Tell me, where did it go so wrong?

Tell me, where did it go so wrong?


Splitting it into three games and having an incredibly stupid story.

Treehouse is also a shit localization team but I'm sure some fags on Sup Forums will leap to their defense.

>Bad localization
>Pokemon style marketing
>Making the full version more expensive than it needed to be
>Treehouse localization
>lazy character designs/pallet swaps
>terrible writing
>no dual audio

Azura was a mistake and the game made you too much of a Dragon Sue. The games should've had the robin/chrom relationship dynamic with the younger brother being the tactician and the older brother commanding the vanguard.

I hate being a mary sue. I want to make myself a mage, why am I a noble.

I'll tell you where it went wrong.


>acknowledge your own failing in writing
>hire a well-known writer to write your story for you
>throw out 99% of it and write it yourself anyways

Also Birthright and Revelation aren't fun as games. And on the localization side, Treehouse tried to be more wacky and humorous with the alright support script, instead of trying to use their power for good and rewrite the main story to not be so fucking shit.

Also petting itself, and its alteration in the localized version.

Everything but music and Conquest's gameplay.

Oh wait, forgot to add the battle animations are pretty sick too, much better than Awakening's.

>throw out 99% of it and write it yourself anyways
Was there any reason they did this? The guy wrote like hundreds of pages of material, didn't he?

>see all the nice animations for different classes
>expect some sick merc/hero animations
>generic slashes and jump slashes
What a disappointment.

You do realize Robin is more of a Dragon Sue than Corrin will ever be, right?

Belka-user I thought you killed yourself

>Fire Emblem is one of the few Japanese franchises enjoyed by the west without the need for shitty pandering
>Add shitty pandering
>Appeal to people who aren't your primary demographic
>The demographic you're trying to hit don't buy your game
>Nobody is happy

Shitty story with shitty characters. So basically the same thing that went wrong with Awakening.

Smug merc will never, ever return mate. These are the times we live in, might as well just end it all now.

They pandered because you faggots weren't buying their games.

The manga was so much better than the anime.

The seasons guy was actually real nice too.

I have no clue, but if there's any potentially good reason, the story probably didn't lend itself well enough to the gameplay structure. I've seen interviews in the past where writers who get hired on for games or game writers who move on to other media often state how different and possibly challenging it can be writing for a game and making it work without utterly taking over the gameplay or breaking away from the wrappings in their mind of a game structure for other media.

At which point they should've worked together closely to try and make everything mesh together well instead of just saying "nah man, this shit's no good, sorry" and doing it themselves.

I've only played Conquest, but the story and characters are fucking terrible, not to mention the obvious weeb pandering. The gameplay is excellent though

Every character in awakening is more likeable than any character from fates

When characters are that shit can you really put one above the other? Does it even matter when they're both that bad?

>The gameplay is excellent though
No, it's not. Go play Radiant Dawn user.

I liked Panne, Yarne, and the candy guy.

I don't even like furries, I just thought their characters were nice.

Also the guy who 'hated' women.

I did on release and Conquest is much, much better.

The Radiance games are better as an overall product though

I said the relationship, not the character. In game both Takumi and Leo are acknowledged for their tactical prowess meanwhile the older brothers are pretty stronk. But despite that, the tactical decisions are being made by Kamui, a sheltered and naive person that grew up isolated from the world. Like in revelations, Kamui is the brains and the brawn meanwhile the other royals just sit around and occasionally suck your dick and praise you

I just wanted the focus to lessen on the self insert and have more time to develop the royals.

>I did on release and Conquest is much, much better.
You have to be trolling.
It takes brain problems to have taste this absurdly fucking wrong. Conquest is a half-step above Awakening at best. Radiant Dawn is the height of the series in terms of gameplay and map design.

I played Awakening, but I could not into Conquest. What old school FE should I play first? I've heard they're better.

Having the game revolve around The Avatar again.
I really wish MU would go back to being a nameless soldier.

Make your secondary a mage and heartseal into it.

