. What, are we supposed to be happy for them or something? The fucking game isn't even out yet, it could suck ass for all we know.

when i first heard about this game, it was touted as an indie space explorer. i thought it could be amazing and a definite buy for 20 bucks or so, since it was an indie game - i wasnt expecting anything groundbreaking or beautiful or incredibly well produced, but something fun, unique and heartfelt. that was more than two years ago and since then sony has gotten behind the project and there has been a lot more hype around it, but it still doesnt feel like a big name game - from where i stand nothing has really changed aside from the price. its been so vaguely presented and often teased that i cant justify buying it with how little i know of it.

this is the other point that has been sticking in my head for a while. as fun as this sounds, most games get boring to me after a month tops - a game based on exploring and little else, since its evidently not multiplayer and theres no building, doesnt sound like its worth risking 60 bucks. what i just described doesnt sound like it could be fun for more than a week, but i still have hope and will probably get it the first week anyway, depending on reviews

>I'm willing to buy it at less than $60, but I'm not interested in buying it during a sale.
what did he mean by this?

Now this is a thing I don't understand.
Fuck, I can hate the team behind a game, but if it is a good game, I will play.
But I think this one is garbage,

I think he's saying it doesn't deserve the initial $60 price tag, and should be lower by default, instead of having to wait for a sale to get it lower.

I'll take the $60 risk and tell you guys how it is. I'll make a thread describing the pros and cons. I'm doing this for the greater good of gaming, to share my experiences with all.

If, for instance, you're not happy giving money to devs retailing the game at $60 just because they know that they can still get people's money when they put it on sale, and are willing to forego buying it on that principle, or if you're not interested enough in the game to keep up with whether or not it's on sale.

Ever since The Secret Of Monkey Island, I've followed this rule of thumb.
Adjusted for inflation, that's about $36.88.
I won't pay more for a new game, unless maybe if its a nice special edition packet that goes beyond just being gimmicky.

id pay $5

$10 if it had MP

Those three beer drinking gentlemen on the right seem like fun guys to hang out with.

All those niggas look like Phil fish clones, i'd pay for them to line up so i could punch them in the face.

From the beginning I had assumed a game like this would be $20-$30 and I would have been willong to pay that.

Also I'm still confused, is there ANY multiplayer elements at all?

I'd easily pay 60 dollars for this, and I have already.

Paying for a game with as little information released as this one. How disgusting.

So you guys think that $60 for a game like this is ridiculous but games like Call of Duty or Assassin's Creed should still be allowed to charge $60?


I can just refund it if I don't like it and get all my money back. What's the problem?

Besides enough information has been released for me.


>but games like Call of Duty or Assassin's Creed

Nobody said anything about either of those, commander Bellend Kisser. Work on your b8.

If you're keeping the refund in mind then fair enough. I guess I don't understand why people preorder in the first place.

OP here. I'm not making a statement on how much I'm willing to pay. I'm just curious what Sup Forums is generally willing to pay for this game, and specifically, what it should be priced at if Sup Forums were an accurate reflection of its audience.

The shilling is real.

Watch the video

20$, for real

You throw that word around far too easily.

Too bad none from here is in the video, keep working on the b8.

People bitch about the price of this game but they won't bitch about how a 5 hour QTE fest like order 1886 cost $60 too

I'm pretty sure you can get more than 5 hours out of this game but I wouldn't buy it for $60

Assassin's Creed has a lot of content and doesn't rely on procedurally generated levels, thus, the quality of the rich content is found within the gorgeous texture work, architecture and the like, unlike the joke of a game that's being advertised in this very thread.

The lack of multiplayer will drive away people, that's for sure, since, in the early days of MInecraft we did have Multiplayer, and it was fun, if there's anything your game can offer is a few hours of entertaining and that's it, perhaps fit for a ten dollars indie game.

I'd pay some serious bucks if you would stop drinking the koolaid

>posting official shill content for no mans sky on Sup Forums is now acceptable

are Sup Forums mods and janitors the worst ones?

There are better ways for marketers to obtain consumer data than posting straw polls on Congolese clitoris removing huts, and if I were just trying to convince people that $60 is a good price, I've clearly failed.

More people have spent more time in minecraft's various single player modes being super autistic and recreating entire countries or Enterprise star ships to scale, than people playing multiplayer.

Why the fuck are players suddenly outraged that No Man's Sky is going to cost $60 meanwhile ignoring games like Call of Duty, MGS V, Star Wars Battlefront, Dragon Age Inquisition and Rainbow Six Siege for not only charging $60, but also charging extra for paid DLC, Microtransactions and Season Passes?

Why is No Man's Sky suddenly the bad guy here for "charging too much" for what is considered the average price of a game?

Is the game being advertised here able to offer me that and much more?

By that logic, evolve for 60$ was justified because of all the shit in the environments it had and the ambient widlife. and how polished it was.

When you've been here long enough you can smell artificial hype and marketing from a mile away. This game has both in droves.

Lots of people bitched about the price of The Order but I see your point.

Will any other game be able to offer you that much and more?

What a stupid fucking question.

Because NMS is just a 3D Starbound.

The difference is you can't build anything here. The appeal will wear off in hours.

