Unlike last night's thread, let's post some unoptimized/bugged games

Unlike last night's thread, let's post some unoptimized/bugged games

What are some of the most broken games that you have played?

My OCD make me get the platinum of the unpatched version of SH Downpour

Other urls found in this thread:



>your a gay face bro

Maybe I was doing something wrong for months on end, but when I used to play The Sims 3 I had sporadic trouble with Sims walking into walls after interacting with something, and they couldn't move unless I deleted what was blocking them. Could have just let them die, but I wasted maybe thousands of Simoleons taking down walls, putting them back and wallpapering them; maybe thirty minutes at a time.


Remember when he updated instead of just drawing porn of his characters

At least pic related didn't happened to you






stalker unpatched and unmodded.

These are hilarious. I spent over 200 hours in Payday, how do you do this?

Honestly I can't really remember, just get real close to someone and zoom in with a nonscoped weapon

this always makes me kek cause i dont know the game but i think i know what code is fucky

B-but how?


>my OCD
You don't have OCD.


I'm surprised this hasn't been posted yet


>tfw I've done this and never experienced a bug or crash

worse than nine whole 11s...

Reddit-tier webm

Then I guess I have autism

How is Vindictus these days? Always had a blast with the game, but the grind got to me. Last time I played I got back into it with the release of BIG GUY (Karrok? Or something?) and they had added in the pirate zone.

It's still shit
And you're thinking of this big guy, Hoik


>May 28th, 2013
And I thought I was an oldfag

Guy I'm thinking of had the weapon options of totems or caestus which were big ass punching gloves.
Thinking about firing it up again for this three-day LAN I'm hosting next month


Oh then you're right it was Karok, AKA Bob Sapp
Remember this?


I can't tell if troll or not because of how low Sup Forums has fallen

But fuck, if 2013 people are being called oldfags, than just fuck everything

He meant a warframe oldfag, you dumbass


this was probably datamoshed on purpose... or not


>I came here to laugh at you



i know its cheating to post bethesda but whatever call the cops


I remember seeing this a lot and each time it destroyed me

This is spooky

this is really fucking obscure, but the Lego StarWars new trilogy for pc was glitched to fuck.
My dad bought it for the family computer and it kept flashing colors and made weird noises. Never once got to finish a level without some kind of error.

The game isn't all that buggy but I'll never get a chance to post this again

I wonder who got my thumbnail

Does Why.jpeg still play?

does anyone still have those soccer game glitches

This is getting spooky

Mercenaries 2 was ass.
Couldn't even kill civilians like in the first, but you were still charged for collateral damage, which was made worse by the fact that they couldn't die...

Lufia II

Although more recently Pokémon Go

>Literally all the games besides Lufia 2 are western
Huh, makes you think.

You made me remember of the PC ports of the PSX FF games, the state of the RE4 and DS ports before the community fixed them and many other horrors japanese programmers brought into this world.

It's not that they couldn't, they just didn't give a fuck.

>please, someone do something!




Grand Theft Auto IV (PC)





fucking hell this. ive been enjoying the new tomb raider games but for a series completely based around platforming the platforming sure is fuckin shitty


my sides





Only way it could get better would be if it were the same child who asked if he's already a grown-up.





>iirc the PC port of Deadly Premonition is LITERALLY UNPLAYABLE on any PC until the engine is heavily-modded



>gotta go fast

>I'm staying out of this
>"this" meaning existence itself

what is it with the Japs and Bob Sapp?

It is still unplayable even with the fix for some people. Like I can't even get past that first "Find the key" quest because every time I turn it in the game freezes.

I've seen a similar hand glitch on fallout 3 and new vegas, the creepy thing is it slowly grows out to those lengths and you think you're going insane watching it happen


Black people are weebs
Japs are fascinated/terrified by black people
it was inevitable



honestly, this works just as well as the opening for this game


>city escape

This will never be topped.

>when he grabbed the second ladder
>his slow entrance
>that music
>that climax

Sapp fought the majority of his fights in Japan. He's a big celebrity there. Commercials, TV cameos, the whole nine yards.

This one's pretty cool




>this one successful enough for them to make another one
