Why aren't you playing pokemon go?

why aren't you playing pokemon go?

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Too busy playing actual games

You have to go outside

>someone on Sup Forums who actually plays video games

Still region blocked in my country.

>game expects me to go outside
Yeah no, I play games to stay indoors and away from people, not so I can see scum of the earth roaming alongside me.

I don't own a smartphone, and I'm too paranoid to have GPS tracking on me.

Played in the start. Got to level 19. It kinda lost its appeal after a few days.

Zero interest, I can play all of the pokemon games on my phone or DS in the comfort of my own home, pokemon go would have been cool when I was 10 and all we had was yellow.

Are you saying this as fellow scum or are you enlightened

I'm thinking about it, but it's dark and there's niggers outside.

It eats my battery and data

Because when I got a 10km egg I looked at what could hatch from it, and when I saw an Eevee could I immediately told my friends "I swear if I get an Eevee and like only 20 candies I'm uninstalling this game"

Phone's broken
>mfw on my walking route last night some kid asked if I play Pokémon
This game has potential for getting losers like us to start hanging out with normal people

I am enlightened.
It's why I wear a trip, so I won't be mistakenly associated for scum like you people.

>Android emulator doesn't run on my computer because my PC is a toaster that has already burned up all the parts it had. It's now running on 8 yo parts.
>Cellphone and tablet are good ones I didn't buy for cheap, but don't go past 4.1.2 because thats basically exclusive to the bestest most expensive ones which I can't give a shit about buying since these things break so easily.
>Cryogen Mod doesn't cover my smartphone model, so I'd have to use a user-made ROM I've seen people having problems with
Just not worth the effort at all. I'll keep enjoying myself with my OR/AS hacks I edit for my 3DS

I just got stopped by a cop because I was parked in a parking lot taking over a gym at 1 am. He was cool about it, but it was my first experience with a cop and it was fucking scary.

my pos phone can barely handle the native text message app, let alone a game


Its too fuckin HOT in the street right now my nigga.

>This game has potential for getting losers like us to start hanging out with normal people


It's fun but I wish I could battle wild pokemon too, still too low level to participate in pvp

Pic also related for the stupid shit I hear about this app

That was a trick question. The enlightened do not identify as enlightened

I've played it like a day now.
Not bad.
Haven't really been driven to leave the house, but it did make what I had to leave the house for anyways a little more interesting.

>furfag thinks he's not scum of the earth
Roflmfao.(Rolling on the floor laughing my fucking ass off.)

>Try the game once
>Immediately see droves of kids and manchildren playing it when I go for a walk

No thanks, even though I'm on Sup Forums I'm not that fucking autistic.

Because it's one in the morning and I just got done CQC'ing The Boss

>Actually thinking a P2W app would let you level up the conventional way
Silly user, don't you know that wouldn't make Nintendo money?

Getting my new phone tomorrow and gonna spend all day walking in Ann Arbor

Canada here, been having fun and there are people EVERYWHERE in my area playing.

The only thing that sucks is people who pulled region shenanigans and got a huge head start control all the gyms, while the rest of us only started yesterday.

Also talked to a qt while hanging out at some Pokestops today.


I played for a few days and got to level 8. The game is just boring.

Best part though is the wacky PokeStops and gyms. My local Taco Bell is a gym because of a graffiti on the old building next to it.

Smart phones already do that.

The truth is, it's actually a conspiracy with the gas companies because they know people will waste hundreds or even thousands of dollars worth of gas going out of their way to catch pokemon in far away places.

R8 my team plz

help me Sup Forums

Let me guess you have no experience ever talking to a truly enlightened person, dipshit.

Don't speak for my kind on what they do/do not do, faggot.



3 questions:

Where do you live?

What level are you?

Did you GPS spoof?

phone is shit

considering buying a new one for a while so I guess the timing seems fit now.
considering Redmi Note 3, Moto G4 Plus or Moto X Play.

any other recommendations? Need SDXC support and a good battery.

Socal. 24, no

Eat my ass.

Any real life baras wanna play pokemon go together

>tfw no gengar or porgyon
I just want my main bros and I've only seen/caught 1 ghastly.

Well for one, I'm not a retarded manchild who plays videogames, especially POKEMON of all childrens games, outside like a complete autist. I got better shit to do with my time

Hi there!

You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of Sup Forums are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!

Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bait to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!



N-no u

is it true that niantics will ban if you use a gps spoofer?

It's a soft ban of a few hours.

No you fucking don't.

How do you play something which is not a game?

>tfw playing pogo
>tfw boss playing pogo
>tfw boss higher lvl because he tells his wife he's working but he's at a cemetery grinding points.
>tfw he's clearly been popping constant lures/inscest/eggs to stay ahead

I don't even know what to do. On my day of I did nothing but walk and grind points, I came back and he had gained over 175k xp in a single day.

Nah bro, Apple sold your ass out long ago.

Because I like my skull without fractures.