Minecraft is $20. This game will end up having less options than it despite having the "you can do anything" buzzword. But it has better grafix. So maybe $25.

How is that a reason?

You may, and are free to call it stupid, but your incompetence is showing as you are not able to answer such a simple question.

Of course, I did not expect more, not from a shill like you.

game is shit anyway, gg

I would say $30 is a good price for subnautica, NMS? Not so sure because I don't even know if you could do much with it.
The color choice and filter are also so bad it hurts.
>All that yellow post filter
Fuck that shit.

Please explain how this is shilling.

Except Starbound is a base building survival game.
No Man's Sky is not.

Try again.

SB wasn't even worth the 20 dollar asking price. This isn't nearly 60.

Again ... not a reason

60 dollars is way too high
20 dollars would be ideal and 30 would be stretching it but they could pull it off
It could easily be a 60 dollar game if there was a lot more actual content. The thing is there is no base building and there is no multiplayer which are the major turn offs in my book.
When I explore I'm looking for somewhere to settle down in game. I lose all incentive to explore if I'm not building a base of operations somewhere

>but they won't bitch about how a 5 hour QTE fest like order 1886 cost $60 too

We bitch about the price and laugh at people stupid enough to buy such shit constantly here.
See Triple A or not, no game is or should be worth more than $36.88, unless it's a very well done special edition with a physical art book and the like, on two or more Blu-Ray discs because of its size, or includes a hardware peripheral of some sort.
And when I say this, nickle and dime dlc should be factored in, if you're charging $30 but are hiding 1/3rd of your game behind a $20-$100 paywall, I'll either ignore/pirate or wait until it's all together in a GOTY edition at 75% off.

Were you here when The Order came out? There was a massive shitstorm. It settled when there wasn't anyone to argue with because everyone knew it was undeniably shit after a week

>The thing is there is no base building and there is no multiplayer

Because thats not what the game is about clueless dipshit.

No Man's Sky doesn't even have the base-building or survival aspects. It's a watered down 3D SB, my mistake.

I answered your question.

And if I'm a shill, I must be horrible at my job because you don't seem to want to buy the game.

There are only 2 things that I am autistic about because this game lacks it

1.) Not having the ability to walk around the cabin of your ship.

2.) Not being able to construct even a simple camp site on the planets you live on (i.e. a simple sleeping bag/tent, camp fire, bench, etc.)

That would make this game truly something else for me.

And I'm saying the game would be better with those things implemented clueless dipshit
This is a sandbox game with very little features.
Do you think Minecraft would have been nearly as successful if all you could do was explore an "endless world"?

> 78 / 10 / 39 / 3
Hmm I wonder who's behind this thread...






It has ship building, and there is loads of survival aspects, you'll burn to death on lava planets, freeze on ice planets, etc..

IT'S AN EXPLORATION GAME, the goal is to get from the outer rim to the centre of the universe, having base building defeats the whole purpose of the game.

You're literally whining about the game not being the genre you want it to be, it's like saying Zelda is a bad game because it doesn't have guns.

Yeah, no kidding. They're really going all out everywhere.


They were announcing to there fans that they're done with a huge project. Should they look mournful?

20$ at max.Indie games, like in all other sorts of media that allows independent work, should be more accessible than products made by great corporations and companies.

You don't see indie bands chargin 100$ for a show, for example.

>20$ at max.Indie games, like in all other sorts of media that allows independent work, should be more accessible than products made by great corporations and companies.

Except that big gaming corporations have proven time and time again that they can't be trusted giving us $60 games without demanding extras for far less than what NMS is offering.

Your number 1 is kinda dumb.

Jet cockpits don't allow room for walking around. It's a chair with a canopy.

Maybe if our ships could be bigger than single person fighters, sure.

Id rather replay spore.
I honestly wouldn't bother with it even if it was free.

>Charge $60 for the people who are dumb enough to pre-order
>20-30% off a month and half to rope in those who were on the fence
>50% at an annual sale to lure in the rest

Maximizing their profits.

It has ship upgrading. The same ship you can't even walk around on or anything.
>step in lava
>you burn to death
I guess Super Mario has survival aspects too.

Being an "exploration game" doesn't excuse it for being any less of a featureless sandbox.

Remember when Fallout 4 introduced Base Building ... yeah nobody liked that since it defeated the whole purpose of the game.

Exactly. So if even the big corporations put the price way too high, indies should do it for even less, because they had less expenses, less work, less everything. Indie is supposed to reignite our passion for games and sharing your love for the medium to others, not to make a quick million by coding a randomizing algorithm and calling it a day.

I wouldn't waste a second playing this shit game, not even for free
Not even while waiting in a waiting room to be called in for an appointment.


though since i live in Canuck land a Full price retail game costs like $80 here.

That's assuming the game is good. If it turns out to be a brick of shit, then no one's going to buy it at any price after the initial release.

You're kind of fucking dumb you useless cock munch.

I know, but this is probably their model right now.

>Being an "exploration game" doesn't excuse it for being any less of a featureless sandbox.
What do you mean by featureless, have you not seen the arificats, the crashed frigates, the factory outposts, the unique elite monsters like that giant snake? The Alien factions? The Alien Languages to learn?

Before claiming that the game lacks content you should really do your research before you make yourself look like an idiot.