Im building a JRPG like game and I have one simple question for you autist

Im building a JRPG like game and I have one simple question for you autist.
3 person or 4 person party?

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4 party every day nigga

4 is the magic number

5 person party.

what exactly was wrong with FF4's 5 person party with enforced 3 to 2 ration on the rows?

It will be online 1v1 so anything above 4 may cause too much strain on the servers. im sticking to 4 right now.

4 son, this isn't even a fucking choice. Also your classes better not be shit or you shouldn't even bother.

5 member party with 2 combat lines.
3 in the front, 2 in the back, and they can switch at will.

3 person.
I tend to find that having 4 gets just enough on the side of too-much-to-manage that it's worse than 3.
Most have 4 but I'm not too sure why.

4 and an animal/companion

3 is too low. 4 is good. 6 with 2 rows is ideal

Regardless of party size, there are still just two people. 5 person party all the way.

4 and should have quadtecs.

fucking depends on your combat system. the more complex it is the more of a chore it is for a 4 person based party.

not to mention almost any 'party' in any jrpg is almost always broken down into 'main damage' guy and then 'interchangeable item/support spell users'.

make it a 3 person based because its less commonly done, and will allow you the freedom to create a more in depth combat system.

4 lets you have the healer,damage guy,mage guy, and tank guy bread and butter that these games usually build themselves on.

how about no.


I am in this mindset currently.

Keep in mind, this will be 1v1 so if its a 4 person system there will be 8 characters on the field total.

2 rows will not work. A front and back row are planned right now.

why limit give me an army

4 like pic related.

5, just like in MMOs

Tank, Healer, 2 DPSs (ideally one melee and one ranged), 1 support/cc class

That's such an irrelevant statement that gives absolutely no context to the actual game or gameplay.

If it's a traditional jrpgs a la dragon quest of early final fantasy, should be 4, because you need dedicated role types.

If it's a dungeon crawler, the heightened difficulty should allow you to use more characters, 5 or 6.

If it's a game that allows for flexibility with skills and overall party management, then 3 should be fine, a la Chrono Trigger.

Do you even like video games

Im sticking with 3/4 due to the hardware resources and that it will also be part of a trading card game so equipment/spells/level ups will be limited.

5 just seems like too much wtih out changing a lot of the rules.

Anything but 4


10 person party, makes bosses damage sponges, add flashy effects for every attack

>RPG game
>no classes

I respect your right as an artist to do what he thinks is best. after all I know nothing else about this besides what you posted.

>2 rows will not work
>2 rows are planned right now

then just fucking go for 3 for best performance, and when you get to the user testing/alpha stage of development reevalute the question with people who can actually fucking play your game as opposed to us who have no idea what your game even looks like or if its shit.

starting with
It will be a card game in the style of JRPG. both players will act at the same time. so far, 1 card draw per turn, 1 level per turn, as many spells as you can play with the char. on the field.

First to KO other party wins.

you will build a deck around the chosen party members before hand.diffrent party members have diffrent skills.

Do which you find easier to balance. If you usually / always have a roster larger than the players you can have in party, you need to find mechanics / reasons to have different compositions, and I'd play around with that concept before you pick your number to run with. The party size should compliment the mechanics after all.

4 is classic

3 is doable but limits your creative options, and player's amount of possible team loadouts, severly

More info please.

into the trash

consensus to plan it better from the gound up.

and Im reading through
> this

So basically it's not like a jrpg at all.

Shift the focus of your thoughts to revolving around your battle system. It sounds unique enough to be it's own thing if you let it. The closest thing I can even draw a relation to is Phantasy star online episode 3.

I feel the same way but was never able to choose, 3 makes each party member more valuable and with this you have to decide before hand what and how you want use them. with 4 you always seem to have that extra red mage that can stand in for anyone.

It also makes every individual turn of combat much simpler and much less involved.


I do not believe the size should be 2, but what is your reasoning for not going smaller

1-5 like Etrian Odessy

The battle system will be but askew. I always liked jrpg and dont seem them come out any more like the older DQ/FF series and throught this would be a decent idea with enough input from those who want to play.

