Who would watch this shit
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Eceleb cancer containment board when?
hey he writes the checks so you better watch your tone
I have that same guts scroll
Overwatch containment when?
Comfy containment when?
Pogo containment when?
gg containment when?
Shut the fuck up. Video games is more than your stupid obscure piece of shit that gets saged to death.
Retro Magazine used to do a good series about game boxart but they only made like three episodes and vanished.
>Being this assblasted
You apparently
I was kind of hoping for this as my second choice
first choice would be instant permaban for e-celeb threads on Sup Forums
GG was banned from here you fucking moronic goober gay
Go enjoy some freeze peach on reddit
I really do wonder what Sup Forums would be like with a real eceleb board.
POGO and OW are just flavors of the season.
They will die down.
>oldfags shitting their adult diapers because Sup Forums is changing
get over it grandpa. i can guarantee ten years from now (you'll probably be dead) that e-celebs will be one of the most popular topics on this board.
eceleb threads die within a day once the news is out. Faster than ow or pogo.
>oldfags shitting their adult diapers
matt doesn't browse here bro
Having threads for certain vloggers, GG, RT, CWC, etc would be great they always have "content" coming out. So I doubt they would die.
At least we could direct people there.
We can't direct those threads except to Sup Forums
I've stopped watching them because they'really just boring and moved on to Broteam
What the fuck is Pogo? The music artist?
But pat does
>Every time Matt forces a JoJo reference into the conversation to let everybody know that he likes JoJo too.
I met Matt last Saturday at an arcade in Chicago. Dudes cool as fuck, even let me play some vidya with him.
How do you ruin a catherine lp?
By being massively afraid of your wife.
I only really watch them for the RE and David Cage playthroughs.
I only listen to the podcast.
All JoJofags are insufferable really, they've convinced themselves that their anime/manga is some sort of masterpiece because it has a llt of posing and musical references.
I liked going through making fun of old art I used to stare at. I love bad art threads.
I should be a lot shorter though. I have very low standards but an hour of "yo that 1993 photoshop SUCKS" gets old quick
Sup Forums's fascination with these guys, but utter hatred for DSP utterly confuses me.
>jojo fags trying to convince themselves and other it's any different than naruto, that shit with the masks or one piece
jojofags specially the ones that only know part 3 are pretty much the new bronies
I thought the Street Fighter 5 story mode LP would be decent, but goddamn Matt would never shut up about the animated series or movie.
DSP is an old meme, children love this shit.
>used to love SBFP
>end of 2015/start of 2016
>50+ part Final Fantasy LP
>XCOM 2 LP that would've been fantastic had they not done a one and done ironman playthrough with a game they knew nothing about
>24 part Naruto LP
>videos with Matt/Liam are a test of patience for me suddenly
>can't listen to the podcast anymore
>the channel peaked with the Silent Hill 2 LP and I Have No Mouth
Has anyone else had a total fallout with SBFP like I have? I don't get why but it was just a lot of small issues I had coalesced and I realized I was just rolling my eyes and groaning at videos more than I was actually enjoying them so I just kinda stopped.
The Catherine LP has been pretty good so far and I like hearing Matt actually talk for real about shit as opposed to beating a Simpsons or Jojo horse, and Woolie makes nearly any LP enjoyable. But I know for a fact that once this LP ends I won't want to watch anything else they're doing
>that wasted potential of a full xcom playthrough
It was amazing, and yet they stopped it to play like 2 other shitty games
>see thumbnail
>that hat and face
>immediately think it's El Presador
This will forever be the funniest shit I've ever witnessed on Youtube.
They ended it perfectly, seeing them getting mad at rng would get stale after 20 episodes of it
i liked the first few episodes of the naruto lp. Then they just got in a rut and kept saying the same things over and over. And woolie kept getting lost. He actually spent 80% of an episode going in circles and I just turned it off.
Apparently you and a bunch of other sad faggots.
Honestly the more I think about it, it wouldn't have been great for a playthrough going beyond 30 or so parts but it was so depressing to see so little knowledge about XCOM in general, even as someone who just played Enemy Unknown like once. Would've been nice to at least see them make progress but it was just so poorly handled
>watching them past 2013
Only thing I remember is Downpour.
I honestly enjoy them. This is coming from someone who hates 90% of their modern shit and has always hated the podcasts.
Congrats, you have dog shit taste, my dude.
Honestly the Silent Hill 2 LP was one of the best things to happen to SBFP as a whole
>Matt and Pat playing a good horror game
>Pat generally knows what he's talking about, even if he's flexing the always terrible "I took a few psych classes in college" muscle
>doesn't overstay its welcome
Until Dawn, Def Jam: FFNY, Prison Break and RE4 also get honorable mentions
>hates 90% of their modern shit
>always hated the podcasts
Genuinely curious, what do you watch?
Matt is the kind of guy who would never be popular on his own. His commentary was only good when it was just TBF and even then Pat stole the show. Now he's too enamored with his empire, even though he has a relatively small following. And you ever notice how nobody is allowed to joke about him, or how his fanart always makes him look cute and thin? Dude needs to come back down.
From modern TBFP?
The Punisher, trials of the blood dragon (although It wasn't good), XCOM 2, Until Dawn, RE3.
I absolutely can't stand their Souls shit, I don't know how people stomach 100 episodes of that. I hate all these garbage 100 episode long games they keep doing like Twilight Princess, FFX, Deus Ex and MGSV. They seriously need to stop doing shit that is more than 20 episodes, it's doubly annoying that it means you have to wait like half a year just to know what they're playing next and even then there's always the chance it's another garbage LP.
RE3 wasn't even particularly good but RE games are without fail at the very least worth watching.
Agree wholeheartedly. Like, I get that a lot of the "i'm super strong and cool" gag is tongue and cheek and the guy is usually okay in actuality, but I feel like his commentary has been steadily getting more and more diluted
But if you follow the guy on Tumblr and he's constantly reblogging his own quotes and fan art of himself you sorta lose the ability to see that though, it's just sort of obnoxious
Jesus fucking Christ I don't want to even remember that that LP happened
I do agree on the Souls stuff. I watched like 10 parts of Dark Souls 2 and it's entertaining but I feel like it's just not the game that works for their format
How was the Trials of the Blood Dragon series? I was hyped for that game, bought it, played it through and immediately refunded it because it was so goddamn shallow and the platforming was obnoxious
I wonder if there's some place I could get a scroll framed. I don't like how they look dangling there on a stick.
Pat and Plague are the only redeeming products of this functioning autist's channel
I mean, I haven't played it or anything but from what I watched of it, it seems like it's really really easy. Especially compared to your usual trials stuff. I'm also not a fan of the art direction for all the animated stuff. Story is a bit too much lolsorandumb but I mean, it's only about a step above the original game. It just felt like the original game was far more tasteful with it's humor.
>i can guarantee ten years from now (you'll probably be dead) that e-celebs will be one of the most popular topics on this board.
Will that be because vidya is dead and filled with tumblr vloggers talking about the latest cinematic art piece (walking simulator)?
And Paige. I want that LPPP spin off channel.
Fucking guy scored so far out of his league it's baffling.
box art critique is actually pretty entertaining.
Pat is the only watchable one
Are you serious? her face is rancid. Ultimate butter face.
nah she's cute, you're too used to anime girls and porn stars.