I wish annoying attention seeking berrypickers would stop taking job as shaman and lusting after big burly cave men.
I wish annoying attention seeking berrypickers would stop taking job as shaman and lusting after big burly cave men
Tough luck pal.
tfw hot guy at work says he likes playing tanks in mmos, would love to be his healer all night long
>tfw he is straight and way out of my league
And I wish dumbass dps would care more about self preservation than their parse but that's not going to happen.
I don't play any MMOs, where is this healer from? She's super cute.
i wonder if there is an uncensored version of this
Post pics, you slut
noh, very small business, don't want to risk one of you faggots doing shit
I never understood this meme of healers being huge sluts but then again I have never played an MMO for all I know it could be true.
>that one dps who runs ahead of the group and pulls
>that one dps who stands in red because he thinks crit damage that threatens tanks can be healed through oh himself
>that one dps who complains about not getting heals when he's in another fucking time zone from the rest of the group
Not of him
That's a dude!? Uh oh.
>Play tank
>Get sick of heading retarded cats
>Say I'm switching to DPS
>Get told I'll be stuck waiting in ques forever
>Switch to DPS
>Don't stand in fire
>Learn when I have to move and when to crowd control and actually fucking offer to help.
>Generally don't act like a fuckwit
>Never have to wait in long que because tanks willing to que with me
>Get a reputation on my server as that DPS who isn't a dumb cunt
The bar should not be this low faggots.
Tank: I mainly do dps, but I can equip this shield for this dungeon
>Mfw I have health than them
Think of a chubby, more Mexican david archuleta
And I wish you would stop spamming /flirt nonstop
Seriously dude enough is enough.
You must play on a server with about twenty people then. No way one person is going to get well known server-wide just for doing the same thing that any dps with half a brain does.
>raid lead is dps
>he dies
>wipe it up guys
TFW no qt trap gf to make my qt wifey
It's perpetuated by tank/dpsfags who cannot conceive of the idea of doing anything other than direct damage, so they imagine the class keeping them alive as a cockslut in order to feel better about their chosen class.
Most of them don't even know about clerics.
>those legs
Not megasweet's best work.
Oh, I dunno why I always think cute fembois post these things
Sorry to destroy your dreams, but there are average fagoos out there.
Healer here.
I actually am a huge slut for cocks, I fap almost exclusively to futa, but I leave that shit at the door when I'm healing.
If a hit isn't going to kill me and I can keep dpsing through it, I'm going to stand there.
And you're going to heal me...because its all you're good for...you little bitch. Now make with the sparkles or daddy isn't going to give you any supper.
None of those classes ever come close to dealing as much damage as ones meant for DPS.
You can use them for solo stuff, but if you try to pull some shit like Shadow Priest or Smite Monk in a group filled with players, you're getting kicked.
>that image
best artist, sad his tubmlr got nuked
Fuck that. Dps don't do shit for healers. Tanks do all the heavy lifting, the healers keep the tanks alive, and the Dps fight over who is at the top of a meter. The tanks and healers could do it themselves given enough time.
>gets crit for double his health and dies like a bitch
Good job. Perfect example of 'a dead dps does no dps'
>Slutting out for dps
Silly boys, tanks only