i think we can all agree that this isnt a very good console but its the last console where nintendo genuinely made an effort to make it good
I think we can all agree that this isnt a very good console but its the last console where nintendo genuinely made an...
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Also Nintendo was dumb not to buy Rare because they ended up with the worst exclusives compared to PS2/Xbox/Dreamcast.
well it had the last good 3d mario, zelda and smash bros
>well it had the last good 3d mario
nice meme but sunshine was rushed as fuck, even the one on wii u was better
>last good 3d mario
Kill yourself.
>3d mario
you call autistic cleaning spray with water "good" ?
Sunshine is 3/10 at best.
I grew up on the GameCube and I thought it was fun. I enjoyed playing super smash bros.
I would say they made a genuine effort to make the wii good. It's not their fault Sakamoto and miyamoto started losing it during that cycle. And 3rd parties dumping shit on it to make a quick buck was unfortunate but wii still has a solid lineup
The only good games on gamecube below
Rogue Squadron 2 and 3
Twin Snakes
Metroid Prime 1 and 2
Custom Robo
F-zero GX
everything else is garbage
>I would say they made a genuine effort to make the wii good
m8 the wii was to appeal to casual gamers, that doesnt take any effort at all
>It's not their fault Sakamoto and miyamoto started losing it during that cycle. And 3rd parties dumping shit on it to make a quick buck was unfortunate but wii still has a solid lineup
They knew would be home for shovelware 2.0 because it had a 2001 hardware (in fact Xbox is better than Wii) and the only appeal was the motion gimmick
Nintendo Strategy in 2005/2006: release a overclocked 2001 hardware with a gimmick that would appeal to grandmas and fat people in general
Even the Xbox tried more than this pile of shit. The control is retarded and the only good thing about it is it has 4-5 good exclusives
No melee
No Cel Damage
No Baten Kaitos
No Lost Kingdoms
Eternal Darkness
GC probably had the best library of any home nintendo console, except maybe snes.
it was the last good Nintendo console.
>I would say they made a genuine effort to make the wii good
>i think we can all agree that this isnt a very good console
fuck no
the problem is that games that werent your typical mario,zelda,metroid, etc. sold like shit on the gamecube. there were a few exceptions like rogue squadron, resident evil 4, and pikmin.
Paper Mario TTYD
to this day i am still confused why they decided to use those tiny fucking discs
>had hopes for nintendo's future.
>with pokemon Go being so sucessfull I am done and can't imagine them ever making a console for core gamers again
The gamecube was a good console, and if someone disagreed with you, the handle was to let you swing the thing around until they agreed.
my only guess is to avoid piracy, maybe because nintendo saw how piss easy it was to play burned games on the dreamcast
i remember reading or hearing that it was to curb burning the discs. as well as being proprietary, because that is what nintendo does.
best Nintendo console
>Mario Galaxy 1 & 2
>Metroid Prime 3
>Smash Bros Brawl (regardless of Sup Forums's tourneyfag circlejerk, they put tons of effort into this game)
>Super Paper Mario
>Sin and Punishment 2
>Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn
>Donkey Kong Country Returns
>Batallion Wars 2
>Kirby RtDL
>Wario Land Shake It
>Rhythm Heaven Fever
>The Last Story
>Pandora's Tower
No, it's a very good console despite its sales. If anything the Wii was the last ditch effort to make a good console, since their console sales had always been in steady decline.
doesnt matter how many games you list the wii was to appeal to casual gamers
It actually makes me depressed thinking of how much better so many of the Wii's best games would have been without the need for the developers to tack on the motion controls
thats pathetic compared to the gamecube which also has a pathetic library
>the number of must have titles on nintendo consoles has gotten smaller and smaller over time
please don't fuck the nx up nintendo
That's Nintendo games only
But those games prove Nintendo made a genuine effort to make the Wii a good console
The only games in there that had annoying shitty forced waggle are Mario Galaxy, DKCR and Wario Land, the rest either make good use of the controller or simply don't use the motion controls.
>No Skies of Arcadia
>No Smash Bros Melee
>No Custom Robo
>Timesplitters FP
Time Splitters and Cell Damage aren't exclusives
>But those games prove Nintendo made a genuine effort to make the Wii a good console
>making a console that has the same hardware as consoles from the early 2000s
>a genuine effort
Reminder that Killer7 and Viewtiful Joe are far superior on the Gamecube
>That's Nintendo games only
some of the games you listed werent even made by nintendo
im pretty sure everyone knows at this point the ps2 version is always the worst
It's always funny to see how much hate the Gamecube has been getting ln these threads lately. Was there an e-celeb who said shit about the console or something?
