Is this just a meme machine or do people actually have trouble with Whitney? I always casually thought it was a joke...

Is this just a meme machine or do people actually have trouble with Whitney? I always casually thought it was a joke, but more and more people bring it up to me and how shes L I T E R A L Y impossible and theres no pokemon that can be used to end the suffering. I just burned her with Quilava then sent out Quagsire. Seriously, why would anyone have trouble with this?

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Never had trouble with Whitney, probably because my pokemon were always overleveled.

Yeah, I had trouble with her as a kid, especially when I didn't really know much about rollout.

Whitney is a casual filter who can only be beaten by getting gud

Funny enough the thing is harder in HG/SS

Nobody seems to realize that there's a guy in the department store in goldenrod who'll trade you a machop for a drowzee. I usually end up keeping it since it gains bonus exp and I can use it to steamroll the elite four dark lady.

The fight is tough because you don't want to beat your first anime girl crush

>talking to npcs
I imagine most of these fuckers just go heal, mart, gym, plot then leave

Just catch a Heracross.

>prep team against Rollout
>She never once uses it

Jasmine was a fairly easy fight user

Nigga, please. Pic related was and is my anime crush

its only tough if you arent prepared for it or dont grind.

No one expected shit at the time because Normal types WERE laughable while the "earliest" you can catch a Miltank and figure out its data is much much after this gym/city

Some people try to challenge themselves without grinding by being a few levels under or same levels, especially having fighting types ready.

But no one would know how deadly Miltank is even to fighting types.

Most people who had trouble with Whitney were children(like I was) and just simply remember that from childhood memories.

Meme or not, an early-game battle like this thrown at someone is one of the more infamous ways to train a child's learning curve.

>I got lucky with a burn
>This means everyone is pathetic for having trouble


95 HP
80 Attack
105 Defense
40 Sp.Attack (irrelevant)
70 Sp. Defense
100 Speed

For the 3rd gym, that's very powerful. Now add on a reliable STAB move, annoying status moves and self healing, and it is objectively a large spike in difficulty.

There can never be enough art involving Whitney and milk.

I'm not going to lie, before the next game came out and Flannery became my waifu for life, Whitney was my first.


Machop is not the only fighting type.

don't forget that Stomp can cause flinch, making you lose turns entirely

>not Sasami

DO YOU EVEN unless you liked Mihoshi's sweet body, then I can't blame you.

Mihoshi is definitely tempting, but there's something about Ryoko, man. Still does it to this day, god damn.

>10% chance
WOW WHO COULD HAVE EVER GAMED THOSE ODDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>Stomp woah thats almsot like... 80 damage with stab.... damn....
Just use quagsire with dig, thats 80 damage + STAB for ground.

Guess what, Quagsire has just as much HP and MORE ATTACK then miltank.

Make it a female one and she can't use attract on you.

Remember dig makes her waste a turn every other turn.

I had a tough time because I didn't want to evolve my Totodile because he wouldn't be cute anymore.

She is more visceral, exciting, yet sweet in her own raw way.

Mihoshi's too dumb and too much of a klutz to ever be a contender.

Nothing to do with Whitney its Rollout.

If all your Pokemon happen to be male you're fucked.

Stomp has a 30% chance to flinch
If you're going to be a piece of shit at least get your facts right.

Also if you have a Quagsire at this point you're likely over leveled.

No one uses Dig, and no kid would have thought of it.

Never had a problem with any Gym leader in G/S/C. Morty is a bit grating But I am partial to the early game normal types (Pidgeot/Furret) and everything spamming curse leading up to a Gengar is pretty brutal with an in-game team.

I have never not steamrolled Whitney, even being under leveled/as a kid/ect

Lance is tough though, anyone who says he isn't is bullshitting or used a legendary.

It's funny how such a shitty move becomes a bitch in early game. It's like the Dragon Rage of Gen 2.

All your points are potentially right, but you don't have to be a fucking autist about it.