Fire Emblem 8: Sacred Stones on GBA.

You are literally in the minority. Most FE fans agree Conquest's gameplay is very solid and a big improvement on Awakening's.

Maybe RD is better but Conquest is still right behind it.

I just want the following to go...

>romance system
>pairing up
>Two characters attack when side by side (makes shit way too easy)
>All the characters sucking the avatars dick constantly
>One game only, not this pokemon bullshit

Things I want to see again...

>Real main characters

Why exactly is Conquest better than Birthright?

I've only playing Conquest atm.

>>All the characters sucking the avatars dick constantly
I agree with these

Romance isn't inherently bad, but it's handled horribly. I still like the idea of supports and pairing up though.
They're still there?

Birthright is Awakening 2. Conquest was a proper Fire Emblem with an Awakening story

They're 3D models now. I would like higher quality sprites, like the GBA games but better.

Sorry, never played Awakening either.

The map still uses sprites.

Doing proper sprites in combat right now is actually more expensive than 3D models

Conquest is harder is the reason people like it more I think.

I guess I'd like them to spend more money on the game then, which I doubt would ever happen.

>You are literally in the minority.
Yeah, no. 'Literally'.
>Most FE fans agree Conquest's gameplay is very solid and a big improvement on Awakening's.
And Awakening was such a colossal step down from Radiant Dawn in terms of gameplay that a huge portion of the original Fire Emblem audience quit the franchise entirely and were replaced by waifufags who talk exclusively about eugenics. How much better Conquest is than Awakening has zero relevance on how it matches up to Radiant Dawn.
>Maybe RD is better but Conquest is still right behind it.
>I'm beginning to realize that I may have just said something really fucking dumb so I'm going to pretend I have a more moderate viewpoint on the topic at the last second.
Go play the actually good Fire Emblem games, friend.

Instead of keeping story simple they tried to pull tellius style shitfest
Gameplay was alright

>All the characters sucking the avatars dick constantly
>grunts not sucking the CO's dick at every turn
tip top kek

With hindsight, awakening at least had a decent story for the first half, and could at least tie up most of the story by the end. Conquest is pantsu on head retarded with hyperbolic time chamber child soldiers thrown in optionally. The other campaigns have better story, but not by much.

Also, conquest has the superior cast.

Start with 7, it's a logical jumping on point.
Then play 8 and 9 and 10.
Maybe see if you can find a translated version of 6 after that.

Better maps, more challenging, involves you to strategize better, more balanced (though not completely balanced either but that goes for 90% of FE games)

>And Awakening was such a colossal step down from Radiant Dawn in terms of gameplay that a huge portion of the original Fire Emblem audience quit the franchise entirely.
My sides
Fucking neo fire emblem fans who pretends being oldfags
I remember good old times when people hated tellius for having retarded story and worst maps in the series
But guess radiant generation grew up and now adult enough to post on Sup Forums

I want the story to stop revolving around the MU.
If that's the case, at least make me able to choose a personality instead of being a pacifist pussy.

I have played them fag. And I would say RD, Thracia and Conquest are all in the trinity of good FE gameplay. They all have solid gameplay and all do their own things to stand out from the rest while also providing some good challenge and strategic planning.

I skipped every single cutscene in Conquest and thought the game was great

>awakening fag false flagging

This. If the main character of the story is going to be a customization character, allow us to make decisions in regards to the story and flesh out the character's personality and the way they interact with supports (and I don't mean once or twice, I mean all the time). If you aren't up for that, nix the entire fucking character customization and just have us focus on a pre-defined Lord with an actual personality beyond "the best at everything and also humble and merciful."

Here, take your (You) and go.

Wrong. Nobody with a functional brain has ever complained about the Tellius MAPS. All of the Tellius complaints are about the tertiary shit like characters, supports, story and the part structure in Fire Emblem. All of the concrete mechanical stuff is universally accepted as being top tier. Fuck off.

