Breeding Season Failure Breeds Stupid People

Why are furries so stupid?

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>literally getting $36,000 a year to do nothing
>"Just give me twice that much and I'll look into it."

That's a pretty shit contract, how could they not see that going wrong

>fuck up Broquest
>fuck up Breeding Season
>people give him money again

I don't get it

People are just that dumb. I mean one of the American Presiden canadates is a literal honest to god crook and people are still voting for her and want her to run our country for 8 years.

>Guy fucks up one game (Breeding Season)
>Guy starts another (Cloudy Meadows)
>Furries still give him money

Better than the alternative, who is a living meme.

that's what a fetish will do to you if nothing else is out there to scratch it

So they made a clone of a game that's not even out yet? How is this anything new in this industry?

You mean him.

I don't like either of them, but I'd much rather have a mememan in the office for 4 years than a fuckin crook for 8.

Reagan was the first living meme President and America in the 80's was great

No, i mean her. Trump's just a meme-man who's gonna be harmless in the long run, especially compared to a crook.

You have no standards if you want a meme for a president.

Meme vs. Failed Meme

I'll go with the lesser of two evils.

Like i said, I'd rather deal with memes for 4 years than criminal activity for 8.

Broquest fucked itself up.

If you faggots want something to fail you really need to stop talking about it because you know what this is? Free press

>mfw he fucks this game up too and just starts a new one up

>yeah this woman has been lying, cheating, and stealing for her entire political career and may have even literally gotten away with murder, but at least she doesn't make Sup Forums laugh

I wish there were people that wanted to do broquest

Perhaps one of the actual Broquest guys'll chime in, but Shwig was just one of many reasons Broquest didn't work out.

After reading Shwig's fuckhuge post about his side of things, I'm more inclined to believe him over H-Bomb, who was arguably more of the driving force holding everything back, something corroborated by the other team members.

In the end, I don't really care. I didn't support Breeding Season and I won't support Cloud Meadow. I'll just wait until people inevitably post it elsewhere, assuming it even amounts to anything.

It will be an unbearable 4 years due to Sup Forums and Reddit meme posting. It is not worth it. I honestly can't see Hillary accomplishing much regardless of her history, besides curbing the meme posting.

>After reading Shwig's fuckhuge post about his side of things, I'm more inclined to believe him over H-Bomb

Sup Sjew

I'd like the other alternative, the giant meteor of death.

Even if H-Bomb was really the reason BS failed, at least he gave us the dev files. Cry about it, Shwig.

Set myself up for that one, I guess.
Honestly, both of these guys are idiots, but from checking in occasionally with how this thing's laughable """development""" was going, I'm just saying it looked like H-Bomb was more at fault for its failure.

That is truly the best alternative.

I hope you're not old enough to vote if your criteria is 'who will make a Sup Forums board more tollarable'

Last thread one of the Broquest writers did chime in and stated that Shwig had nothing to do with the project's failure.

Maybe you should spent 30 seconds googling to find all the people that Trump has ripped off and stolen from, and all the contracts he's just ignored, before your dumb ass says that he isn't a crook.

>Trump U
>not a crook

How do you get this gullible?

>Trusting furries
Jesus Christ guys, these fuckers have been flaky melodramatic assholes for DECADES, I don't get how people keep falling for this shit.

>people still donate to kickstarter

you'd think Clank, Double Fine Adventures, Yoggsquest, Mighty Number 9, the Ouya, Pillars of Eternity, Oculus Rift, and Star Citizen, you retards would finally stop throwing your money away.

Your previous thread didn't 404 by accident, retard.

Also, this game about monster girls isn't only being sustained by furries.

What the heck was BroQuest, anyways? As far as I knew it was a bunch of quest images, some plans for a game that just ultimately never came together. How could one guy "fuck up" something that hadn't even begun?

This thing is going to be a reality. Retards will donate to anything.

Never said that Trump wasn't a crook.

Why have you made this thread 5 times today?

Schwig starts up another piece of shit that will never be finished and reported/DMCA'd posts with the leaked dev files

Hbomb wanted to buy the art from Shwig and continue development, and when he couldn't he leaked it to the fans.

HBomb might be an idiot, but he has done more trustworthy stuff so far than SJew

>People shitting on Swhig when he's just an artist, and was the most active member of the team if you actually checked out his tumblr or Streams
>Getting mad about Cloud Meadows when they've actually hired a team manager and programmer, and are also giving out the patron rewards for free to former BS patrons
>Falling for HBomb's lies

>someone who has killed american citizens versus a somewhat sleezy but entirely legal buisnessman

topcuck m8

Some people are so thirsty for controversy. I's pathetic, really.