>no one uses dig
tell that to dugtrio in blue.
tell that to anyone before magnitude/earthquake

the thing is we were little kids so that kind of insane difficulty spike (like brock in pokemon yellow) was 10 times harder than it should have been since we were dumb

The bigger irony is Whitney is a huge pansy and even cries after losing. I guess it goes to show you that you need to be a shonen edgelord like Red to be a powerful trainer.

fuckin... over leveled can't believe you... have... a level 20 pokemon... when you are fighting... whitney's... level 20 miltank... overleveled as... fuck....

Just say "I dont know" you don't have to pretend you knew what you were talking about.

Quagsire is tanky as fuck, even if you get extremely unlucky you can just potion bomb through stomps. Dig is like one of the strongest number moves you can get by the time you reach whitney, it has fucking 80 base attack while all your pokemon are level 20. Even if you know nothing as a child about anything. 80 base attack is going to get you to use dig unless you literally dont look at anything.

Laff at u

Well I was an edgelord who only allowed male pokemon on my team, so I got shutdown by attract

lewds pls

She's not hard, you can waste her by having an overleveled mon or if you get that Machop.

Or fucking Geodude, like seriously nigga

Guess you didn't read the entirety of my post. Pity.

Machop is the only fighting type you can get before you fight whitney. So...

I really hope Sup Forums doesn't have posters this autistic

We all know Whitney isn't hard. She's a casual filter. The issue is she was hard for us as children who don't think through these advanced strategies because we're kids, and Whitney's Miltank is literally the first Miltank you ever encounter so no one had any idea how to prepare for it.

A lot of kids didn't know about the Machop-Drowzee trade either.

I guess you still didn't read the entirety of my post.

>needing a fighting type to get fighting type moves

I can't tell if this is bait or genuine autism anymore, but either way I'm highly concerned. Yes, we get that Whitney isn't that hard in hindsight, but I imagine that for the children who weren't in your special needs class it must have been a challenge for them at the time.

>what is STAB

>needing STAB
>not just banking on the super effectiveness anyways

How much of a difference does stab actually make? I get its uses for high level play, but I imagine it can't matter THAT much for the main game.

>one of your pokemon most likely is already fucked by Cute Charm before Miltank even comes out
>Miltank is scrappy so it WILL hit your Ghosts
>Milk drink for when it gets hurt
>Plus potions
>Stomp flinching
>Holding a fucking berry that negates status effects
>Attract might make your two or three viable pokemon fucking useless
>Rollout exists

The only pokemon you can get before whitney that learns a fighting type move is Heracross. At level fuckin 27. And it's fucking counter.

Enjoy. Go ahead i'll wait while you go look up what pokemon you can get that learn a fighting type move before whitney and realize you are stupid.

>being this asshurt you sucked at pokemon as a kid.

Sorry bro. Just stop, you're user, nobody has to know you were wrong you can just go back to being user in another thread and never have to admit you argued something you didn't have a shred of knowledge about.

1.5x is really nice, it makes a 100 base power move effectively 150, which is useful in any situation

50% extra power is pretty damn effective at anything when your moves get up there in BP.


>Miltank is scrappy so it WILL hit your Ghosts

Yea... it'll hurt those... ghost... pokemon you have... before... the 3rd gym. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

The other stuff is real problems though.

Autism isn't an insult

Whitney wasn't hard but as a kid I was probably over leveled as well

As a kid we didn't think about all these things, just surprised when we ran into something that wasn't easy

You can catch gastly in the bellsprout tower.

You can get Ghastly in Bellsprout Tower dipshit

Now stop talking about what you have no idea about

Did anyone in this thread take the time to read my post about the machop?

It's not like you need a fighting move to win though


I just burst out laughing in the middle of the night and my wife and kids came into the room and nearly fell to the floor. Kudos to you sir, have an upvote.

>implying I played G/S when I was a kid.
Nice assumptions there kiddo. I think there's a saying that goes along with those.

>bonus exp from trades is worth it having a retarded nickname

Because Sup Forums is full of normie casuals. I personally like using Ghastly on her to sleep/curse then switch out to Onix and watch her die

>Implying I'm going to keep it after I beat the elite four.

>my wife and her kids came into the room and nearly fell to the floor.

