What's your thoughts on Madeline in Dragon's Dogma?
What's your thoughts on Madeline in Dragon's Dogma?
optional escort missions can fuck right off
Shegoat > jewtits
but of course, your pawnfu is best
She's alright. Ayylimaonore is better.
Olra is the tops.
I played the game so often that both Shegoat and Jewtits started to annoy me, but I can't bother with random NPCs.
while your waiting around for her to pay you back that 10,000 gold, let me brew you up a potion arisen
Not after she met me ;^)
>tfw gettng both Jewtits and Selene
>first playthrough
>went out of my way to ensure I got the cute chubby nun who sounds like Laura Bailey
>tfw you didn't get no eyebrows witch
>tried to railroad it to shegoat or jewtits
>get childhood friend
What the fucking hell you stupid dragon
How about you brew yourself some eyebrows, you fucking freak!
>>get childhood friend
Madeline was the best girl of the game and every other choice was inferior.
>[1. General] [Arisen] Hey does anyone know where i can find the Hillfigure Knoll Griffin?
Why does DDON have more art than DD:DA?
I got the MASTER WORKS ALL guy because I gave him a fucking statue a long time ago. Legitimately surprised when I saw him and laughed that he was my beloved.
cause Japs like monster hunter type games better than dragons dogma
Jewtits is best waifu.
>Well Bitterblack Island sure is cool, I wonder what the final boss of it is
>giant satan that's actually pretty fast, casts spells, flies and generally crushes my balls if I try to cast spells
>i'm a sorcerer
I spent the entire match charging the archistaff shots and blasting him while dodging his hard reads on the weird somersault roundhouse kick he did.
I know she's a filfthy slut but when she offered her body to that Knight for money I got the most raging boner and could only imagine dumping gold over her head and savagely fucking her while my pawns stood by and babbled about wolves and fire.
where did you get this piece of art?
'Tis weak to cock!
>Play as Magic Knight
>love Mercedes
>gave her all the cloud wine I have
>read how to get her ending and did it to the T
>get the shield from julien without knowing
What the fuck you homo
Grigori knows you're gay secretly.
I wanted delicious chocolate and ended up with jewtits. Fuck Grigori.
When will we get a sequel to this wonderful game?
I've got a weakness for beady/tired eyes and autistic behavior, Selene is very cute. Childhood friend tries hard and is sweet, she is also cute. Mercedes was also kinda nice and sympathetic character, the duchess pissed me off with her lies but at least had a good reason and seemed to genuinely care about you/ feel bad about it. And so of course the dragon chose the gold digging "is there anything else I can work on for you mr.champion~teehee" narcissistic slut as my beloved. Only girl that's outright unlikable.
Meh, while I loved DD, the NPC's were all shit, the story in general is kinda vague, but maybe that's one of the reasons it's so good, it's kinda like choose your own adventure with the lacking plot.
I was torn between Madeleine and Mercedes, but I got the loli princess at the end.
Grigori is the fucking worst wingman
Holy shit, that Neleeta.
>Dat Naleeta design
Never because of DDO
When will we get DDON?
>They decided to go MMORPG
Is it good though
In the event of a tie, it shows whoever you interacted with last
seriously, i need DDON
i lent DD to a couple of my buddies who barely play vidya anymore after Dark Souls and they loved it but wish it was online
they only have ps3s but i still have mine and its for ps3, ps4 and pc in japan, if they would just bring it here we could play a game together like bros again
Do you think most Arisen fugg their pawns? Do pawns like the fugg or do they simply view it as another part of their service to the Arisen?
You don't get to fuck your pawn. See what happened to Daimon?
Why are there so many people playing DDON on Nicovideo?
TGS is the last chance, if there's nothing about it then it's 100% ded
Gold digging slut.
Unless you seriously think everyone in Cassardis is related, and at that point it wouldn't even matter anymore.