Every game on that list was made by Nintendo, even The Last Story is co-developed, funded and published by them
batallion wars 2 and sin & punishment 2 werent made by nintendo dumbass
Co-developed, funded, published and owned, it's like saying Brawl and Smash 4 aren't Nintendo games because they were made by Sora and Bamco
>Co-developed, funded, published and owned
except they werent
>>No Custom Robo
There was Custom Robo in my list you autistic child
It was honestly pretty good. Even as someone who grew up on NES/SNES, I think I put more hours into my gamecube than just about other console aside dreamcast and PS1.
I mean lets be real
>great mario titles (Sunshine, Luigi's mansion)
>best mario party titles (aside 3, i dont want no twabble)
>best animal crossing title
>best f-zero title of all time
>best soul calibur thats still played competitively even now
>Best Smash bros title
>decent JRPG's including PSO, FF:CC, baiten kaitos (though I hate card games a lotta ppl love it), and Tales of symph
>Metroid prime was amazing as fuck for its time and is still a solid title thats aged well
>Good third party support with timesplitters, Resident evil, Lots of Sega titles, and many others despite the god awful disc media they chose
>what titles did have online used it very solidly
>Solidly produced console that lasts literally forever unless you got a factory defective model with a fucked up laser eye reader (Xbox had the same issue, otherwise they're both the most durable consoles of all time)
>Comfy as fuck controller unless you're a turbo autist that nitpicks the c-stick
>has some rare collectible games that cannot be had anywhere else if thats your thing
Mine after 12 years of heavy use is just now finally breaking down and its only disc read errors. It's been to melee tournaments and pulled off tables at venues multiple times, hauled to every friends house. Kicked around on my floor time to time, had friends throw controllers out of salt at it. It's just a good console.
Except they were
this is a pretty big bait.
>I mean lets be real
> Luigi's mansion
> soul calibur
>PSO, FF:CC, baiten kaitos
Yes the hardware had great quality compared to PS2 still you forgot to mention Rogue Squadron I and II.
unless you post evidence they were, they werent
the last generation that graphics really wowed me. guess early 360 titles like Gears did but remember seeing Metroid Prime and Resident Evil 4 and thinking this is as real as it gets
Everything is bait when it's beyond your ability to refute. I'm actually quite serious, but you're not gonna agree no matter what I say because Sup Forums has taught you to be contrarian to everything you confront. So...LOL I TROL U YOU MAD SON.
5/10 got me to reply in a serious manner, slightly mad.
>great mario titles (Sunshine, Luigi's mansion)
Ctrl+F Sin & Punishment
Ctrl+F Battalion Wars
You mention Sunshine as a good game what do you expect?
>to refute
refute what? your personal opinion?
So, what? Do you believe that 64 is the last good title? Because that'd just be delusional when Sunshine improved on many concepts. Just because you got troll'd by red coin plinko and cataquaks with the watermelons doesn't make it bad.
obviously not a reliable source when wario land shake it isnt there
we have been over this a million times. sunshine is shit because it was a rushed game
Sunshine is horrible.
3D world is very decent if you want a 3d mario game.
>Kirby's Comfy Yarn
>Red Steel 2
>Fuck you skyward sword was solid
>boom blox
>shattered memories
>a boy and his blob
>the definitive version of Bully and RE4
>tatsunoko vs capcom
Home console? Sure. Wii had Galaxy though. But the last console was the DS, they tried hard and there were good 1st party games there.
I'm glad you admit you were wrong
>Everyone forgets Punch Out Wii
Legit game. Tons of attention to detail, and is extremely well made.
how am i wrong when i just proved you wrong?
Xbox was usually twice the price of the GC, and costed to build twice what you paid so microshit bled a lot of money with it. Nintendo made money with the GC and the hardware was so enough that they could reuse it for the wii. All in all the wii biggest rival was the ps2 more than the ps360
The GameCube was a fucking beast in what it can do.
This is 2001 hardware. This is hardware that was ultimately beaten by a DVD player and a cut down PC.
>This is hardware that was ultimately beaten by a DVD player and a cut down PC.
because it used mini discs
Thanks to Nintendo refusing to pay 0,02 cents for each DVD sold they used mini autistic discs.
Has someone modded in Dante from the PS2 version of VJ to the GC version?
The GameCube was never going to win against the PS2, as the PS2 was fueled by one thing, and one thing only. Hype.
that maybe true but why handicap yourself by using mini discs?
the gamecube was a console you didn't like much during that time it was out, but in retrospect it was actually awesome
PS2 had DVDs and better advertising in third world countries
>well it had the last good 3d mario, zelda and smash bros
>Eternal Darkness
>Resident Evil 4
>Rouge Squadron 2
>Animal Crossing
>Soulcalibur 2
>Battalion Wars
>Medal of Honor: Frontline
>Medal of Honor: Rising Sun
>TimeSplitters 2
>TimeSplitters: Future Perfect
Not all exclusives but a way better library than Wii or WiiU.
Should probably delete any thread starting with "agree".
sunshine is the worst 3d mario