Dude. Nigger. Retard.

Your post literally doesn't matter. Your reasons for getting machop for later in the game DO NOT MATTER. IT DOESNT MATTER WHY YOU PERSONALLY DECIDED TO GET HIM. IT DOES. NOT. MATTER. NOBODY. CARES.





Most kids that fought Whitney back then only leveled their starter, which was usually male.
Unless you got lucky with crits to take Miltank down fast, it would attract your only good pokemon and Rollout you to death.

Firstly no rational person can understand your sperging. Secondly you said heracross is the only fighting pokemon which learns fighting moves which you can ger before whitney. No mention of machop whatsoever. Are you usuall0y this retarded or is today a special day?

it's hard when you're 12 years old and try to beat her with a level 25 quilava, four weedles and whatever other garbage you picked up


>Solutions for Miltank include putting stupid ass Pokemon like Quagsire and Machop on your team

GREAT taste

>not catching a mankey on route 22

I don't know, I was lucky rolling a female starter the first time.

On later runs I would just have a girl geodude to rock smash her shit

revenge for the two people in the entire world who picked chikorita and got their shit stomped in by bugsy

say that to my face and not online, motherfucker

>shitting on quagsire

Or just equally leveling all your shit before you go fight her.
If you got like 3 or 4 Pokemon in the low 20's, you'll steamroll her.

You can sweep her with an overleveled Feraligatr. I remember doing that as a kid, picked up Totodile because holy shit reptiles and then leveled only it. It was like level 33 or something by the time I fought Whitney and utterly stomped her.

G/S was really easy all the way through. The only think I can remember being a challenge was the ice block puzzle on the way to kanto. But that's because I was a retarded kid.

You are a fucktard.

You can only get him in gold. He works though.

I'd say Misty's Starmie was worse desu

This fucking dog is a goddamn monster.
>Take Down
>95 Fucking stab damage at level 18.
>only the second Gym

>when you can easily use a Quagsire, Geodude, Onix, Pidgeotto, Ghastly, or Golbat against her

You know one thing I never really liked about Gen 2's gyms were the types of Pokemon used by the gym leaders. Most of them seem to come form the Kanto dex instead of coming exclusively from Johto, with only one or two of them actually being new Pokemon.

>You are a fucktard.
No, here's what happened: You decided to start sperging out and hoped that everyone else in the thread was on the same point in the autism spectrum as you so they'd understand your incoherent rambling. They don't and you look like an idiot.

Picking Chikorita gets you
>Awful matchup with the flying gym
>Shat on by Bugsy
>Do okay against Whitney
>Wrecked by Morty since every ghost back then was part poison
>Useless against the steel types
>Chuck has a Polywrath, so it finally doesn't suck
>Gets it's ass kicked by the Ice gym
>Useless against Dragons too
If you picked Chikorita, you shouldn't play Pokemon

>Quagsire, Geodude, Onix,
garbage shitmons that are useless for the rest of the game
frail, no real way to do damage (immune to lick + night shade)

Misty's Starmie gets shut down by any grass or Electric type.

Don't forget that fucking Watchog with Retaliate.
>base 140 STAB move after Herdier faints
literally what the fuck

Johto dex is awful.

Try making some themed type gyms only using these.

chikorita is to teach wimpy 10 year olds that nice guys finish last. good for a challenge run at least

It's not even the fact that the battle was hard, but the fact that when you bet her, she pretty much ragequits and won't give you the fucking badge.

Have you literally never played another pokemon game? No gym leader limits themselves to just their gen's pokemon Jesus Christ fuck this thread and fuck this board! Fuck all of you!

It was hard because I was 8 and didn't use the Internet to play video games at the time. G/S was around the time you could go to cheat codes central and game faqs and shit, but my parents didn't let me use the Internet that much.

Yeah, it's easy now, but not when you don't know anything about the new shit. Miltank was a new pokemon, and Attract was a new move.

It's almost like second gen was half the size of gen one and it was an expansion of the original 151 not a replacement.

Chikorita is the worst starter in the series and that's saying a lot.