Awakening, which in turn was caused by a string of mediocre-poor games being released in a row (10,11) and the one good release not getting a western release (12).

Fates as a whole suffers from one of the most poorly written stories I have ever read, and bar none the singular worst story in all of Fire Emblem. It also has rather shitty characters for the most part. Weed priest is about the only notable character on Hoshido, period. Nohr lucks out a bit more, but it's still a rather poor selection overall for anyone not interested in waifu/husbandofaggotry.

In terms of gameplay, both Revelations and Hoshido are just flat out shit, while Conquest has some decent map designs. Still, 1/3 routes being passable isn't acceptable. Weapon durability being removed is interesting, but needs some pretty hefty rebalancing if they want us to not just forge a fuckton of Iron and Steel weapons to bypass the stupid restrictions on top-tier weapons. Skills are better balanced than Awakening, but I still think 9/10 had the best skill system.

OC donut steel dragonlord who can't do nuffin wrong was a mistake as well.

I think Fates gameplay is better. It allows way more freedom and has a lot more unique mechanics to it. Radiant Dawn is controlled almost entirely by character availability.

It's really confusing that you champion Radiant Dawn but hate Fates though, given Radiant Dawn is trash tier in everything but gameplay.

The Avatar thing could be nice if IS doesn't go full retard and make the plot revolve around you again. Just about everything else you mentioned could go though.

You're going to get shitty 3D animations and you're going to like it.

I actually failed a map for the first time in years thanks to Conquest.

>It's really confusing that you champion Radiant Dawn but hate Fates though, given Radiant Dawn is trash tier in everything but gameplay.
I have been specifically championing Radiant Dawn's gameplay. I haven't commented on any other aspect of it.
But if you don't think gameplay is the most important aspect of a FIRE EMBLEM game then you're beyond help.

I wouldn't mind the Avatar if they make him like FE12's again. Robin takes a bit too much of the spotlight and Corrin is just full retard. I hope IS never fucking makes an Avatar the protagonist again.

After playing Awakening I realized that the current Fire Emblem Franchise is Pay-to-win. So I have no interest in getting on the FE bandwagon soon.

I never played 12, but I'd love for a White Knight Chronicles kind of avatar. They don't have to do anything in the story other than just be there.

>Single player game is pay to win
They have the grinding dlcs, I guess?

From the start, I didn't mind Robin in Awakening, specifically his position. Tactician is one that doesn't take up too much of the spotlight, allows the main Lord (Chrom, in this case) to be at the forefront both diplomatically and in battle, and will allow the Tactician to show moments of brilliance that make the Avatar feel like they deserve to be in the army.

Are you taking the piss? Why even bother have an avatar in the story if they don't do a single thing?

The only thing the WKC Avatar has going for him is what happens in the post game DLC that was never released in the west. He doesn't do anything in the main game except for nod or occasionally smile at Leonard.

>liking anything about awakening
Get out newfag!

Except after the Gangrel arc the story becomes about Robin and Chrom is a third wheel to the plot.

Yeah, gameplay's the most important. That's why people generally like Fates, because it has great gameplay.

Just doesn't make any sense to shit on it so much when everyone says it's one of the best in gameplay. Like even if you're in the minority saying Radiant Dawn's better, do you actually think Fates gameplay is worse than even half the games in this series?

It's too hard for kimotaku to self-insert as Sigurd, Hector, Ephraim, or Ike. The new main characters are much better for them. Enjoy more games featuring the lead pussyfooting around and being a doormat in general.

By this point the Avatar is probably going to be a series staple from now on. Another 12 style Avatar would be better, but then the new fanbase would bitch about not getting their dick sucked every 10 minutes.

>Why even bother have an avatar in the story if they don't do a single thing
Because they serve no benefit to the story and would be better if they purely existed so you can have a custom unit

Eh. I wouldn't say Chrom is a third wheel so much as the Robin becomes just as important as Chrom. I would say this is exemplified at the very end, since both Chrom and Robin can defeat Grima, when it should have honestly only been one of them. Even if the only way the game could end is by Robin destroying Grima, it wouldn't have been such a problem if Robin wasn't also a master tactician, a battlefield combatant, and a master of eugenics.

