Webm thread



nice meme game, go back to /srg/



Glover was always a really neat game I felt. It felt like alot of the environments had alot of mystique to them, plus the OST was fantastic.


that glove has four fingers. where's the fifth fi... oh god



Looks fun!

does anyone have any webms of that mouse game in development?

the upcoming mouse guard movie made me think about it

Glover is one hell of a game. I never beat it. Shit is difficult.









What game? Looks rad.

are all overwatch players this fucking stupid

i dont... huh?????? why


>meme game
since when was Glover a meme game?


Sora. That particular fight is a bit different from the rest of the game though.



I'm not a fan of speedruns, but that shit is badass.

Thank you user! Do I need to be a bullethell vet to play it? Looks fast and insane but I never played anything in this genre except the binding of memes.

I'm not sure what was stupid about that. Pharah just saved mercy from roadhog hook. but holy fuck they are stupid tho.

Cs players are worse tho


tool assisted speedruns > speedruns

it's not about circlejerking over some crazy fuck grinding out perfect inputs, it's just seeing how crazy the game can get when you can give it perfect inputs.


Sora is relatively easy, a lot of the more insane stuff only shows up on hard difficulty or Special for the boss fights. Except stages 2 and 3, those two roadblocked a lot of people.

Okay so it is a matter of getting good in those 2 stages. One last question, x360 gamepad compatible/adviseable?

And this is why you dont play with low sensitivity unless your mouse has a DPI change button.

check the ui

that's just typical consolewatch play

Game has built-in gamepad support, and works better with one in my opinion.

Okay thank you user!

The fuck is going on here? Is this some sort of LAN party where everyone is drunk and using whacky randomized controls?

Competitive match between Silver Elites

aint nuthin comin out needa see if it sprays okay

sprays good got m hand good

Okay, that one got me.

I hate this map, but some cool moves can be done.


What game?


metro last light

Thank you, I was wondering if it was that.

A really awful shitty sequel to a great game

I agree that some parts are cod level terrible. But the parts with the swamps/ spider nests/planes were ace. The ending was horrifically bad true.

i don't even know what to post anymore



new shit

Not a webm but /r/ing a cheeky Overwatch-related filename for this gif.

that looks utterly bland and way too try-hard

one day someone other than me will laugh at this

But I don't have anything new because I don't want to buy a capture card for my PS3/WiiU and nothing I want is being released

I am ex-Sup Forums so I laugh at this every time it's posted user
Hell even regular Sup Forumsirgins recognize GY!BE

You posted Rollcage. Might as well get Shadowplay going and fire up some old school games





Wait I don't get it. His dick is sheathed away?

Well I've searched far and wide but I'll ask you then, could you recommend me an AG/Future racer that I can play or emulate on PC? I've gone through all the ones that I can think of.


>couldn't get this to run on my pc
I just wanted some comfy nostalgia.

nice fangame
Release when?

You can up sensativity on console too dude. It ain't fucking hard

those graphical effects are pretty authentic shitty 80's but the gameplay looks a little limited.

I'm pretty sure you played them all. It's a scarce genre. You could still play them again though, they're not bad at all.
I had some good experience with Dethkarz. The game is very generic, but the good kind of generic, with the tracks working, the style being nicely futuristic, and the different car variants being interesting.
Also, Killer Loop is one of my all time favorites. The gravity mechanic puts a fun spin on everything, and I love the dull metallic rumbling of the crafts on the track

i cant wait for this shit

depending on how far back you want to go, Slipstream 5000 can be worth a try. It's a DOS game, very dated engine, and it has an odd flow, because everything kind of feels slow, yet due to the slow turning radius things get kind of frantic again. The tracks are based on present day real world locations, which is a nice change of pace as well.

I've been playing them for years user, I'm more looking for stuff to make more webms out of.
Killer loop looks interesting, if not slow. Maybe I'll give it a try along with XGII.

then don't

wow sorry I totally didn't realize this was a webm thread and not a filename thread sorry for shitposting accidentally

I agree, there was a time when the neo retro aesthetic was pretty cool and showed promise but even the artists stopped giving a shit and decided to churn out repetitive and bland music. Kung Fury and MOonbeam City are everything that's wrong with the aesthetic.