This manchild shit has no place on Sup Forums and violates the containment board global rules.


What the fuck? Did he pop a lucky egg and evolve like 90 pidgeys?

Outside the cute "Pokemon IRL" gimmick, there's nothing really to do aside from awkward gym battles. Also fuck the schemy microtransactions.

Also nicknames aside, it completely forgoes the "personal" aspect of Pokemon by encouraging you to catch hundreds of each 'mon for their candy, rather than other potential items/additions/reasons you could've traveled the world for. Minigames and Nintendogs-like "caring" would've been a huge boost too, nevermind some actual fucking trainer battles with friends/etc.

I'm honestly offended minimalism sells so successfully off ease-of-access, name brands and popularity alone.

because I have a shitty iphone 4

I got back from walking around with 3 friends hitting up places. We're going to the Zoo on the weekend to play some more.

I played earlier before work

walked around a couple hours

hatched an Aerodactyl, etc


Oh god

also this

either had enough gyms going where he could get Pokecoins to farm eggs from the store, or just outright said fuck it and paid for some eggs from the store. Fucking microtransactions


MMA, the UFC fighters

he got his fucking head broken

I don't know.

He was worried I would level over him again on my day off, so apparently he just didn't go to work and went somewhere and made 175k xp. He went from level 21 something to level 23 with 30k xp towards level 24 in one day.

I've been grinding 9 point loops for a day and a half and can't catch up. I have like 40 lures, 80 lucky eggs and 90 incest. Used them constantly.

>requires you to go outside

because i don't wanna look a jackass

doesnt work on my phone, not buying a new phone just to play a fad game that will be dead by winter
(who in their right mind will be walking around all day in november etc?)

Keep spamming that pasta.

Enjoy your ban for low quality posting

Owning a Windows™ Phone stops me from making the mistake of installing games on my phone including Pokémon Go.

If you're city is anything like mine then you won't be the only one, not even close.

And if everyone looks like an idiot then nobody does.

low battery

it's charging

I got an Oddish from a 5km egg that was fun


Major battery drain
No real focus on raising
Gyms aren't fun
Combat is shit
They still haven't fixed the 3 print bug
Limited to the first 150 kills the variety pretty quickly once you realize you have a billion Geodudes
Refuse to go out at night to catch some of the night exclusive Pokemon after I almost got robbed previously

I was trying to beat all these cuckolds at the gyms, but their Pokemans were always higher CP level

So I decided to invest all stardust into one Pokeman, and he got so strong that it wouldn't let me Power Up anymore until I reached a higher trainer level

I really don't like the way leveling works in this game to be honest

how are you supposed to get enough candies to evolve and/or power up the really rare pokemon. the fucking grind in this game is insane

I haven't seen a single Geodude but I'm swimming in Drowzee and Pidgey

>see snorlax lvl 700
>put in hitmonchan lvl 960 because fighting good against normal

>move super effective but do barely a sliver of damage
>die because the fighting system is broken.

This irritates me the most. Anything with watergun is an instakill. My vaporeon can kill a higher level vaporeon because of watergun. My higher level elektabuzz can't kill vaporeon with super effective moves because the game is broken.

This desu

Vaporeon and Snorlax have a retarded amount of HP.

The battle system is just pure awful.

It works with everything.

Vaporeon vs jolteon same lvl = vaporeon wins.

Water gun is so OP it's ridiculous. It's like they put the text in for "super effective" but didn't put in the damage multiplier. I'm talking like a 1400 electabuzz doing 1HP damage to a 900 vaporeon.

I'm not a filthy casual

whats wrong, you dont want guys like me to geo tag you so we can see you coming out of the dildo shop

because of the summer or because you live in PG county and dont want to get culturally enriched

>the government needs to know where you keep catching those pidgies


Because it's not even a game.
It's just to pander to casual normal fags who want to claim they're "gamers" by saying "hay gaise, I play pokemans!"

Just got the game and went around town searching for pokestops. I got a tip from a guy that there was a dope pokestop further down the city so we went there.

I have never seen a mobile game take over the world like this. Every pokestop had tons of people around it just chilling around. I didnt even see 1 neckbeard. They were all normies and casuals dropping incense and farming pokeballs....

Because I haven't given a fuck about pokemon since red and mobile gaming can suck a dick.

Also a Voltorb, but that's better than my 20th Oddish

>there are reasonably attractive girls playing it
>there are dudebros playing it
>see the occasional neckbeard
>see just normal dudes
>see little kids
>even old people

It's united the world. I expected to see maybe 2 or 3 other people on my daily travels, but there are dozens.

Christ, in the park in the middle of downtown there were over 100 people just chain luring 3 Pokestops.


Lol'd at incest

because I don't want to get glomped by Team Mystic

who is paying your rent?

The Poke'cutie I usually walk with didn't come to the park tonight. She gave me her number but I didn't want to bother her if she had something else to do.

Who team rocket here?