I'm replying to a person who said that they'd rather have Trump than a crook. If they also think that Trump is a crook, then that comment makes literally zero sense.

Stop advertising this shit on Sup Forums.

This isn't Kickstarter. This is Patreon. It's arguably worse, even if Yoggsquest and Clank ended the same way.

butblasted fundster


H-bomb signed one of the dumbest fucking contracts I've ever seen.

To let the artist keep the entirety of the assets as their legal property and get that big of a stake in the income is fucking ludicrous.

What this guy should have done is setup a company, have the assets all belong to the company, and have everyone be a % owner in the business.

Clearly H-Bomb assumed that he could 'buy out" Schwing's assets. Normally in a standard ownership buying out your partner is a natural and often normal way to handle a business relationship breaking down.

But he literally handed this guy everything.

Everything., and he expected to be able to buy out his partner.

The problem is there is literally no reason for him to sell. Especially if he's making his own project. Why would you give your competitor the assets?

BUt you know what? Nothing of value was lost. The only people who lose are the guys funding it, and since its crowd funded its just a bunch of retards.

It sounds like a scam. Honestly. Like this was the plan from the beginning. To make something half done, then just cut and run.

S-Purple never refuted the claim that he voted against hiring a manager for Breeding Season.

>"original" Breeding Season had five monsters, harvesting animations for each, and mating animations for most M/F and F/F combinations
>last release of "new" Breeding Season had eight monsters, zero harvesting animations, and around three mating animations
>wonder why people are complaining about the animator
Yeah, sure. Lots of hard work there.


He is either the absolute dumbest motherfucker on the planet and the project would have been impossible with him on it or he was a complete scammer. Considering he has simply dropped the project instead of trying to continue it he obviously never gave a shit.

Teekyuu and Usakame are masterpieces though. Don't hate.

>I myself had been significantly less productive during the prior couple of months due to personal issues

Just to clarify, "personal issues" in these kinds of contexts always means "being fucking lazy", right?

dont forget ZetaShocker's game, Lodestar\and that Gnome game the former team and Zeta made

It's expected of Trump to be a crook, as he's a businessman, it comes with the title. Plus he only rips off people stupid enough to get ripped off in the first place. Hilary has a much worse history than Trump.

You go 3 years on a project, delete it, then start over again.

Hey, fair. Like I said, I'm not supporting Cloud Meadow, and I still have serious doubts about Shwig's sincerity and his claims of wanting to "salvage what could be salvaged".

Thing is, after 3 years, I highly doubt Hbomb, even if he DID manage to buy the art from Shwig, would've had the game go anywhere, let alone be completed. Guy seemed content with raking in the Patreon bux, at least until the other artists aside from Shwig decided to leave as well.

>people believing broquest was going to be a game
No one is fucking dumb to believe,that shit was just a PICK X OUT OF THIS GROUP THEN MAKE UP ADVENUTRES

Furries are shit eaters and will throw their autismbux at even the slightest chance of getting new OC to jack off to. What did you expect?

Vanilly was the most active member, Swig drew unrelated shit 80% of his time.

You'd prefer a man who created a fraudulent university, maintains factories in China and Mexico, and brings in workers on visas instead of hiring Americans over a small time crook who at least hired Americans?

>he only rips off people stupid enough to get ripped off in the first place

Like his own lawyers?

So Trump is the GOOD kind of crook, OK, got it.

someone post the bibleblack traced drawing schwig shwigged his backers with

Yep, cause he'd only be in office for 4 years as opposed to 8.

Over a traitor who got American servicemen killed? Absolutely

Good furry porn is hard to come by, especially with general interest in the fetish dropping.

Hey, drop fat stacks on shit that appeals to your demographic and you get more of it.

Overall H-Bomb is just not fit for running a business since he doesn't have strong priorities and can't keep his staff in check and Shwig is an asshole who took full advantage of H-Bombs lack of experience and young nature.

But there are plenty of good kickstarter games. By your logic that means we should give money to EVERY kickstarter

>it's in a Michael Bay movie so it must be true

Trump supporters in a nutshell. They probably think we need a wall to keep Decepticons out.

All but leaking the files is nothing close to "trustworthy." Plus taking S-Purple's account into consideration, he's obviously not entirely innocent in all this.

The truth is this: both of them sucked, H-Bomb could at least put his ass into gear to recover from this but is too mentally fucked to do so. S-Purple gives honeyed text but at the end of the day, greed is motivating him, and knowing his idiosyncrasies or the team that's even less developed than BS, anyone thinking anything of real value will come from this is a fool.

Hell I think it's funny the first programmer bailed simply because he didn't want to get caught up in the drama. That alone tells me anyone worth their salt doesn't think this project is worth it, or is going to survive.


If he was programming or whatever he should've had breeding season -done- in 3 years.