Heard of it, never tried it. Mostly because I can never get seem to get DOSbox to work right on my retard obsolete machine, but also because it's gameplay just doesn't seem to interesting to me.

Killer Loop starts out slow but picks up pace. That's kind of necessary to get used to the affect of gravity. Crafts will slide sideways on slopes, you need to activate a magnet when going uphill or on the ceiling, but you can also disable the magnet to take advantage of free fall.
Some of the tracks will play that thing to their advantage. For example Needle Rock is a track on and inside a ... needle rock. You go straight up the center, then a roller coaster on the outside. That includes an outside loop or two, where you got to use the magnet at just the right points, or you fly off the track (and turn it off at the right moment, to take advantage of gravity again), or a Space Station, where "up" is the center of the station, due to centripetal force providing the "gravity". Takes a while to figure out how that track twists and turns.
Sadly near the end the game forgets its own strengths and just throws plain speed at you, with "normal" gravity.

yeah, it's definitely a different kind of game. If you prefer speed, Slipstream 5000 will disappoint to some degree. It was one of my first hover/ag racing games, so I have a bit of a history with it

I want to make a webm of a from a youtube video, but the length of video i need to make is 19 seconds so it keeps on ending up just over 3 MB, is there a way to get a lower file size without losing quality or framerate?

emulate the PS1/N64 version. You'll probably get better results than whatever the fuck they did for the PC port.

>Average McCree character stands behind a Reinhardt

Reduce dimensions.


glover could have been amazing, if the ball physics were better

>is there a way to get a lower file size without losing quality or framerate?
no. You lower bitrate, resolution or framerate until you get the size you want. That's how lossy compression works. Reduce the thing you need the least, take the version that looks the best, to you, while still being below 3MB

your description makes it sound like a prototype ballistics but a bit slower and manageable, with more varied track design. I might give it a try in the future, thanks.
I'm actually not a total fan of speed, at least not in the "WOAH FAST MAN SPEED SPEED SPEED SPEED" mentality of giving players high speed gameplay with little actual risk to the speed, which some lesser AG racers try to seem to push sometimes. But S5000 just seems to be too far on the other end of that spectrum for me to enjoy. I need at least some sense of speed.

>in the future
I see what you did there.

but i will because its early access

It's some gay 'on fire no driver' reference or something, it was never funny and so that's why no one gets it or remembers it. It wasn't preserved cause it was shit, it's not some 'underappreciated gem' of a joke

>S5000 just seems to be too far on the other end of that spectrum for me to enjoy
It kind of is. These are not high powered AG engines. They're big hover jets. The tracks are huge as a result, and the crafts have a lot of momentum. Due to the huge tracks everything looks slow. The game still has plenty of oh-shi moments, simply coming from that inertia. When you do enter a "small" tunnel (small being about 5 times the width of the craft), you'll quickly find yourself wall scraping, because despite the impression on the spacious parts of the track, these crafts are still hella fast, they just can't turn worth shit. And on the wide tracks you often end up trying to find a racing line, hitting the apex and everything, simply because you want to maintain your speed. It's like flying a jet indoors. You can't go fast, but it's a butt clencher in its own right.

First track, Grand Canyon, is quite representative of the game. You start out on the big and wide canyon, feels almost like you got training wheels on your craft. After dipping below a bridge, enjoying the gentle coasting, two tunnels come up. Things get surprisingly tight in there, and the opponents closing in on you don't help. As a beginner you will likely hit the walls. After the short tunnel you're almost glad to be out in the relaxing canyon again, until a sharp left reminds you that even this huge canyon can be tight when you're going fast, and the dam right after the left reminds you verticality plays a role in this one,

Not forcing the game onto you, different strokes and all that. I just enjoy rambling about it, because it's such a different approach to AG racing.

then it's your own choice


yeah and i cant wait for its release

>Eye cancer quality
>Barely covers any of the track
Learn to make webms, retard.

I want to see full-blown shell-surfing game like this.

You don't have to. You can do other things instead of waiting. It's your own choice to subject yourself to this, so your whining is more annoying than useful