Ive set engagement as attacks happen when selecting a target but spells trigger at end of turn so there will be both planning and reaction durring combat.

this seems to be the theroy. I personal like 3 so this is why I wanted to ask. I want people to like it as well so I figured Id ask.

not enough tactical choices and I cant think of a good way to have each player bring their own character/deck to a match to get more people for each game. that is also getting close to MMO games and Im not a big fan.

Regardless of how you feel in general, you need to understand people by default will go for a basic core of attack, defense, and heals, no matter how cool or how many other classes there might be.

Start from here and work forward from that. Maybe make it so that each character has some sort of viability in each ranking, and maybe focus more on passive skills and combos versus active ones.

The Darkest dungeon is a good example of this. Many characters in that game have obvious strengths, but can also be played in a variety of ways due to how well rounded skills are and how much each character can interact with another.

You were considering a 3 party system?
Let me guess,
A tank, a dps, and a healer.
Fuck your guts OP

I have considered this and built it into the basic rules for the game to keep things a bit more intresting. I did some play testing last year with it as a card game but it never really felt right, I decided to make it a HTML5 game because I can easly add any player input to the rules and anyone can jump in at any time with out buying anything.

stop projecting.

After you decide on your characters, shift gears to the enemies of the game instead. Let your creative juices flow there more than anywhere else; as they will be the meat of your game. After all is said and done, test for yourself with a wide variety of characters allowed to see how easy or how hard the game is with numbers ranging from 2 to 6. Is the game too hard, maybe up the number of characters allowed. Game too easy? Subtract characters until the difficulty is just right.

The enemy is another player with the same options so party number is a great concern. This is also for game lenght. I never got to test this when getting the rules sorted out so from the testing I did a 3 person game last about 20-30 minutes. 4 would probably go to an hour.

Would it be too complex to allow the player to decide between? Two different meta's should evolve outta that

Wait... so... again, it's not even a fucking jrpg, AGAIN?

Why would you confuse people by asking a question about jrpgs when all you're doing is making a new Duelysts? That's not jrpg at all. That's more like an mmo card game than anything else.

4 if it's a long-ish game.
3 or even 2 are acceptable if it's super short but tightly wound.

As many slots as there are party members.


Thats a nother option I have considered is making diffrent format "rooms" for the amount of characters that each player would like but that would split the players and lead to less active games or waiting games at a time.
Im leaning to this being the lesser of all evils through.

Its a mix but Im trying to keep it true-ish to the jrpg style of play.

Less than 3 has alot of issues rules wise that I dont have answers to that would be 5 minutes games at most. there nees to be more targets to allow a build up.
This was pary of my everyone get a character to use testing and people ended up being focused on and out before the first item was used.

Sauce on that image, OP? It looks lewd.

Actually, before we say anything else, is this a game with "Only" three-to-four playable characters, or a game with several playable characters but only three-to-four slots, and are these characters specialists (each character has one role they perform that no one else does) or jobbers (each character can assume one of several roles)?


4 person if you're confident in each one having a useful niche.

>2 rows will not work. A front and back row are planned right now.
You fucking what?


three to 4 slots. Im planing on 20 characters to start and adding more later. I would like to have each character wtih a background an will be adding in speical abilitys (Im currently planing about 3 tanks, 2 theifs 6 mages and 2 item specialist at least and will add more later)
I really want to bring back the clasic style of jrpg wtih the ability to play over the net is the basic idea.

attack/defence. early ff style.

How can i get a posiyion helping someone like you to make a game? I dont even care if im paid, i'd do whatever gruntwork needs to be done and i'd learn whatever skills i need to help

Ah, that makes more sense.

9 person party

If a fucking GBC game can do it, you can too

how are you at javascript? Im working on the back end with rails and having to drudge through the pretty part wtih JS

to add, I really want most of the future addons to be user built so the program im using to add the info to the database will be put in the site and a voting system to get the most popular to be added as a "set " later every 3 to 6 months or so. I really just want to play this but to have people to play with I need players.

Are there any games that do that? At least ones that don't have 3 or 4 part members altogether?

7 with no turn based.

It will be all Char. at once so there will be a lot of front end processing and Im not sure how much diffrent browsers can handle. Im not a CS grad I just want to build this because I want to play it. I would like to get a mobile port after the building/testing is done but that will be about a year or 2 out and im the only dev as well as having a full time job.