>would be better if they purely existed so you can have a custom unit
Again, why? That's completely masturbatory and worthless. Nix the idea and focus on the important parts of the game.

>That's why people generally like Fates, because it has great gameplay.
One THIRD of the game has OKAY gameplay.
It has great gameplay relative to Awakening, which has shit gameplay.
>do you actually think Fates gameplay is worse than even half the games in this series?
Lurk more.

FATEfags are BTFO
What a great day

We already knew that Fates was largely shit, no need to go around with old bait user.

Nah, we still have retards who claim that game had good gameplay
Fucking neo Sup Forums

Conquest does though

No, it doesn't
It's literally shit just little better than awakening one
Fucking awakening kids

Conquest is alright. It's largely nothing stellar, it just feels like it is in comparison to Birthright and Revelations.

Gameplay aside, Awakening is better than Conquest on every aspect.

Yeah, obviously it's nothing stellar but it's head and shoulders above any SRPG released in the last five years

>Gameplay aside
I think the designs were more memorable in Fates for the most part. The sameface dropped in frequency and characters got more poses.

Path of Radiance and Radiant dawn, Shadow Dragon, GBA and Sacred Stones

Please, FE has never been solely about the gameplay, considering that LUCT, DeSu, and even Advance Wars top it in that area.

And while I do think that the character designs are better in Conquest, the Awakening cast is much more memorable IMO.

>Shadow Dragon
I was going to ask why you suggested Radiant Dawn, but this is far more important. Are you trying to get them to hate the goddamn series?

DeSu is pretty average man

Not even that user, but I will fucking fight you.

It went wrong when they started being afraid to kill plot important characters

there's a good reason why even now FE4 is considered the best FE

The "exploit weaknesses" and field skills mechanics make the gameplay much more fun. And while the level design itself isn't particularly spectacular most of the time, the boss fights are GOAT.

Lucifer in 1 and Beelzebub in 2 were very fun.

>radiant dawn
>literally the worst gameplay out of all the games released in english

Oh man, I know this post is old but I just have to let you know you have the worst taste of anyone on this site

Play Shadow Dragon and say that again.

If they brought back the GBA sprites for the mobile game, I'd play, no matter how much of a sucker I'd be for falling for a bare-bones, microtransaction-laden shit it'd be.

I hope it at least is a game, and not whatever low crap they could churn out.

I did. If you dont class change shadow dragon's gameplay is at least passable. Radiant dawn is the only fe I have ever put down.

Whenever someone shits on Shadow Dragon I never get a valid reason, what's so bad about it? Are none of Marth's games good then?

Shadow dragon (The ds remake) was not that good due to character limit restrictions and there was almost no character development and it had a very linear plot and overall felt bare bones compared to the other Fire Emblems.

RD's biggest issue gameplay-wise is the fucked character availability. Sure, third-tier promotions are broken, but for the majority of the time the actual gameplay is at least passable. Just don't go full retard like I did and play Hard, you'll probably kill yourself trying to deal with the Downs Brigade.

Shadow Dragon is extremely bare-bones at best. The sequel is a damn fine game though.

I liked it for its SMT elements, but beyond that it didn't lend itself to tactical play very well. You tended to get bogged down in a swarm of demons after the first two turns since there was only four units you could use.

I've honestly never had that issue when playing the game. Do you remember what your team was like when you dropped it?

hello Sup Forums. wouldnt call myself a fan of the fire emblem series at all but i did enjoy fire emblem: radiant dawn. combat was nice with the level ups and item system too. dont really care for story much care more about gameplay. anyways should i get the fire emblem fates complete game thing? is it much different to radiant dawn?

Holy shit the dawn brigade sucked so fucking much I raged when every time I selected one of those shitty units early on, why the fuck does their axe fighter have 65% hit rate on that retard Edward?