Best reason to own an xbox

To segregate from the sonyggers.

prove me wrong.

That alone is worth it.

if you truly want to segregate yourself from filth get a pc

>That PC elitist attitude
Its cute that you guys think you arent just autistic babies.

Idort here get fucked poorfags.

I might pick up an Xbone S because it's currently the cheapest BDXL player on the market. I can play FFXV as an added bonus

But we ARE cute

500GB release when??

>get fucked poorfags.
>plays on console
I believe you are an idort

I'm not dropping money just to spite some faggots I'll never meet. I could just as easily segregate myself from BOTH of you cancerous sluts by Leaving the basement

>Look how mature I am by getting drunk on the weekends!

sunset overdrive

Xbone s looks really nice in terms of design, but it's not a smart purchase since people either already own an xbone or are waiting for the scorpio thing.

people with anime avatars
BRs and Russians attracted by F2P games

>he'll never know the joy of Enter the Gungeon or glorious 1080p 120fps

Name me ONE exclusive coming out for the Xbox Ome

Good point. Another reason M$ is better.

Halo and gears machine that's about it.

>The best reason to have it is to not have the other platform!
>I havent been made a bitch by microsoft at all!


Microsoft games

The best part of the Xbox One is playing 720p games in 2016.

>Muh console wars!
Why is this still a thing? There are barely hardware specs or exclusives to fight over.
It's just brand loyalty, which is a ridiculous thing to have to begin with.

the most idiotic post of the day award*

This. Just waiting for the scorpio. G

Wish more final fantasy games would come to the bone.

Halo 6

If you get a PS4 you get
>other types of people

If you get an Xbone you get

Literally singling yourselves out to the worst type of fanbase and the shittiest 8th gen library because of some bogeymen

>asks for an exclusive coming out for the Xbone
>names a game that has been out for like 2 years

There's a surprising amount of weebs on xbone. People will get the consoles their friends have.

>dudebros worse than weebs
>dudebros worse than fightanautists
>dudebros worse than niggers
>dudebros worse than literal children
>dudebros worse than Brazilians
>dudebros worse than anyone at all

After playing a few rounds of Black Ops 3 on a friend's PS4 dealing with all kinds of degenerates on mic, I was confident I was correct in choosing an Xbone.

There are niggers and literal children on Xbone, though. But enjoy your objectively shittiest 8th gen library, figures you'd be stupid enough to choose it on the basis that either you or your friend don't know how to use a mute button.

Typical match on PS4


Result? All muted. Not a fun multiplayer experience



Result? 2 muted. Banter carries on throughout match.

no one fucking talks in the xbone not even kids or people raging

>The best reason to own console x is to stick it to console y's fanbase!

genuinely fucking pathetic tbhfam

Play Ranked Overwatch on Xbone. You'll get shit talked until you plug in your mic by the rest of your team in 80% of matches.

Either way. No one talking at all > Having to mute everyone because they're all degenerates.

>playing Tumblrwatch at all
Meme harder. Both consoles are shit with equally shit crowds

>Both consoles are shit with equally shit crowds
No. They're actually both really good consoles. PS4 is slightly better hardware wise but Xbone is better in literally everything else. Especially playerbase. The best way I can summarize this Bloodborne (PS4's best/only good exclusive) only sold around 2 million despite 40+ million PS4s sold. While Halo 5 sold over 5 million with only 25+ million Xbones sold.

I don't really see the point when we already know they're putting out another revision next year and most of the games that'll come out for it, also come out on PC now.

Halo 5 is a meme game sold to dudebros. Bloodborne is a spin off of a great franchise by an acclaimed developer.

Halo 5 effectively killed the Halo series by making it even more of a CoD clone than the last one.

true, more people talk (usually kids or teens) on World of tanks on PS4 than Xbone.

There's WoT on consoles? Isn't that just a ripoff of the War Thunder ground battle mode?

I have a PC for that.
All the games are multiplat now anyways.

WoT on consoles has been around longer than WT on PS4.

different games, both are good,

also to segregate from steam cucks

>even more of a CoD clone than the last one.
>removed loadouts and perks


AFAIK War Thunder was released on PC before console.
>steam cucks