Have a little experience, only through one semester of comp sci, but i easily got through the few JS projects we were assigned, but like i said i'd be willing to learn more to help, i know a few programming friends that could give me pointers

give me a sec, let me spin up an email. I would love to have more devs. I do plan only only taking donations when its up and that will be for the AWS fees but it it will look good a resume.


Yeah, you lost me with this. This isn't a JRPG at this point, this is more a card game with some RPG elements.

6 person party.

If it's a game with multiple party members throughout the game, have them all join the fight.

Only reason to go below 4 is if character are very complicated or require some degree of micromanagement.

Only reason to go above 4 is if characters are exceedingly simple and/or die permanently (like fire emblem)

[email protected]
most of what is done right now is on my desktop but if you want to help ill get a bitbucket going as well.

yeah pretty much. it makes it a lot easier to add new elements to the game as time goes by. the base will be close to the classic jrpg style but the card game part makes it easier to add to and adjust as time goes by.
you also have to admit that when you get that ultimate weapon in a game you want to show it off by beating the fuck out of another player with it. I always have.

Then say it's a card game with some RPG elements instead of just calling it a JRPG, they're pretty damn different genres and have entirely different design philosophies.

I also seem to have missed how exactly you plan on melding the two gameplay systems together.

>20+ characters
I'd go with four slots.

More than that though I'd advise making sure each character fulfills a specific role with little overlap to make team compositions more meaningful.

Im also planing on having items/spells ect designated for characters so that decks can be built around them leading to more stratagy before combat and with the level up system i have planed some char. will chage drasticly when leveled up.

Just shot an email over, thanks for this

replying now.

This isn't your first RPG project, is it?

I think it's pretty obvious from the posts OP's made that it is, but maybe I'm blissfully wrong on that front.

my first HTML5 one, yes.
for pen and paper, my 20th or so. first time in this format though.

Take it from me, someone else who's also tried to design a jrpg-like game: start small.

I know what it's like to have grand ambitions for your first cRPG project but trust me, you'll hate yourself by the end of it. Instead tell a small story with a few characters and get the basics right. Then for the sequel you can try 20 characters in a huge world.

The story is more of a add on for this project. I would like to flesh it out in time but Im working more on the engine and socket programming for protfolio than getting a fleshed out immersion of a game, so the story is back seat to game play and preformance.
It would be nice to have one to really get some nice mechanics going but I just dont have that much time or imagination to do something that detailed.


I say "Story," but that really applies to everything. A small world, a small cast; start small, think small, then let it expand.

You wanna go in with 20+ characters and custom abilities for all of them and yadda yadda, you're gonna burn yourself out.

Try making a more modest game first with four playable characters who each do one thing really well and go from there. Expand from that base.

A lot of the base was done a few years ago when I was playesteing the idea with some friends so I have about that many wirtten down from diffrent pen and paper project and they just need to be put in an SQL database and translated to fit the game so most of the idea work is done and just need to be modified to fit a theme for the game. I have been working on the rules and back end for quite a while so most of that work is done. the hard part is getting the engine built right now.
Its all a lot of parts and peices that im putting together so 20+ characters is not a big deal right now its making the combat engine and im working up to that but I want to find out what people want to play so that iI dont have to keep rebuilding when its mostly done and there is huge demand for 4 characters when I have 3 programmed.
already I have about 25 char. 60 spells and around 120 items that need to be translated as a base "set"

Large parties would be nice for once.

Also, whatever the number, please don't make the MC required in battle, at least not all the time. It always irks me when I don't like the MC, but I still have to drag them into every battle, even if they do tend to be the strongest character.

The greatest JRPG ever made has a 3 person party.

That's a lot of work. I suggest you get all those cards done then you can try out battles with 3, 4 or even 5 card slots.

6 person party, over 100 recruitable characters.

If you have to ask you have already failed.

5 man

3 front 2 back

whatever you can balance

5 more waifu is always better

Why not just let me use every recruitable character instead of having an arbitrary limit?

3 front
3 back

And that is?

>have idea for JRPG
>want it to be DnD orientated
>although it would have to many classes to balance
>mfw I just end up putting it off because of to much work