Breeding Season had a terrible interface, and was grossly unfinished. It was terrible to play, and completely broken.

No win condition.
No lose condition.
No quests, or storylines finished.

These are all things you can do without art, or super placeholder art.

THey were also incredibly focused on garbage like holiday events instead of getting the core content done.

They kept adding without even fucking finishing anything.

If you're getting a steady income flow via patreon, it actually benefits you to not finish the project. You're constantly getting income until the game ends, so you can just trickle out content to keep the money flowing without making actual progress.

I wouldn't trust either of these scumbags. But at least Schwing made some fappable drawings.

I don't think it was ever meant to be a business, just a quick 3-6 month project or so. Least that's the impression I've gotten - the artist got so much power since it was meant to be a collaboration.

>Good furry porn is hard to come by


Hbomb is an idiot but SJew is a piece of shit

I'd rather know a well meaning idiot than a piece of shit

trump just hasnt had the chance to get them killed yet

Hard to come by on a regular basis. I mean I like Adam Wan and friend's stuff as much as the next guy, but you're getting new, decent material once every few months.

Alright Sup Forums I'm gonna do it. I can create rudimentary models in blender, know how to copy/paste code from google searches to make it look like I'm coding, and am a master of shitpost shilling thanks to years of browsing Sup Forums.

What fanbase and/or fetish do I pander to in order to get the most amount of shekels before I bail on the project and blame it all on some patsy?

I hate to be gossipy, but I wouldn't describe a man trying to hook up with his roommate's ex shortly after they break up a "well meaning" idiot. If anything it shows he's got eyes bigger than his wallet. That and the very little evidence of coding suggests his priorities were fucked to begin with.

Enough that to the point, I don't think anything other than an absolutely resolute and masterful Project Manager would've kept this mess of a game from falling apart.

that's a man isn't it?

Or you could just follow 30 artists instead of couple, so you get free new content every day.

obviously furries dummy

If you've got an unfinished broken game with no assets you have nothing.

If you have some very fetish specific drawings you have a degenerate fanbase willing to throw money at you

HBomb will learn not to be a retard in the future. You gotta get burned to remind you the stove is hot sometimes.

Wasn't Bible Black, it was Angel Blade.

Finished sequel never ;_;

Though it's funny as fuck that one of the defining men of mecha was also /d/ as fuck. Maybe there's a trend there.

Just play Babysitting Cream

Futafags are all closeted and complete retards. Center a game around futas and you'll be rolling in cash before you so much as post a screenshot.

If you believe in the drama, it's more like

>co-leader of Breeding Season is being lazy and irresponsible
>other co-leader leaves and takes most of the old team with him to continue the project with people who pulled their own weight
>old co-leader flips the fuck out, lies, threatens legal action, hints that he'd let the assets be stolen to sabotage the one who left

the game seemed like a shitty idea to begin with though, who the fuck really cares about breeding fetishes

>implying it's not a guy with "my first game in three easy steps" handbook
>implying it's an experienced proffesional who'll be able to handle deadlines both on technological and moral levels, while it's likely to be an amateur with zero idea of game development and an empty portfolio of even nearly finished projects

>fuck up Broquest
Was Broquest ever even a game though? It was always just one of those games people posted here when they wanted a lot of replies

Ponyfags, they'll fall for anything.

If I'm to choose between one evil and another, I'd rather not choose at all

Yeah and? It looks good

The money for nothing
And the theft for free

how deep of you

I seriously couldn't tell if you meant Hillary or Trump until you said "her".

>lesser of two evils
>literally had the Justice Department file actions against her

the person who made this doesn't understand nihilism


Most people responding to you basically are saying what fetish they hate the most.

BS itself had the right answer. As many as you can reasonably do.

BS succeeded because it appealed to a whole fucking bunch of fetishes at once. Monster girl, furry, bestiality early on, loli/shota-like characters, and other shit.

People went to it because it was going to have a boat-load of fetishes at once. The real problem with western H-games is that they're either completely vanilla or focus on one fetish and one fetish only. People hate CoC and TiTS because too many characters (regardless of furry or not) were girls with massive dicks (especially horsedicks.)

Spread your shit out and be willing to do a few things you may not personally get off to and you'll swim in dosh in no time if your work is halfway fappable. And believe me, these fuckers are not picky or else we'd have a shitload more of DLSite buys.

>Doing 80 in a 40 mph zone
>Cop pulls me over
>"Sir, what the fuck"
>"Officer, it's okay, I wasn't INTENDING to go over the speed limit!"
>mfw I get off with no ticket

>we get to choose between a retard or a criminal
I'd choose the retard any day. It's not like he's going to accomplish any of the weird things he wants to do.