If you fuck your pawn hard enough it gains human emotions and a real soul, just look at Daimon and Olra.
I'm getting mixed messages here. Besides, my pawn isn't also my mother figure/lover/someone else's former pawn. Daimon had some fucking issues, man. Oedipus all up in that shit.
Selene is for _____
>while my pawns stood by and babbled about wolves and fire.
>The beast gets excited around women, master!
it's pretty fun
Burning at a pyre.
My go to beloved.
Her slutwear is good so its nice to have her in cassardis. That and she has massive...tracts of land.
Guys help me out, I don't know the answer to this.
Wolves hunt in __________
Jewtits made me realise that I will tolerate a bad personality for high quality sex.
the summer time
Turns, user
Wolves are polite like that
>Those cool as fuck casting animations
What could of been
Anal only
>that room with 3 living armors
>tfw playing a sorcerer
>tfw have to fight an evil eye
>Fighting golems as a caster or phantoms as a melee
>tfw you have grind up a hundred levels as every class ''other'' than magick archer before its playable
>Not having any magic besides heaven's key daggers
>Coming up against red phantasms
Most annoying enemy in the game. They barely hurt you and you barely hurt them.
>tfw your sorc pawn never uses her fucking magic
>tfw she just enchants your weapons knowing full well it won't do dick to phantoms
this is why we have the brine.
>yfw you see the Drake in Devilfire Grove for the first time
>yfw your pawns yell out THE DRAGON? HERE? BUT HOW while you lose your shit
I love that pawns will relate any unfamiliar enemy to something they know. It's got two wings? Watch out for that harpy, I guess! It's a giant chicken headed monster? Watch out for that giant cock, arisen!
The first time I saw that drake I was level 30 going to the shadow fort.
Listening to my pawns freak out wondering what to do while you get your ass shredded is incredible.
My first time through I hadn't heard shit about the romance system and ended up getting pleasantly surprised when Griggs set me up to /ll/ with Symone
Yeah, I just run from those things. Magic users definitely have it easier in this game.
>tfw /l/ is gone
>tfw lolis are just outright fucking banned now
from my experience, no.
You spend most of the time sitting around casting spells and you're fucked if the enemies too quick like dragons. If you're fighting an enemy that's resistant to magic then you might as well just brine yourself.
Evil eyes as a sorcerer are just downright impossible.
First time I ran into it I had to flee like a bitch since it downed all my pawns. Once I gained a few levels and has arc of obliteration I went back for a rematch. I slapped it's shit silly in a few hits.
Similar thing happened to me with the chimera next to the witch's forest except I didn't back off. Managed to cheese it with flame arrows, and it only took me about half an hour to take it down on my first try.
Let's be honest, there's still tons of lolishit on /h/ and in Sup Forums sadpanda threads.
It's just not explicitly labeled as loli.
>scout ahead using Exequy
>spam Miasma at relatively stationary foes
>when all else fails, hide in a corner and spam Bolide
I play a very cheesy sorcerer. On the other hand, lots of enemies can fuck sorcerers up like says.
Have the superior version.
And this is why not playing as either the mystic knight or the magic archer drives me out of my mind. Started out sorcerer and switched to mystic knight at ~55, finally being able to charge shit and smack it around felt so good.
Also, damn those magic cannons can wreck serious shit.
How's the mod scene on the PC version?
I would love to play magick archer but right now i'm playing as sorcerer so I can get the stats to make MA fucking playable.
It boggles the mind just how fucked the level balancing is. You just flat out can't level up with magick archer, it'll gimp your stats and make BBI a nightmare.
>Evil eyes as a sorcerer are just downright impossible.
Bollide/Seisism/Malestrom nigga. A lot of the grand spells have a physical component to them, Seisism itself is physical/Holy so it really fucks them.
Living Armours are probably the worst to fight as Sorcerer though, I think Magick Archers have it the easiest in this game.
I think Magic Archer sucks. No DPS.