>tfw you can't shitpost in WoW anymore
Tfw you can't shitpost in WoW anymore
>can't call Tichondrius retards on their shit anymore
This and the kick system were made just so the retards could shit up everything.
What happened?
People did it too hard
>you will never be a cute panda girl shitposting and eating doritos
Are you guys like, legally retarded? The muting system was made just so that instead of banning you, they can just mute you, it's not going to increase the frequency of actions on your account, why would it?
>act like a retard
>get treated like a retard
Stay in your hugbox here, kiddo. The rest of the world isn't gonna put up with your autism.
They're implementing a silence system for the most vile of faggots and shitheads. I dont think the average person has anything to worry about.
ay i got perm ban for exacly this shit, calling people a faggot once in a while getting 4-5 temp bans becuase of it then a perm bann
>make automated silencing system
>be surprised when it gets exploited to automatically silence players
>silenced players cannot:
>Talk in Instance Chat (Raid, Party, and Battlegrounds)
>Talk in global channels that are auto joined (such as General or Trade)
>Create Calendar Invites/Events
>Send in-game mail
>Send Party Invitations
>Send War Game Invitations
>Send Invitations to Duel
>Update a Premade Group Listing
>Create a New List for a Premade Group
>do literally anything remotely fun
blizzdrones will defend this
that pic is faked right?
Tich is the best realm
take your fur back to the drawthreads faggot
Can a human love a pandaren?
how do you know thats not some sort of dog
can i fuck a worgen girl yet
can anyone love you?
>I can pay chinks to mass spam people and get them silenced
Oh boy this is going to be amazing.
My gf does
dogs don't have noses that cute
Is it permanent or is there a time out?
Source? Reverse image doesn't give me any results and there isn't a signature on the drawings.
end of anal spam
Cute Worgen